Finally, players are starting to cut up and imposing. Adding good weight and losing bad weight so they can perform the best they can. Why did things like this feel impossible in the Golden/RS reign and w/ Swasey?

Well, 56Nightmares did not get the memo.

Homeboy is fat and out of shape.

He really is, and it's so disappointing. The ironic part is that he is constantly posting videos of himself working out on his instagram story. And anyone who doubts that he's out of shape need only observe the fact that he was already having hamstring issues before the team even donned pads. Really hope someone like Shaq can light a fire under his *** because we all know Pinckney has ridiculous potential.
is he a linebacker or a male model ? We don't need our linebackers to have 6 packs

Not saying a six pack is absolutely necessary for a linebacker. Guess you missed the part where he's been on the bike for two days because he apparently pulled a hamstring before we even put on pads. Basically during walk-throughs, which is a joke.

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The jury still out on redwine as FS for this defense, in my opinion. I see the CBs as Jackson and Dean; Nickles: Young and Bandy; SS: Johnson and Carter; and FS: Delaney and Redwine. Redwine must show me he's a playmaker to be starting FS. If he is then move Delaney back to corner. Our FS should remind us of former playmakers: Bennie Blades, Ed Reed. and Taylor. I think Delaney is the player.
So far the defensive staff is pleased with Red @ safety. We will see how he progresses there, but most seem to think it's his natural position.

Delaney received an NFL draftable grade at CB, so a move to another position is almost entirely out of the question. Not sure what you're thinking there.
Just my opinion from past observations of seeing Redwine play in high school and last year. Delaney may be a future NFL CB but he seems to be the best reacting to ball in air. Redwine would be a good SS in my opinion but let's see how he does on deep passes. The best five DBs are: Delaney Johnson Young Dean and Bandy.
Wrong! I am from south Florida, attended killian and a season ticket holder. Just my opinion and observation! I like Redwine at SS...not FS.
This man and coach Gus have been earning their money.



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hope they come up with some big INTs this year. maybe we can even hope for a return TD

How is Giselle?


We have a real winner here. From Hialeah streets to Miami Beach, Giselle Espinales @gisellesports has finally hit the jackpot. She is 28 and has two kids, one when she was 17 (doesn’t have custody of) and the other child is from affair with Will Manso @WillManso, a gullible married man she is crazy obsessed with. Both married but neither cared. Had one night stand and destroyed families and lives. The guy is no gem either. Will is a hot headed jerk with bad hygiene who blames the world for affair. He works at Fox Sports Heat and she an editor at Fox Sports Florida. Will got her job cause she couldn’t make it as a sports reporter. Giselle will have *** with older married men so she can pay her bills.

hope they come up with some big INTs this year. maybe we can even hope for a return TD

How is Giselle?


We have a real winner here. From Hialeah streets to Miami Beach, Giselle Espinales @gisellesports has finally hit the jackpot. She is 28 and has two kids, one when she was 17 (doesn’t have custody of) and the other child is from affair with Will Manso @WillManso, a gullible married man she is crazy obsessed with. Both married but neither cared. Had one night stand and destroyed families and lives. The guy is no gem either. Will is a hot headed jerk with bad hygiene who blames the world for affair. He works at Fox Sports Heat and she an editor at Fox Sports Florida. Will got her job cause she couldn’t make it as a sports reporter. Giselle will have *** with older married men so she can pay her bills.


hope they come up with some big INTs this year. maybe we can even hope for a return TD

How is Giselle?


We have a real winner here. From Hialeah streets to Miami Beach, Giselle Espinales @gisellesports has finally hit the jackpot. She is 28 and has two kids, one when she was 17 (doesn’t have custody of) and the other child is from affair with Will Manso @WillManso, a gullible married man she is crazy obsessed with. Both married but neither cared. Had one night stand and destroyed families and lives. The guy is no gem either. Will is a hot headed jerk with bad hygiene who blames the world for affair. He works at Fox Sports Heat and she an editor at Fox Sports Florida. Will got her job cause she couldn’t make it as a sports reporter. Giselle will have *** with older married men so she can pay her bills.


fkn comedy!