2024 DB Zavier Mincey

There are outsiders in this board who know more than Gaby and Geo combined.

270, that's a rather arbitrary number. Is there a reason you picked it?

Personally, I don't care about the composite class rankings. I care about the prospect grade, the cumulative prospect ranking score.

Right now we're sitting under 90. That's past coach here land. The class ranking so far is bolstered by numbers and it's artifically inflated.

@WeBallinBoyz dissected exactly what I'm getting at above.
Yes arbitrary but year in year out a good bet that it will be a good class if it reaches that number. I do agree average matters a ton but the thing with classes and overall grade is that it will be a mix of quality and meeting necessary quantity needs. That’s why the 247 algo is solid.
270, that's a rather arbitrary number. Is there a reason you picked it?

Personally, I don't care about the composite class rankings. I care about the prospect grade, the cumulative prospect ranking score.

Right now we're sitting under 90. That's past coach here land. The class ranking so far is bolstered by numbers and it's artifically inflated.

@WeBallinBoyz dissected exactly what I'm getting at above.
Historically I will say 270 is a pretty good target number for a very good class, so bobby is definitely on track here.
And to add to your point: Clemson won those titles with generational/very elite QBs - DeShaun Watson & Trevor Lawrence. So to win a title, a team must either have a: top-5 roster or a top-10 roster & and a ~top-10 pick at QB.

But our recruiting doesn’t need to be championship caliber right now. We can build iteratively. What we do need is to string together a couple top 10 seasons and coastal championships. That’ll give us a shot at catapulting our recruiting from the 8-15 range to elite top-5 level.
This is why I kept saying we could get to the 8-12 range when everyone was slitting their wrists. Especially with a good season. That could cause a couple big flips by its self. The season was never the end all but it could definitely add some cherries and whip cream to the class.
8-12 range after a 5-7 season and replacing both coordinators. Who wouldn’t take that?
Is this the good news for tonight? Just saw gaby out in another crystal ball for another 3 star OL project lol. Hopefully this is who pops tonight vs another project