Davis becomes 2nd commit in as many days to shut it down

CMR is not ******* around. Put a fence around South Florida.

The NCAA is not ready for the rebirth of the U. Saban is not ready for the rebirth of the U. Meyers is not ready for the rebirth of the U. Fisher, McChew, and all these coaches who have had their way in our backyard, non of them are ready for the rebirth of the U.

All these young goons shutting it down months away from the Early Signing Period is showing the strength of This U. We win big this year, and the last remaining spots will all be filled by blue chippers; I gua-rone-tee it. There's work that still needs to be done, but slowly but surely, our empire and its territories are being rebuilt. Thank you CMR.
I'll be shutting down wearing pants until nsd.

# respek my decision

Lol this "reaffirming" **** is hilarious. Nobody thought Davis was wavering on his commitment anyway but hey...might as well have a reason to tweet a new edit out

People will find anything to complain about.

Not really. Did anyone think Davis was going anywhere but Miami? That's my point. I was pleased with Silvera shutting it down bc he was wavering hard.

Who ****ed in your Fruit Loops this morning?

There is nothing bad about this in the least, and it ideally provides more positive fuel to recruiting momentum. In case you haven't been keeping up, a big part of recruiting in this century, is keeping your your school's name out there in the most positive way possible, and this helps in that respect.

Social media is a form of communication that can generate buzz, which can be helpful.

Don't be that guy - like those poor souls in their wheelchairs at the front lawn of their rest homes in their boxers, and black socks to their knees, waving their fists as the rest of the world passes them by.

Totally agree, but that was way more explanation than that guy deserved ya big softy.