This kids recruitment is going pick up steam over the next 2 years. He has good cover skills for a LB, he performed quite well at the Miami opening this summer for a junior to be.
Link to article about Reese
Link to article about Reese
Three-Way Dance for 2018 S Reese
FORT PIERCE, Fla. - Outside linebacker David Reese (Fort Pierce, Fla./Central) has ties to all three of his favorites.
Louisville offered him first.
His uncle, Ron Dugans, coaches wide receivers for Miami.
His brother, Stewart Reese, is a freshman offensive lineman for Mississippi State.
He said those three programs 'stick out' and have shown him the 'most love' so far.
"The area and seeing my brother," Reese said of Mississippi State. "It's a nice family area. I'm open to anywhere. It would be nice to go to college with (my brother) but at the end of the day I'm making my own decision. I like Miami's swagger, the city and the people. My dad is always telling me they want me down there a lot. Louisville shows me the most love. They are always texting me showing me that they care. I'm still open."
Reese, who has seven offers including tenders from Florida, Miami, Louisville, Mississippi State, Middle Tennessee State, Syracuse and Indiana, said he plans to visit Miami for a game this fall.
"It was (a surprise)," Reese said of Florida. "I never thought (Florida) was real interested in me so seeing them offer was a real shock. I like some of their players and some of their past players."
Reese (6-2, 215) said Mississippi State offered him as an outside linebacker. He said the rest of his offers are at safety.
Reese visited Mississippi State, Auburn and Alabama this summer.
Reese said he's hoping LSU, Ohio State and Alabama offer.
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