Darren Rovell trying to shut down the U

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Darren all day every day

The SEC really needs to update their play book. Gone are the days when all they had to do is tell one of their cronies to do a hit piece on someone who threatens them (i.e Should UM shut down their football program). Now they have to be less obvious...like writing a general piece; using Miami, USC, and let's say Miss. St (just to throw everyone off the scent) as examples; and calling for an SEC-influenced "investigation" (or witch hunt if you will) to keep the attention away from the shenanigans of the SEC. This is how it's done in 2022.
The SEC really needs to update their play book. Gone are the days when all they had to do is tell one of their cronies to do a hit piece on someone who threatens them (i.e Should UM shut down their football program). Now they have to be less obvious...like writing a general piece; using Miami, USC, and let's say Miss. St (just to throw everyone off the scent) as examples; and calling for an SEC-influenced "investigation" (or witch hunt if you will) to keep the attention away from the shenanigans of the SEC. This is how it's done in 2022.
This is a relief after much Canes vs Canes conflict. Seems like Rovell doesn't know when to quit.