Darrain Felix '17 APB, Fort Myers

He probably fits a Clemson or Oregin 's offense better, but we need or something similar

You seen Miami's new offense to make that judgement? That akin to saying Clemson's Wayne Gallman does well at Clemson because of their system, but would not be a fit here, although you have no knowledge of Miami's offense or anything to make that judgement. Remember speed works in all offenses.

Boy practically lives at Clemson and that's the likely destination oh and he's decent at corner. Randy Smith the best corner on that team
Go to school with him. West Virginia leads rn for him I've heard. Clemson is his dream school, but Miami still has a chance
if Cmr wants to run the same offense that he did at FSU he's the perfect back. Warrick Dunn and Travis Minor both had similar skill sets to him
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He is listening to all the schools and there are many knocking on the door. Made one visit to Clemson this year not several. Anyone that thinks he has made a decision is wrong. Right now he is focusing on fine tuning his skill set and preparing for his senior year. Very focused and mature guy. As I stated his Mom is a huge factor, as he makes his decision. My brother ,like my father who coached there 6 decades until he passed will never tell a SA which school to choose they will just be the manager of the craziness and guide them when they ask the questions. As for Randy "Boogie" Smith, another to watch. Another important piece to the puzzle is he is strong in the classroom.
This kid is a beast but Southwest Florida kids are funny

Southwest Florida kids with real talent rarely consider Miami at all. Hopefully CMR can change this. Aside from Edge and Spenser Adkins, I can't think of many kids from this area that have gone to Miami and done much. The $EC and to some extent Michigan, Wisconsin, and Taint have this area locked down. Definitely forget about Naples High. I think their coach and admins hate Miami.
This kid is a beast but Southwest Florida kids are funny

Southwest Florida kids with real talent rarely consider Miami at all. Hopefully CMR can change this. Aside from Edge and Spenser Adkins, I can't think of many kids from this area that have gone to Miami and done much. The $EC and to some extent Michigan, Wisconsin, and Taint have this area locked down. Definitely forget about Naples High. I think their coach and admins hate Miami.

Phillip Buchanon
No disrespect to this kid, because I honestly really like what I saw...I just care about nothing else in the backfield but getting McFarland chief
Reminds me a lot of Cook coming out of high school. Still has another year to refine his skillset. He is about .1 off of Cooks 40 time but, the burst is there. tough runner as well. Wasnt expecting him to want to play WR in college. But, like GEO said he looks like he can play RB,CB,WR at a high level. Sign him up! Going to be a tough pull said he wants to go out of state.
This kid is a beast but Southwest Florida kids are funny

Southwest Florida kids with real talent rarely consider Miami at all. Hopefully CMR can change this. Aside from Edge and Spenser Adkins, I can't think of many kids from this area that have gone to Miami and done much. The $EC and to some extent Michigan, Wisconsin, and Taint have this area locked down. Definitely forget about Naples High. I think their coach and admins hate Miami.
I was at American High Coach Kramer's last year there, and make no mistake, he has no love for the 305. No joke, he bashed Miami (the city, not the school) and American every day, and relentlessly boasted about how much better Naples was going to be for him and his family to the point.

He also was a pretty serious Jesus Freak (Liberty University alumni) and talked up his role in the Promise Keepers every chance he got (usually right after he bashed Miami and American). He taught Health, yet, all I learned about was how much Miami sucked and how he couldn't wait to leave.

Not saying I knew a certain CB who shall remain nameless would "flip", but I laughed when some posters were saying Kramer wouldn't allow him to switch his commitment. Dude despises this city and everything associated with it.

He was a **** good FB coach, though. I'll never take that from him.
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Taylor Timmons, Broderick Bolden and Darin McMurray and I know already what you will say Jammi German. Truth is lee county has way too many high schools and the talent is spread through 17 HS for a still relatively small area.