Dancing queen on the playlist ??!!!

Tailored the playlist around the 100 sorority girls that make it out
If the majority of the fans recognize the song, chances are it’s old school. With a few exception (Phill Collins, AC DC, etc.), the playlist should be contemporary and relevant, not old school. Most football fans probably never even heard of “Let’s Go,” “We Ready” or “Crank Dat Soulja Boy” until it blared from the OB speakers.

Don’t let the fans decide. I don’t want to hear what other “fans” like from a pre-populated list. I wanna hear something that I don’t currently listen to that creates an electric environment because it’s unrecognizable by most and those who do recognize the song are surprised it’s being played.

That’s how it should be!
Most of these goofy songs get played during timeouts and commercial breaks when they have silly contests for fans or the weird student section fire extinguisher thing.

Personally, I wan them to bring back "Never Scared" by Bone Crusher. That **** was loud as **** in the OB back in the mid 2000's.
<------ You all should now how I feel given my avatar.

That said, get over it. You can complain about the music and the atmosphere all you want. I'm not crazy about it myself. But the fact is that teams all across the country want to appeal to a wide mass of people and so it's not going to be some hardcore atmosphere. There is always going to be music and "entertainment" that doesn't necessarily appeal to folks on this site, i.e., hardcore football dudes. But these teams know we're coming to the game regardless and so if they can put on some music of today and some wife or girlfriend or kid starts dancing and having fun, maybe they'll want to come back.
I agree for most part but that list is just comical.. I thought it was a troll job at first, but I got same exact list lol.. You can create entertainment and still have decent music, its not one or the other.. Mind you we have had people complain about the music for YEARSSS so this is good if it gets addressed. Sign the petition lol
The last Mr. Bigg - Trial Time
Trick Daddy - Can't **** w/the South
Triple J - What the Lick Read
Dancing Queen is a timeless classic but not sure it's ever been played at a football game.