Spot on. Everyone likes status quo in life when it benefits them, and change when status quo does not.He has some good points.
But he seems to be chiming in now that he doesn’t have the advantage of the shadow booster anymore.
Didn’t see him complaining or worried about the system when he was winning and landing whoever he wanted.
In other words Jimbo is probably saying everything is fine and the players are finally getting what they deserve, but Dabo now wants to highlight sht that’s been known for years. Amazing how things are bad when they’re not going your way.
It is just blatant self interest.
Of course had the coaches and universities thrown some crumbs to the athletes over the past 40 years of shoe/uniform/autographs deals/ etc… then maybe the pendulum in the system would not have swung so far to the other side.
But over time the pendulum generally settles in the middle and likely will here as well. But it may take 5-10 year or more of NIL insanity before that happens.