CWS 2021 thread

LOL, Bosch is one of my all time favorite series, did not know that.

And I dont think anyone said you can't pull for NC St, they just said them winning does not make Miami a better baseball team. I'm pulling for them, they get Rocker tonight so gonna be tough.
Bosch took me by surprise. Its based on books from the 90's. Any kind of crime/mystery show today has either a superhacker that can get info from anywhere in seconds or some forensic expert who can identify a grain of sand and tell you it's only found in this 300 sq ft area of the city.

LOL, Bosch is one of my all time favorite series, did not know that.

And I dont think anyone said you can't pull for NC St, they just said them winning does not make Miami a better baseball team.
Exactly, it doesn't do a **** thing for Miami. It doesn't make Miami more battle-hardened or tougher, and that couldn't be more evident than this year when the ACC put two teams in the CWS while Miami got its doors blown off by the score of 17-5 in three games against a couple of non-P5, 3 and 4-seeds
Bosch took me by surprise. Its based on books from the 90's. Any kind of crime/mystery show today has either a superhacker that can get info from anywhere in seconds or some forensic expert who can identify a grain of sand and tell you it's only found in this 300 sq ft area of the city.

I am in the middle of Angels Flight, the 6th book in the series. Started with The Black Echo about a month ago. Can't put them down; planning to read the whole series.
Jarrett the second baseman and Justice the closer are not in the ballpark. Assuming they are going through contact tracing protocol with everybody else right now.
The COVID -19 Health Officer is designated by each team, as I understand it. Tell me that process isn't subject to less than accurate reporting and communication.
It’s comical. Has been the entire time but especially Now. 99.9999% of these young men and women wouldn’t even know they were sick 🤣
No kidding. Yet the NCAA allowed Starkville, Fayetteville, etc. to be at full capacity. I highly suspect those fans were at much greater risk and many were likely not vaccinated and/or COVID positive compared to healthy, 20 year-old athletes.
NC State is playing with just 13 available players. Best of luck to them, but that’s just crazy.
This has become embarrassing now w this missed call on the double. Chalk flew up for God's sakes.