Crown Donna Shalala

I'm in her corner, but we have to remember this happened on her watch. Our lack of compliance with all the talk about how good it was is pathetic. We got lucky here. I hope we learned a lesson and this isn't repeated anytime soon. Full steam ahead.

Nonsense. The President of the University does not have "watch" over compliance. UM hires an Athletic Director to handle Athletic Department matters and compliance of all things (especially on a day-to-day basis) is under the AD's watch. You can sometimes reach too high when you take an ultimate responsibility view of things and I think pointing at President Shalala in that way is one of those times.

I also think calling our compliance efforts pathetic is an oversimplification, as Franchise noted.

Oh, and after the last several years of bowl bans, reduced visits, lost recruits, clouds of uncertainty hanging over us for far too long, ongoing criticism, etc., I don't feel lucky. Yeah, it could have been worse, but it also could have gone a completely different way if it had not opened with a sensationalized salvo from an irresponsible idiot looking to make a reputation at our expense. Luck in these situations usually involves an affiliation with the $EC or with Nike money.

I'm in her corner, but we have to remember this happened on her watch. Our lack of compliance with all the talk about how good it was is pathetic. We got lucky here. I hope we learned a lesson and this isn't repeated anytime soon. Full steam ahead.

Are you aware that this con-artist was able to scheme almost a billion dollars out of investors. This con-artist was able to evade the DOJ and FBI for a long time as well. I suppose Donna needs to be held to a higher standard than the DOJ/FBI and these investors.

Perhaps the con-artist was pretty good at conning.
I'm in her corner, but we have to remember this happened on her watch. Our lack of compliance with all the talk about how good it was is pathetic. We got lucky here. I hope we learned a lesson and this isn't repeated anytime soon. Full steam ahead.

Yes because no one else got duped by Sh1tzero. This "it happened under her watch" rap will be the new mantra to subtly take shots at Don Donna while acting impartial on her.

This was one rogue scumbag who operated in the shadows away from the program. It was not a systemic problem. It was one rogue scumbag, who just happened to bilk a lot of really smart business people out of their money too.

Donna should be held more accountable than the DOJ and FBI. He is correct.

How often could this scenario happen? Con-artist/fraudster running a ponzi-scheme in which he took almost a billion dollars from investors.
I agree almost on everything but the "meaningless bowl games" part.

National media guys keep saying that. The 1st one, yes, kinda. There's still the extra practices with a super young team we could've benefited from. Last year, I may be in the minority, but I would've loved another shot at FSU. We played them tough for most of the 1st game. I'll always take another shot at our biggest rival for a conference championship. Sure, if we lost, the bowl game would've been a whatever bowl. But then you still have the practices which would've made us better right now.

All in all, Donna did what was needed to get us righteous. So I agree with the OP. I just felt the need to argue the meaningless bowl thing.
Where are all the provincial ******** who have be ripping her and calling for her head for so many years? Suddenly not a peep? Big surprise. ******* cowards. Do us a favor, and stay hidden in your little holes. We don't need your two cents ******* up our great university and legendary football program.

I'm in her corner, but we have to remember this happened on her watch. Our lack of compliance with all the talk about how good it was is pathetic. We got lucky here. I hope we learned a lesson and this isn't repeated anytime soon. Full steam ahead.

Yes because no one else got duped by Sh1tzero. This "it happened under her watch" rap will be the new mantra to subtly take shots at Don Donna while acting impartial on her.

This was one rogue scumbag who operated in the shadows away from the program. It was not a systemic problem. It was one rogue scumbag, who just happened to bilk a lot of really smart business people out of their money too.

Let's not forget a student/athletes who never experienced the lifestyle and really are jut kids, today everyone has become more sophisticated in their handling of this ****.
I agree almost on everything but the "meaningless bowl games" part.

National media guys keep saying that. The 1st one, yes, kinda. There's still the extra practices with a super young team we could've benefited from. Last year, I may be in the minority, but I would've loved another shot at FSU. We played them tough for most of the 1st game. I'll always take another shot at our biggest rival for a conference championship. Sure, if we lost, the bowl game would've been a whatever bowl. But then you still have the practices which would've made us better right now.

All in all, Donna did what was needed to get us righteous. So I agree with the OP. I just felt the need to argue the meaningless bowl thing.

"Meaningless" was used in terms of the large scheme of things. In the big picture, you sacrifice a low tier bowl appearance so when your team gets higher ranking, like now, you don't miss the big one that brings you more prestige, money and national recognition, i.e, Ohio State.
+1 for getting us out of this mess. She shined the brightest when we needed her most.

-1 for hiring the experiment Shannon. That had disaster written all over it from day 1, and we all knew it.
I've never killed her. I like how outgoing she's been in her support for the program through very difficult times. That said, she got bit lucky that the NCAA stepped on their ****s as badly as they did. If that hadn't happened, we'd all must likely be in very bad moods this week.

She did crank the vise when they got caught in it, though. And it was a joy to watch.
+1 for getting us out of this mess. She shined the brightest when we needed her most.

-1 for hiring the experiment Shannon. That had disaster written all over it from day 1, and we all knew it.

I did not know that although I came to believe so later.
I've never killed her. I like how outgoing she's been in her support for the program through very difficult times. That said, she got bit lucky that the NCAA stepped on their ****s as badly as they did. If that hadn't happened, we'd all must likely be in very bad moods this week.

She did crank the vise when they got caught in it, though. And it was a joy to watch.

One truth of negotiations is that you negotiate from a position of power. When new info comes in, how does this affect the exposure I or my client may have? She was helped by the NCAA's ineptitude but she was astute enough to know how to play that card. And while I hate politics in any form, the truth is that there is huge value to being connected, forming alliances, and being liked (to some degree) and respected. You rarely get a positive outcome playing the tough guy when you're the one that's in the cross-hairs.
+1 for getting us out of this mess. She shined the brightest when we needed her most.

-1 for hiring the experiment Shannon. That had disaster written all over it from day 1, and we all knew it.

wasn't it paul dee that promoted shannon after everyone else turned us down (schiano) and donna just approved the hire?