Off-Topic Crime 2.0

Kinda like a popular opinion in your base that the climate is in serious jeopardy and the world may be in a death spiral (maybe even less than 12 years remain... lol) and that fossil fuels are the devil and we need to get rid of gas cars, stoves, etc?

But that directly impacts the price of everything ... and everyone that is in the middle class or poorer suffers what some would call a "tax on those making less than $400k"?

Kinda like that right?
More like that attitude of I have to do my job just good enough to not get fired. More like Michael Brown running FEMA or Pete Buttigieg running DOT.

No need to actually lead, just keep the seat warm and put it on the resume. But the attitude goes to journalists who just transcribe what they're told from press releases or "sources" or corporate management that just wants to make sure the next quarterly report is good enough to keep from people calling for their head. It goes all the way down to individual workers.
I recently was involved in a discussion about the lack of leadership in hospitals and that spilled into the wider world. Basically, the one director referred to it as inertia management. Underqualified people are doing the bare minimum to make sure that whatever they're responsible for keeps moving forward. There's a pervasive belief that the system will just keep going and the one or two little things they add that might negatively impact productivity won't have a major impact on the organization as a whole.

Applying that to cities like Chicago, you have a mayor who might take some populist action because it will help their popularity and generate positive press, but figures any negative impact will be so minimal that nobody will notice. These things add up and you have the situation they're in now.

In all fairness to Lightfoot, Chicago (and Illinois) have been in decline for years. However, she is absolutely at fault for dramatically accelerating that decline and hurting the city long term. Three huge companies moved out, as have many individual and wealthy taxpayers, so the city needs to spend more money on a declining tax base.
Not sure what’s wrong with that?? It’s very bad in Columbus. Mainly juveniles too.
What do u mean? About asking Kia/Hyundai to do a recall because people are committing crimes?

It’s like when Lori Lightfoot blamed the retail stores for not hiring security for shoplifting.

Stop reducing the penalties to crimes and then people would realize there’s repercussions and less likely to commit said crimes

But in many liberal places they are reducing penalties or have DAs that don’t follow the laws to prosecute… so criminals feel emboldened
What do u mean? About asking Kia/Hyundai to do a recall because people are committing crimes?

It’s like when Lori Lightfoot blamed the retail stores for not hiring security for shoplifting.

Stop reducing the penalties to crimes and then people would realize there’s repercussions and less likely to commit said crimes

But in many liberal places they are reducing penalties or have DAs that don’t follow the laws to prosecute… so criminals feel emboldened
My understanding is there is something wrong with them making them easier to steal and being targeted. A group in Cbus is being Kia Boys or something.
My understanding is there is something wrong with them making them easier to steal and being targeted. A group in Cbus is being Kia Boys or something.
I don't have an issue with a car company fixing whatever the issue is that makes it easy to steal. However, who pays for doing those fixes? Kia/Hyundia right?

I guess I equate it to like a grocery store or convenience store. It's simple to just take something off the shelf and steal it and walk out the door right? But most people don't do it cause there's laws against it. But more and more people are doing that too... because laws and fines have been reduced to where the repercussions are small. Stealing cars are in that same category in a lot of cities, cause the penalties/fines have been reduced if/when they are caught.

In society... if you want a bad action to stop. Increase the penalty and enforcement... voila!

