Off-Topic Crime 2.0

with all that money flowing into the police force, you think there would be better training. instead you have a bunch of fat clowns running around with GED's and a couple of months training
Since 2020 they have been cutting funding to police in many places… including $1 billion from NYPD

The media has also contributed to the highest retirement and attrition rates in years

Maybe they should start working towards building communities up to work with law enforcement (which I was pleased to hear from many peaceful protesters that were interviewed in Memphis last night). Police are vital to society… and it’s also vital for the police officers to be well trained and to be good people too. As we saw in the video last night, there are still many bad actors in uniform with little to no supervision

Please tell me this is fake news! 😂
I think if I were the Memphis authorities, I'd release it at 6am on a Sunday morning. As opposed to 6pm on a Friday nite.

The community reaction will be an interesting comparison to when you have the usual Black man killed or beaten by White officers. All networks are going to great pains to show the mugshots of all five Black officers every time the story is aired.
The media will bring on countless academic types to paint it as white supremacy. Easiest bet of the week.
You really don’t understand what the problem is

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When u already know you aren’t going to jail or suffering consequences… this is how society will act…

And we are just getting started. Keep electing these soft on crime mayors and Soros will provide even softer on crime DAs
with all that money flowing into the police force, you think there would be better training. instead you have a bunch of fat clowns running around with GED's and a couple of months training
The last couple of years, policing has been put down and attacked resulting in mass exodus from agencies across the country. Subsequently, very few quality people want to take on the job. As a result, you end of with bottom of the barrel candidates filling the positions and you then end up with incidents such as this one, which in my opinion will become more routine. These guys are perps with a badge.

Democrats have often been labeled "soft on crime" by their opponents. The latest Numbeo report will do little to stem such denunciations.​

Most cities are run by Democrats? You don’t say!