Off-Topic Crime 2.0

He appeared to operate a website on which he wrote a wide variety of posts touching on almost all manner of modern conspiracy thinking: aliens, ****** people, communism, vaccines, voter fraud and many other topics.
He must be a libera.
Did u see his house?!?

So he can only be a conservative or liberal?!? Maybe he’s just a nut job like it appears and your stupid brain programming was wrong again like usual!


Bye bye Mr Hunter! Just like this story, u are about to drop outta this thread for a while! That is, unless u like to take it like Paulie P



Than most Americans are stupid because Trump and election deniers are dangerous. We are talking about our Democracy.
There's a reason we had a no D vs R rule. It was to keep people from painting large groups of people as evil. You're showing me why it was a bad idea to loosen up on it.

A word to the wise is sufficient.
U.S. security agencies have issued a heightened threat advisory, warning of a potential attacks on political candidates, election officials and others. The alert came Friday, the same day that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked in their San Francisco home.

NPR has obtained the bulletin issued by the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the National Counterterrorism Center, and the U.S. Capitol Police.
U.S. security agencies have issued a heightened threat advisory, warning of a potential attacks on political candidates, election officials and others. The alert came Friday, the same day that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked in their San Francisco home.

NPR has obtained the bulletin issued by the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the National Counterterrorism Center, and the U.S. Capitol Police.

All congress men and women...

Please be advised of Illegal Canadian citizens that are half naked entering your home with a hammer and their other friend who will open that door when the cops come over to witness. Please remember to turn your security alarms off... if you have them.

“More recently, Igor Lanis, a Michigan man shot and killed his wife and dog and injured his daughter last month before police killed him in a shootout. His other daughter blamed his obsession with QAnon for the violence. “I want the media to call out Q because this is all their fault,” she wrote on Reddit, describing how her father had gone down the QAnon “rabbit hole” after the 2020 election. “It’s like he got possessed by a demon.”

“More recently, Igor Lanis, a Michigan man shot and killed his wife and dog and injured his daughter last month before police killed him in a shootout. His other daughter blamed his obsession with QAnon for the violence. “I want the media to call out Q because this is all their fault,” she wrote on Reddit, describing how her father had gone down the QAnon “rabbit hole” after the 2020 election. “It’s like he got possessed by a demon.”
If your instability dealing with life made you kill your wife and dog, and severely injure your daughter, a bullet in the head came too late.