Off-Topic Crime 2.0

It’s time to start treating gender dysphoria as the mental illness that it is.

"Palestine" was written on the rifle. Also:

Authorities said antisemitic writings were found inside the vehicle Moreno drove to the place of worship. Police did not say what was written, but suggested it may have stemmed from a familial dispute involving Moreno's ex-husband and his family – some of whom police said are ******.

It’s not semantics. It’s real life. There’s been treatment available for 4 decades and instead of acknowledging that it’s real, they’ve distorted the truth and ruined kids lives.
Wonder what the treatment was/is? To "deprogram" them back to "normal?" Like what was touted for years in conservative/religious circles to "cure" homosexuality? (Featured in the first Borat movie iirc.)

I find the knee-jerk impulse to ban AR-15s as annoying as anyone but this tweet is kind of ridiculous just on its face. Is it saying these shootings took place in areas that are mostly Democrat? Odessa/Midland is about as deep red as it gets, Uvalde and Colorado Springs are only somewhat less so. Lewiston's probably even split or lean Republican. Even some areas that do vote more Dem than their surrounding areas - Nashville, Las Vegas, Orlando, Boulder - are in states with overall lax gun laws. Is it saying the perpetrators were Democrats? Some of those kids were too young to even register to vote, let alone have meaningful voting histories. That's before you get into the manifestos, for those that even had a discernible political motive.
I find the knee-jerk impulse to ban AR-15s as annoying as anyone but this tweet is kind of ridiculous just on its face. Is it saying these shootings took place in areas that are mostly Democrat? Odessa/Midland is about as deep red as it gets, Uvalde and Colorado Springs are only somewhat less so. Lewiston's probably even split or lean Republican. Even some areas that do vote more Dem than their surrounding areas - Nashville, Las Vegas, Orlando, Boulder - are in states with overall lax gun laws. Is it saying the perpetrators were Democrats? Some of those kids were too young to even register to vote, let alone have meaningful voting histories. That's before you get into the manifestos, for those that even had a discernible political motive.
Why? You don’t have to be old enough to vote to have political ideologies. Everyone loves to blame gun crime on legal gun owners, the NRA and right wingers who love them. But not a single NRA member has ever committed a mass shooting. This post is calling out that lie.
Wonder what the treatment was/is? To "deprogram" them back to "normal?" Like what was touted for years in conservative/religious circles to "cure" homosexuality? (Featured in the first Borat movie iirc.)
Deprogram? What is wrong with you? I mean that sincerely. Is there something wrong with you? You constantly bring up these false equivalencies to degrade and demean the real issue at hand.

When somebody has a mental illness, of any kind, you get them help. It’s not deprogramming. You leftists ******* love going to to a therapist if your boss says something mean to you, or if you’re still single at 30, but would rather cut the balls off your 12 year old than take them to a therapist bc you’re too scared to tell them to shut the **** up. And that no matter how many times your teacher says you are, you’re not a girl.
Deprogram? What is wrong with you? I mean that sincerely. Is there something wrong with you? You constantly bring up these false equivalencies to degrade and demean the real issue at hand.

When somebody has a mental illness, of any kind, you get them help. It’s not deprogramming. You leftists ******* love going to to a therapist if your boss says something mean to you, or if you’re still single at 30, but would rather cut the balls off your 12 year old than take them to a therapist bc you’re too scared to tell them to shut the **** up. And that no matter how many times your teacher says you are, you’re not a girl.
I'm sure there are plenty of "therapists" who very well might recommend the opposite of what you assume they would. Sadly, even for kids. Psychiatry is hardly a panacea for issues like this. What's your view on *** kids? Same or different solution?

Be interested in hearing your view on the only Trans person that I'm even slightly familiar with, the aforementioned Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner. You really believe he is mentally ill?
I'm sure there are plenty of "therapists" who very well might recommend the opposite of what you assume they would. Sadly, even for kids. Psychiatry is hardly a panacea for issues like this. What's your view on *** kids? Same or different solution?

Be interested in hearing your view on the only Trans person that I'm even slightly familiar with, the aforementioned Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner. You really believe he is mentally ill?
Why do you keep bringing up Bruce Jenner?

If you are trans you are the literal definition of gender dysphoria. That’s a mental illness. Not something I made up or determined. It’s an actual mental illness with an ICD 10 code.
Why do you keep bringing up Bruce Jenner?

If you are trans you are the literal definition of gender dysphoria. That’s a mental illness. Not something I made up or determined. It’s an actual mental illness with an ICD 10 code.
Jenner? Because he;'s the poster boy/girl of Trans in this country, no? And, an avid Trump booster/voter.

On that, I wonder how Donald would answer if he was asked what I asked you -- Do you consider Jenner mentally ill? What's his thinking?
Why? You don’t have to be old enough to vote to have political ideologies. Everyone loves to blame gun crime on legal gun owners, the NRA and right wingers who love them. But not a single NRA member has ever committed a mass shooting. This post is calling out that lie.

This is barely responsive to what I said, which was about a tweet attributing mass shootings to Democrats that was pretty easily disprovable with just a passing knowledge of these events/places. Nobody has ever said that NRA members commit mass shootings at a higher clip; the fact that membership is private would make that stat impossible to verify anyway. The argument is and always has been that the NRA's aggressive lobbying ensures more/easier access to deadlier firearms, and more lax enforcement of existing rules, for people who aren't responsible gun owners, i.e. the people who give the rest of us a bad name. The fact that most of the people involved in the above events were teenagers or severely mentally ill is a good demonstration of that.
This is barely responsive to what I said, which was about a tweet attributing mass shootings to Democrats that was pretty easily disprovable with just a passing knowledge of these events/places. Nobody has ever said that NRA members commit mass shootings at a higher clip; the fact that membership is private would make that stat impossible to verify anyway. The argument is and always has been that the NRA's aggressive lobbying ensures more/easier access to deadlier firearms, and more lax enforcement of existing rules, for people who aren't responsible gun owners, i.e. the people who give the rest of us a bad name. The fact that most of the people involved in the above events were teenagers or severely mentally ill is a good demonstration of that.
This 100% a lie. People getting guns that can’t or shouldn’t legally be able to get them, proves no additional gun law would prevent these crimes. If the laws on the books aren’t enforced, nothing else matters. Nobody wants to explain how cracking down on the legal gun owners, helps stop gun crime. Bc they can’t.

This issue is no different than immigration or anything else. Enforce the laws on the books and there is no need for any additional law.
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Sad reality is this country,this world is at a tipping point. They conduct one social experiment after another that's acted out in a far grander scheme on a daily. They're actively trying to figure out what's gonna break us. Will it be political,racial,socio-economical, one of numerous agendas. It's all simply mental warfare to pit us all against each other. Black lives,****** lives, Muslim lives, lgbwhatever else lives... it's really sad how people have lost focus. Everything is all about self & nothing else matters. My homegirls school down here getting sued because they wouldn't address a child (in the course of school hours)as a cat by meowing for communication really told me all I needed to hear. It's all spiraling further and further downhill. What we can pray for is a figure or two who can captivate society and align our needs. To me that simply sounds like Jesus... I suppose I'm saying we all need God in our lives & he's our only hope.
This 100% a lie. People getting guns that can’t or shouldn’t legally be able to get them, proves no additional gun law would prevent these crimes. If the laws on the books aren’t enforced, nothing else matters. Nobody wants to explain how cracking down on the legal gun owners, helps stop gun crime. Bc they can’t.

This issue is no different than immigration or anything else. Enforce the laws on the books and there is no need for any additional law.
I'm not sure what cities you guys on here are in. But I travel alot. I've noticed more and more over the course of the last several years police are being alot more choosy about what they will enforce. In certain areas **** near anything short of a capital offense doesn't guarantee a response. So it's not additional laws that we need. It's also not people getting there hands on guns that aren't allowed to. The laws on the books are antiquated as well. If police aren't going to take a far bigger presence(which is **** near big brother stepping in and Orson Welles taking over)then we're sorted damned if we do and damned if we don't. People who aren't legally eligible to have guns need a chance to defend themselves as well. People legally have guns and still commit crimes with them. Not really sure how we can fix all of this. Me I personally don't care what the laws in place now or in the future have to say but if you have to defend yourself you better **** well be prepared. Follow the money. You see they're all building bunkers now right... there's a reason.
I'm not sure what cities you guys on here are in. But I travel alot. I've noticed more and more over the course of the last several years police are being alot more choosy about what they will enforce. In certain areas **** near anything short of a capital offense doesn't guarantee a response. So it's not additional laws that we need. It's also not people getting there hands on guns that aren't allowed to. The laws on the books are antiquated as well. If police aren't going to take a far bigger presence(which is **** near big brother stepping in and Orson Welles taking over)then we're sorted damned if we do and damned if we don't. People who aren't legally eligible to have guns need a chance to defend themselves as well. People legally have guns and still commit crimes with them. Not really sure how we can fix all of this. Me I personally don't care what the laws in place now or in the future have to say but if you have to defend yourself you better **** well be prepared. Follow the money. You see they're all building bunkers now right... there's a reason.
I believe both can be true - police taking a far bigger presence and enforce the laws on the books.
I'm not sure what cities you guys on here are in. But I travel alot. I've noticed more and more over the course of the last several years police are being alot more choosy about what they will enforce. In certain areas **** near anything short of a capital offense doesn't guarantee a response. So it's not additional laws that we need. It's also not people getting there hands on guns that aren't allowed to. The laws on the books are antiquated as well. If police aren't going to take a far bigger presence(which is **** near big brother stepping in and Orson Welles taking over)then we're sorted damned if we do and damned if we don't. People who aren't legally eligible to have guns need a chance to defend themselves as well. People legally have guns and still commit crimes with them. Not really sure how we can fix all of this. Me I personally don't care what the laws in place now or in the future have to say but if you have to defend yourself you better **** well be prepared. Follow the money. You see they're all building bunkers now right... there's a reason.
I believe both can be true - police taking a far bigger presence and enforce the laws on the books.
Broken Windows theory
Wonder what the treatment was/is? To "deprogram" them back to "normal?" Like what was touted for years in conservative/religious circles to "cure" homosexuality? (Featured in the first Borat movie iirc.)

Do folks make the comparison to homosexuality in terms of classifying both trans and homosexuals as having mental illnesses?