Off-Topic Crime 2.0

Line them up, Hands tied behind their backs, ankles tied as well. Douse them in Honey...push their entire body face first into Humongous Red Ant colony...


a lot of that will never happen -- i am not a fan of johnson, but even he isnt supporting this.

a lot of that will never happen -- i am not a fan of johnson, but even he isnt supporting this.

The problem is the damage has been done, it reinforces a perception that was already there.
The problem is the damage has been done, it reinforces a perception that was already there.
it reinforces a perception to people who watch national news media. if you live in chicago or go downtown, you can DEFINITELY see that there are 13,000+ officers. it makesclear that the perceived "defunding" is sensationalized.


I would think the firing is for pursuing the criminal, NOT for calling the cops. Messed up, but there are legal reasons a company advises its employees not to pursue.

My very first job in 1998 at milams in the grove, I saw one of the assistant managers chase down a shop lifter and Terry tate him in the parking lot. He somehow did not get fired and the cops just lectured him not to be a hero.