Cribby's Predictions (aka Steph's zone)

I’m finna nut

Coming Home Alone GIF

12/17I’ve always viewed this [JJ recruitment] as OSU vs Miami. I could be wrong but I’ll ride with the info that’s been consistent.
Hit Rate: 17/20 (85%) [Sample size too small, don't draw conclusions from this percentage]

2023 Predictions

12/6Deja Vu [in the O$U Head to Head Thread] [Lyle/Fletcher ]Lyle flipped Dec 18Hit
Hit Rate: 18/21 (86%) [Sample size too small, don't draw conclusions from this percentage]

2023 Predictions

12/18We’ll have fourth [OL] piece as early as tonightCarpenter committedHit
@Cribby what do you say?

Yeah really have to question Dawson on how he used Smith. First Dawson keeps trotting out terrible TEs that can neither block nor catch. Then he has an dynamic WR who has big time play maker abilities, and Dawson barely gets the ball into hands. In the NC St game when TVD couldn't throw the ball into the ocean, I don't know why Dawson didn't try the wildcat with Smith. After FSU lost Travis, Norvell went to the wildcat a few times to generate offense and it worked. Dawson doesn't impress me with creativity.
Would love to keep 0 but if Restrepo stays plus you have Ray Ray, Robbie, and now Carr coming in that's a lot of reps in the slot to go around so it is what it is tbh. Rather he goes to Ole Miss than Louisville.
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