Cribby's Predictions (aka Steph's zone)

If there is a commit it would be a big one. There’s multiple guys that are close to going public.

Hit Rate: 10/12 (82%) [Sample size too small, don't draw conclusions from this percentage]

2023 Predictions

[TD]If there is a commit it would be a big one. There’s multiple guys that are close to going public.[/TD]
[TD]Blount commited[/TD]
This prediction was a slap to the face. Was hoping there was at least the remote possibility of a flip.

face slap GIF

[TD]Any chance of flipping Justin Scott? No.[/TD]

Wasn't sure I should count this as a prediction, but the crystal balls from Fong and On3 are rolling in, so I think its fair at this point.


[TD]I still say Miami [for Carr] until i hear something different.[/TD]

Hit Rate: 11/13 (85%) [Sample size too small, don't draw conclusions from this percentage]

2023 Predictions

[TD]I still say Miami [for Carr] until i hear something different.[/TD]
[TD]Flipped to the Canes on Oct 8[/TD]
Hit Rate: 13/15 86%

[TD]Tvd is done here[/TD]
[TD]Hit the portal[/TD]
[TD]I’m expecting him [Jacurri] to leave[/TD]

[TD]I‘d watch Don to the portal[/TD]
[TD]Hit the portal[/TD]
Hit Rate: 13/15 86%

[TD]Tvd is done here[/TD]
[TD]Hit the portal[/TD]
[TD]I’m expecting him [Jacurri] to leave[/TD]

[TD]I‘d watch Don to the portal[/TD]
[TD]Hit the portal[/TD]
Missing BSmith and Brown brothers