2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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Respectfully, grades for the first semester aren’t due until January 4th. If he has, hypothetically, a failing grade in senior English, that would be a new development.

Even though I doubt that would cause a final hour surprise development... my post was about what Mario knows. When Mario talked to him yesterday, if he said grades, then Mario isnt going to drum up a signing in one day. He obviously knows that aint a one day thing.

The food talk has started. @ me when the pictures start coming through because I need some more good food restaurant **** to remind me that the desert stinks.

Maybe y'all should just slow down with all y'all assumptions cause all any of this does is add fuel where there is none. You want something to do than EVERYONE should send a simple tweet to Trob that tells him he's a bytch *** ****boy & a lame. @TrumpyCane handle that please. Start the movement fvck trob and his games. #tryagain

Well why didn’t you just say that…😎
I agree with your sentiment, but I think a good barbecue sauce is an accent to great barbecue, specifically pork. I do not use barbecue sauce on any of my beef barbecue that is sacrilege. If your brisket or beef ribs needs barbecue, then you’re doing something very wrong.

That’s why I say make your own sauce because they are very complementary to good barbecue, not overtaking the flavor, adding to it. I have a fantastic Carolina gold barbecue recipe that I follow and it is always a huge hit.

Sometimes I don’t inject because I’m lazy as well, but I just bought a new injector for Christmas and it will make my life 10 times easier lol, as well as some new MEATER probes, what I’m most excited for
If you wouldn't mind I'd like it if you would DM that Carolina gold BBQ sauce recipr as that's my go to sauce.
I agree with your sentiment, but I think a good barbecue sauce is an accent to great barbecue, specifically pork. I do not use barbecue sauce on any of my beef barbecue that is sacrilege. If your brisket or beef ribs needs barbecue, then you’re doing something very wrong.

That’s why I say make your own sauce because they are very complementary to good barbecue, not overtaking the flavor, adding to it. I have a fantastic Carolina gold barbecue recipe that I follow and it is always a huge hit.

Sometimes I don’t inject because I’m lazy as well, but I just bought a new injector for Christmas and it will make my life 10 times easier lol, as well as some new MEATER probes, what I’m most excited for

Niiice. I grill all the time. I chose the MeatStick over the Meater.
I'll tell you what I know. I know in fact too many kids that begin with pot end up in heroin, then onto LSD. I know if you drink you suffer a loss of judgment if you drink to excess, but I also know that judgment returns when you sober up. I know, and so do you, that when you flip out on an acid trip you never know when you're gonna slip out again. This is now, ABear, not a couple of years ago. We've had time now to see and study the effects of LSD. People who haven't had a dose in weeks sail out on another trip, they never know when. The minute they've dropped one acid capsule or ingested it in any way, they bought the farm. They've lost the chance to depend on or even restore that most precious of all inner senses, judgment. And in my way of thinking, without judgment you might as well be dead. Your brain is, so why not the rest of you?
preach, pot continues to be THE gateway drug notwithstanding its decriminalization and everyone arguing to the contrary based upon anecdotal evdience . i have seen it virtually everyday for 35 years.
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