2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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The proof is there at a very early stage, dont disagree. But the sample size is miniscule. Also, Hutch helped Houston a lot. I watch the Lions closely (sadly). And so did the DC considering their lack of LB depth and quality.

But Prime, IMO, is kinda a grifter. So many ethical concerns and issues.

His coaching career is at an early stage. What do you expect from someone who coached for 2 years after taking over a program with no draft eligible prospects? I also never said Houston was better than any of those three. The young man went from not even in consideration for a camp invite to 6th round pick and Lions contributor with 8 sacks. He’s also undersized.

As for ethical concerns and issues, I haven’t noticed any. I see a guy who’s moving up the coaching ranks with a bunch of coach speak. I discussed that the other day on here. He was a successful fcs coach, we’ll see what he does at the fbs level. All that being said, you don’t have to send your kids to play for him. However, in his short span, he has helped kids get nfl opportunities

I hope he rots...Dude has multiple Lawsuits against him in regards to his treatment of women. I have a family member who owns a Production/Content House company in NYC.
He said Portnoy is a World Class POS...
You clearly haven’t paid any attention whatsoever regarding the hit pieces about him regarding any of that Bussines Insider crap lol.

He’s definitely an ******* business wise. But anyone who believes what Business Insider claims is blind and deaf. And honestly that goes for Anybody they are going after. That’s a terrible company to trust regarding anything
My grandmother used to put crumbled hard boiled eggs I hers. You ever try that?
Ist off I use Bottom or Top round, and have the butcher slice it accordingly...99% of butchers know what to do when you request it to be sliced for Braciole. You can use Flank steak, but it's more expensive and not necessary. After I pound the slices out, I brush the inside portion with Olive Oil, then "Me" personally use Bread Crumbs, Spinach, Thinly sliced Prosciutto and salami and provolone, and some fresh Thyme and Basil. (Don't need Salt, because the Prosciutto is salty to begin with) My Braciole are medium size, so I don't need butcher twine to tie them. I use long wooden toothpicks. I sear them off in olive oil, and finish braising them in Marinara for atleast 4-5 hours, but I add red wine to the Marinara as well. Crumbled Egg is also good for the stuffing.
From what I heard the whole 15th thing was mega CAP that wasn't ever happening.
That’s what’s been insinuated.
Im talking about the events before he ever mentioned the 15th.

I’d imagine (not certain) it went something like this:

-Deion in final hour reaches out to CMs team with an offer that was higher than Miami

-CM tells Miami he wants them to match (canes do) - Hence Geo/Cribby both saying Canes were confident he signs.

-Deions next counter was DVD, something to the extent of “well you’re gonna get the same amount here, if DVD isn’t named your position coach why go there when you could learn under me?”

-CM/His team once again reaches out to UM, only this time it’s regarding DVD. It didn’t fit Mario’s timeline for replacements.. so no signature before ESD window ended.
So again, it sounds as if the deal ultimately fell apart due to McClain wanting Cristobal to follow through on his promise that DVD would be the on-field coach.

Correct me if I'm wrong here on the narrative you laid out. Just before he was supposed to sign, Colorado came in with a NIL deal that was bigger than Miami's. McClain told UM about the Colorado offer and that he may want to delay signing to think about it (he didn't decommit though). Miami matched the offer. McClain then asked for one more thing- that DVD get moved to an on-field coach. This was something that had already been directly promised to him by Cristobal. Cristobal had also told DVD he'd be an on-field coach.

But this "demand" - which was basically making sure his CB coach was locked in (so he could avoid having to request a release from his commitment if Cristobal chose to keep Addae as the CB coach) was just a bridge too far because it messed with Cristobals timetable.
To an extent this seems correct. Could it also be Mario being stubborn? Even if DVD was in his plans to be on-field, it was apparent no staff changes were going public until after ESD.

Now factor in that Miami in final hour upped the bag and the kid STILL didn’t sign… Maybe Mario was like “either he trusts me or he doesn’t, but I’m not changing my whole timeline for this kid when we literally just gave him an extra 100K”
What is up with Cormani? Any update? He is gone right? Kid is just following the bag, 💰💸💵. He only cares about him, and not the team. Reminds me of Nkosi perry when he would post on his IG. Money, jewelry, and cars is more important. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ we don’t need players like that here at Miami guys.yea just love on.
Where would Deion get a matching offer for Cormani considering Miami likely already had a massive NIL offer to him? No chance Colorado has the NIL infrastructure yet and I don’t see Barstool paying another huge NIL salary given Cormani doesn’t have the same national profile as Hunter had at the time
did i state im saying they came on their own? im asking the question. it was stated that mario felt something was up and sent the staff up there and he wasnt there. you could say you dont know if we planned it out or he ghosted them. idk which is the case which is why i asked.

remember, we went in home right before he was planning on or thinking about visiting Bama to stop that visit.

either way, i dont blame an unsigned kid for taking visits. id use all of them and enjoy it. if he lied to the staff, then yeah its messed up esp w his relationship w dvd and mario. either way, this will end up on NSD and we can all move on
And I’m saying based on the everything available it’s reasonable to believe he ghosted the staff. Why put out the troll response of being in Tampa right after it comes out he ghosted the coaches especially for someone that was previously quiet about his recruitment?

He could’ve easily put out a cryptic post saying don’t pull up unannounced that’s what happens or one of the writers could’ve said the coaches popped up unannounced.

That’s no no popping up unannounced in my community and Mario knows better than to not give any heads up before making that road trip.

At minimum Mario or DVD lets him know that they are on the way and CM or his mom gives the impression that they will be there to receive them even though mom/CM know they will be in Colorado when the staff gets there.
His coaching career is at an early stage. What do you expect from someone who coached for 2 years after taking over a program with no draft eligible prospects? I also never said Houston was better than any of those three. The young man went from not even in consideration for a camp invite to 6th round pick and Lions contributor with 8 sacks. He’s also undersized.

As for ethical concerns and issues, I haven’t noticed any. I see a guy who’s moving up the coaching ranks with a bunch of coach speak. I discussed that the other day on here. He was a successful fcs coach, we’ll see what he does at the fbs level. All that being said, you don’t have to send your kids to play for him. However, in his short span, he has helped kids get nfl opportunities

Hard pause. Prime’s track record is covered in *****.

Exhibit A. https://www.dallasobserver.com/news...l-and-the-making-of-a-prime-time-scam-6425581

Exhibit B. https://nypost.com/2022/12/08/deion-sanders-60-minutes-appearance-was-a-prime-time-sham/

Exhibit C. https://www.college-sports-journal....-some-sort-of-positive-lasting-change-behind/
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First, there is a difference between CB and QB - no school is only playing one CB while pretty much any school with a good QB situation is. Second, Jake was not a true freshman. Third, just b/c some people on this board made a bad argument doesn't mean your even worse one is valid.

Kids who don’t play, leave. Period.
So Cristobal was planning on moving DVD to an on-field position anyways, and McClain likely would have signed if Cristobal had followed through with his promise. I guess posters here think McClains request was completely outrageous because Cristobal would have to move up his timetable slightly. Seems like a pretty weak reason to lose the #2 recruit in the country.
NCAA was reviewing a new rule to allow a certain amount of analyst to finally be involved in on-field practices. (Previously they couldn’t be at the practice field). - this was delayed by NCAA last week - still pending approval.

Maybe Mario was waiting to see if he actually needed to promote DVD to get him “on-field”.

No need to rush that decision and take up an assistant spot when you don’t even know the rules… and it’s obvious Mario wasn’t going to rush that without knowing what’s allowed and not allowed.
I'm not a fan of uncle Luke! But he was on footbville yesterday and from his own words he is the one who flew cormani out to Colorado. Uncle Puke looking out for the hometown team once again! 🖕 Up yours Luke!
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