2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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They’ll post vague gifs and make predictions after crystal balls have rolled in. I follow both of them but n twitter and they never have any information that hasn’t been posted here.
Stop it....you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Steve is SUPER connected to UM...I've been friends with him for 12yrs. He's a successful businessman in Dade as well. Ask @Cribby if anything I've said is untrue.

I don’t know man. Maybe his *** got off the plane in Colorado this weekend and hated it, maybe this was all a leverage play from the beginning.

Regardless he’s handled this as poor as you possibly could. Even if he comes here, still won’t be a fan and would be shocked if he stays at the same school all 4 years. Hopefully in 3 years we can tell kids who try Isssh like this to kick rocks.

His immaturity is going to hurt him on the field eventually.
Can't wait till we are able to push kids away like this
I don’t know man. Maybe his *** got off the plane in Colorado this weekend and hated it, maybe this was all a leverage play from the beginning.

Getting off the plane in Colorado

Is it possible he got to Colorado and felt what 30 degree weather is like and realized that's a warm day there?? So now he's reconsidering again?? I have no clue just adding more madness to the madness....
Tying his taking an HBCU job(Which was a case of him knowing that no other school would take a chance on a guy with no relevant coaching experience) to GOD, then saying that he wants "To change the culture, to show that HBCUs are just as good as other places" and then bailing as soon as he could. That's how. Get off of his jock, he never gave a crap about anyone outside of himself. That's why on the way out he tried to torch the school, because he knew full well that he was foul as **** the way he did things.

Deion was and will ALWAYS be about Deion. Deion didn't give a **** about HBCUs his entire life, that is until FSU laughed his underqualified *** out of the room when they gave him a courtesy interview. He needed a degree, an HBCU gave him a path to get there. He needed a HC gig without having any full time coaching experience, an HBCU gave him the opportunity. He then pulled the classic con of acting like he cared about the culture, when in reality, he just wanted out the moment it became possible. Which is fine, just be a man and own it. Don't bring GOD into it, don't play on the insecurities of HBCU alumni and stakeholders, and don't sit there and lie about the state of HBCU football. Deion was always full of it, and anyone with any semblance of common sense saw through it.
This is everyday life for about half the country, especially those in sales industries. Small shops give you a chance and you sell the mom and pop feel/experience/family culture and how great it is to not just be another client etc. Right up until a big boy comes in and doubles your salary. Then you’re gone and selling people on your large company infrastructure.

The only reason y’all got so hurt about Deion is bc you fell for it. He sucked everyone in with the race aspect and you forgot it’s a business. This happens everyday with G5 to P5. Nobody cares then do they? Time to get out of your feelings and realize it worked out for everyone involved. He won’t be the last one to do this. Don’t fall for it next time.
It’s amazing the amount of people in here calling Deion a con man and everything else they can think of and wondering why a kid would want to play for him, when Deion sold those same people on his vision and they also fell for it. He got y’all and you never even met him. But it’s these kids and their parents who are dumb for falling for it, right?
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