2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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I thought the comments Rueben Bain and the other guys at the AA game made were strange when asked if they spoke to/hung out with Cormani. They basically dodged the question and said they hadn’t really spoken to him, didn’t have time etc. Struck me odd that they could all be together for 5 days yet no interaction occurred. Especially since Cormani made such a point to wear Miami clothes and throw up the U etc. starting to realize they probably sensed something was up- maybe even knew…..
Bain was definitely hanging out with Cormani at the Under Armour game....and took Pics with him after the game throwing up the U

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about in regards to DVD....
I asked a question in the post and you ignored it

YOU have no idea what you're talking about it seems, who has he landed? it's a legitimate question, not a knock on him
I asked a question in the post and you ignored it

YOU have no idea what you're talking about it seems, who has he landed? it's a legitimate question, not a knock on him
Both Brown brothers to start..and Cormani wanted him, and him ONLY..Now name ONE player that Addae and/or Gattis were responsible for getting??....I'll wait....
Going off what I hear it makes no sense to keep Addae especially with how Mario is with recruiting and relationships. I don’t get it but i‘m not the coach.
Do they view addae as a good developer? Thats the only other thing that makes sense
Both Brown brothers to start..and Cormani wanted him, and him ONLY..Now name ONE player that Addae and/or Gattis were responsible for getting??....I'll wait....
Other than made up here on CIS where is any kind of legitimate proof that the brown brothers are coming due to an off field analyst(DVD) and not because of Mario ?

Why are you so butt hurt on addae, this is about DVD and the over exaggeration of his impact on our recruiting

They came most likely due to Mario, I’ve seen nothing stating that DVD was the lead on anyone but cormani

The reason why I bring that up is because ppl think dvd should be promoted for his recruiting prowess and now that cormani is gone, there’s really no valid recruit to lean on anymore
Other than made up here on CIS where is any kind of legitimate proof that the brown brothers are coming due to an off field analyst(DVD) and not because of Mario ?

Why are you so butt hurt on addae, this is about DVD and the over exaggeration of his impact on our recruiting

They came most likely due to Mario, I’ve seen nothing stating that DVD was the lead on anyone but cormani

The reason why I bring that up is because ppl think dvd should be promoted for his recruiting prowess and now that cormani is gone, there’s really no valid recruit to lean on anymore
Man just be quite already with your negative, Devils advocate BS....DVD is our best recruiter on staff, and was the Brown brothers lead recruiter. He's loved in Dade in the HS recruiting circles. Take your miserable self on. @RVACane ....
Other than made up here on CIS where is any kind of legitimate proof that the brown brothers are coming due to an off field analyst(DVD) and not because of Mario ?

Why are you so butt hurt on addae, this is about DVD and the over exaggeration of his impact on our recruiting

They came most likely due to Mario, I’ve seen nothing stating that DVD was the lead on anyone but cormani

The reason why I bring that up is because ppl think dvd should be promoted for his recruiting prowess and now that cormani is gone, there’s really no valid recruit to lean on anymore
DVD’s excellent on the recruiting side. Don’t know about the coaching.
Just because you were great doesn't mean you're a great teacher 💯

Yea with Deion I gotta believe every sentence out of his mouth starts with I or Me …he will spend all his time not teaching but telling kids how great he was and how great it was to be cool….
Other than made up here on CIS where is any kind of legitimate proof that the brown brothers are coming due to an off field analyst(DVD) and not because of Mario ?

Why are you so butt hurt on addae, this is about DVD and the over exaggeration of his impact on our recruiting

They came most likely due to Mario, I’ve seen nothing stating that DVD was the lead on anyone but cormani

The reason why I bring that up is because ppl think dvd should be promoted for his recruiting prowess and now that cormani is gone, there’s really no valid recruit to lean on anymore

I thought you said Rumph and Addae…
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