2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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Going off what I hear it makes no sense to keep Addae especially with how Mario is with recruiting and relationships. I don’t get it but i‘m not the coach.
I think there's a lot that doesn't make sense anymore staff wise. it really seems like Mario is afraid of pulling the trigger on staff changes. it didnt make any sense to not fire Gattis and hes still here after costing us WR after WR esp as OC after OC land new jobs. it didnt make any sense to keep addae esp if your best overall recruit wants to play for his recruiter who is up and coming and was in line to be promoted but addae is still here. it didnt make sense to keep Ponce as a QBC when your next OC will likely double as a QBC esp after recruiting a mid 3 star as your only QB haul

I hate to sound like a broken record, and I know a lot of people will disagree with this, but I believe Mario should pull his offer now(assuming Mario knows that he’s 100% gone.) There’s several reasons I feel this way: First, whether we admit it or not we’re going to get clowned all across the country if/when this kid does this. Remember how bad FSU got clowned over Hunter? Even though we all know it’s still an amazing recruiting class the narrative will be that it was a failure. If Mario comes out now and pulls his offer that means WE control the narrative by saying we don’t want someone like that at The U. Lastly, if you’re going to preach about culture and nobody is bigger than the team then you need to show it. The way we handled the Jackson and Cormani saga this last month or so makes it look like we have no dignity. That’s just my two cents...
I'm sorry to tell you pulled scholarship or not, being flipped from miami is going to be the narrative. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose we won more then we lost with recruiting this cycle.
I'm sorry to tell you pulled scholarship or not being flipped from miami is going to be the narrative. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose we won more then we lost with recruiting this cycle.
w NIL and the ELITE kids, if you dont sign early you aren't going to be locked down. he had 4 OVs left and didnt sign early is a top 3 player in the country. people legit thought he wouldn't listen to coaches after hes prolly getting called everyday by every school in the country? I dont blame others for trying to land him. recruiting is sales. you gotta close.
These kids keep trying to one up each other with the trolling.
It’s always been fun and games with the shirts and the hats and last minute flips.
But I’m hearing that high school coaches, trainers, and even the players are not down or cheering for what Cormani may do by flipping in the way he is going about it.

I think it’s finally gone to the tipping point where even the kids are thinking what he did is some foul sht.

I know Cormani and his mom give 2 faux about it. But if anything it may steer other players from doing this type of stuff in the future.
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you said this last fall?
I know the angle you and others are trying to play - that I’m butthurt and hating on the kid because he’s not coming.

I’m saying I think he’s making a very misinformed decision and I’m saying this from experience. Of course he’s going to want to play early as a 5 star. No **** and he should.

But you want to play early as a CB where you won’t get exposed every single play and lose confidence. It’s one thing to play CB as a TF for Bama where the rest of your defense is elite - I get it.

It’s another thing altogether to play as a TF CB for the worst team in your conference led by a coach who is going to hang you out to dry.
Can the Maudes make a pop up in size 700 font that blinks when anyone logs into this site that says Cormani cannot sign anything binding with anyone until February 1st?
seriously this. people think Mario is gonna stop recruiting him even if he says BUFFALO for LIFE today. nah every school will still be after him esp since you have weeks to land him officially. we all know the 1/15 is a joke.

personally, I think its gonna be bama if not miami not Colorado. I think he took a visit bc Deion is a personality and kids like him whether people want to an admit it or not. hes a salesman just like our HC lol. one just does it differently. in the end, I think he either goes here or bama
I hate to sound like a broken record, and I know a lot of people will disagree with this, but I believe Mario should pull his offer now(assuming Mario knows that he’s 100% gone.) There’s several reasons I feel this way: First, whether we admit it or not we’re going to get clowned all across the country if/when this kid does this. Remember how bad FSU got clowned over Hunter? Even though we all know it’s still an amazing recruiting class the narrative will be that it was a failure. If Mario comes out now and pulls his offer that means WE control the narrative by saying we don’t want someone like that at The U. Lastly, if you’re going to preach about culture and nobody is bigger than the team then you need to show it. The way we handled the Jackson and Cormani saga this last month or so makes it look like we have no dignity. That’s just my two cents...

Doesn’t matter if he pulls the offer or not. CM isn’t coming to Miami and is boulder bound.
If DVD doesn’t get an on field job I wouldn’t be shocked if he bounced.
Mario is a f^cking moron if that’s the case. So you get ****ed that the rest of the staff isn’t holding their weight recruiting wise except for DVD…then you refuse to give him an on-field job.

The fact that he hasn’t even made up his mind is pathetic. Thoroughly disappointed in his decision making (or lack thereof).

Edit - Maudes equally pathetic that the word “ p i s s e d ” gets blacked out here.
Going off what I hear it makes no sense to keep Addae especially with how Mario is with recruiting and relationships. I don’t get it but i‘m not the coach.
Same can be said about you know who. Mario said recruiting goes into his evaluation of coaches. The one thing that could save addae tho is he did have an all-American
I hate to sound like a broken record, and I know a lot of people will disagree with this, but I believe Mario should pull his offer now(assuming Mario knows that he’s 100% gone.) There’s several reasons I feel this way: First, whether we admit it or not we’re going to get clowned all across the country if/when this kid does this. Remember how bad FSU got clowned over Hunter? Even though we all know it’s still an amazing recruiting class the narrative will be that it was a failure. If Mario comes out now and pulls his offer that means WE control the narrative by saying we don’t want someone like that at The U. Lastly, if you’re going to preach about culture and nobody is bigger than the team then you need to show it. The way we handled the Jackson and Cormani saga this last month or so makes it look like we have no dignity. That’s just my two cents...
Pulling his offer is an action perpetrated by an overly sensitive team and fanbase who are so insecure in who they REALLY are, that will do anything to save face. There's no sense in wasting energy trying to portray toughness and confidence. Just be tough and be confident. If we go that route of pulling the offer, we look more and more like UF vs. UM. THAT is a non-starter!
Mario is a f^cking moron if that’s the case. So you get ****ed that the rest of the staff isn’t holding their weight recruiting wise except for DVD…then you refuse to give him an on-field job.

The fact that he hasn’t even made up his mind is pathetic. Thoroughly disappointed in his decision making (or lack thereof).

Edit - Maudes equally pathetic that the word “ p i s s e d ” gets blacked out here.
It would be a dumb move only IF he actually promised the on-field role. The “dumb” part is making the promise to a high school kid. No high school player, no matter how talented should force you to make a hiring/firing decision, especially if you do not believe the particular coach would improve the development and performance of play.

Not saying DVD is a one-trick pony (recruiter), but if he is, then Mario should have NEVER made that promise unless he felt Addae or somebody else could pick up the slack while DVD continues to develop his coaching skills.
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Here it is NFL career interceptions leaders. #3 - Rod Woodson, tied for #24 Deion Sanders

1.Paul Krause, 1964-79226811,18514.6813
2.Emlen Tunnell, 1948-61167791,28216.255t4
3.Rod Woodson, 1987-03238711,48320.998t12
4.**** Lane, 1952-65157681,20717.880t5
5.Ken Riley, 1969-83207655969.2665
Charles Woodson, 1998-152536596614.962t11
7.Ed Reed, 2002-13174641,59024.81087
8.Ronnie Lott, 1981-941926373011.683t5
Darren Sharper, 1997-10205631,41222.499t11
10.Dave Brown, 1975-892166269811.390t5
**** LeBeau, 1959-721856276212.370t3
12.Emmitt Thomas, 1966-781815893716.273t5
13.Mel Blount, 1970-832005773612.952t2
Bobby Boyd, 1960-681215799417.4744
Eugene Robinson, 1985-002505776213.4491
Johnny Robinson, 1960-711645774113.0571
Everson Walls, 1981-93186575048.8401
18.Lem Barney, 1967-77140561,07719.271t7
Pat Fischer, 1961-772135694116.869t4
20.Aeneas Williams, 1991-042105580714.765t9
21.Eric Allen, 1988-012165482615.394t8
Willie Brown, 1963-78204544728.7452
Darrell Green, 1983-022955462111.583t6
24.Ty Law, 1995-092035382815.674t7
Deion Sanders, 1989-00,04-05188531,33125.193t9
26.Champ Bailey, 1999-14214524648.970t4
Jack Butler, 1951-591035282715.952t4
Bobby Dillon, 1952-59945297618.8615
Jimmy Patton, 1955-661535271213.751t2
Mel Renfro, 1964-771745262612.090t3
Larry Wilson, 1960-721695280015.496t5
32.Bobby Bryant, 1968-801615174914.7563
Asante Samuel, 2003-131575172814.379t6
Donnie Shell, 1974-87201514909.6672
35.Terrell Buckley, 1992-052085079315.991t6
Don Burroughs, 1955-641225056411.3460
Deron Cherry, 1981-911485068813.8671
John Harris, 1978-881605056011.242t2
Yale Lary, 1952-53,56-641335078715.773t2
40.Ken Houston, 1967-801964989818.3789
Jake Scott, 1970-781264955111.2470
42.Herb Adderley, 1961-72164481,04621.880t7
Dave Grayson, 1961-701394893319.499t5
Richie Petitbon, 1959-721794880116.71023
Dave Waymer, 1980-921974853611.2440
Willie Wood, 1960-711664869914.642t2
47.Ronde Barber, 1997-122414792319.678t8
Ray Buchanan, 1993-041834782717.690t4
Jimmy Johnson, 1961-762134761513.1632
Lemar Parrish, 1970-82166474629.865t4
Troy Vincent, 1992-062074771115.190t3

While I can agree that Deion Sanders is not the guy you want to emulate as a corner. He did in fact cause qbs to ignore his side of the field and that likely impacted his stats. Woodson also played some safety which IMO is a position that is more conducive to getting interceptions. I haven’t looked but I wonder what is INT totals were as a CB vs Safety. I think Woodson was by far a better football player and team mate but I could see how Deion’s skill set could be a better fit in some systems.
seriously this. people think Mario is gonna stop recruiting him even if he says BUFFALO for LIFE today. nah every school will still be after him esp since you have weeks to land him officially. we all know the 1/15 is a joke.

personally, I think its gonna be bama if not miami not Colorado. I think he took a visit bc Deion is a personality and kids like him whether people want to an admit it or not. hes a salesman just like our HC lol. one just does it differently. in the end, I think he either goes here or Bama
This is what I’m saying. I hate the thought of him not signing with his, but **** - and least fvck us for a situation that makes sense.

Colorado??? Come on. Deion ain’t no CB whisperer and that program will be in turmoil over the next few seasons.

At least sign somewhere you feel confident you will be setup for success early on.

Colorado is a dumb *** move no matter what.
These kids keep trying to one up each other with the trolling.
It’s always been fun and games with the shirts and the hats and last minute flips.
But I’m hearing that high school coaches, trainers, and even the players are not down or cheering for what Cormani may do by flipping in the way he is going about it.

I think it’s finally gone to the tipping point where even the kids are thinking what he did is some foul sht.

I know Cormani and his mom give 2 faux about it. But if anything it may steer other players from doing this type of stuff in the future.
I thought the comments Rueben Bain and the other guys at the AA game made were strange when asked if they spoke to/hung out with Cormani. They basically dodged the question and said they hadn’t really spoken to him, didn’t have time etc. Struck me odd that they could all be together for 5 days yet no interaction occurred. Especially since Cormani made such a point to wear Miami clothes and throw up the U etc. starting to realize they probably sensed something was up- maybe even knew…..
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