2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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What I think his goal path is…
- Deion will get a few strong recruits and look to portal well.
- Colorado will incrementally improve because they are starting at the bottom rung of the later
- Those two + his connections/marketing will allow him to move on to a bigger job in 2-3 years…
- At that job, he will have more resources, and therefore be a bigger problem.
- IF he surrounds himself with quality coaches that will help him win games.
Will just be Interesting to see his record now that he won't out match every team they play by a large margin

Well, Earl Little Sr chimed in…

Honestly I hope he gets Rashaded which is the name I’m calling kids when all the money they were promised is proved all a bunch of BS when they sign on the dotted line only to find out there’s only 6.84 in the bank account to cover the million dollar check they just got..
Has nothing to do with personal, if he in fact is trolling Miami, it is trashy and classless. Especially to treat DVD that way, who he claims to respect and admire. Be a decent, respectful human. Why treat DVD and Mario that way just to be cool and edgy for a bit? Sad thing is, IF it really is a troll job and he goes to Colorado, his mom would be part of it...a supposed adult and role model. If my son were being recruited and even considered acting trashy like that he'd get zero support from me. Changed his mind? It happens. Be honest and upfront about it. Tell the coaches, don't pretend to still be commited, flash the U, etc. So I hope the kid and his mom are decent people and not actually trolling.
Many of these kids are coddled ********. Remember that prick Josh Jobe?
I agree with 100% of this, but we need more top end talent in each class than we're getting in 2023. It's not necessarily about Cormani, but it's about the sum of the whole class. If you want to build a championship team, you need to land the class we did land AND land the Corman's, and the Damon Wilsons, the Innis, the Hykeem Williams that all chose to go elsewhere. And you need to do that year after year after year.

Nobody said it was easy, but that's what Alabama and Georgia do, and they are the ones winning the championships. The ONLY other hope you'd have is to sign a generational quarterback, like Clemson did. We haven't done that. We basically signed this year's version of Gray Crow. The only way a "top 10" recruiting team can dream of competing for championships is to have a first rounder at QB.
nah hes elite
Has nothing to do with personal, if he in fact is trolling Miami, it is trashy and classless. Especially to treat DVD that way, who he claims to respect and admire. Be a decent, respectful human. Why treat DVD and Mario that way just to be cool and edgy for a bit? Sad thing is, IF it really is a troll job and he goes to Colorado, his mom would be part of it...a supposed adult and role model. If my son were being recruited and even considered acting trashy like that he'd get zero support from me. Changed his mind? It happens. Be honest and upfront about it. Tell the coaches, don't pretend to still be commited, flash the U, etc. So I hope the kid and his mom are decent people and not actually trolling.
what if Mario lied to him which apparently he may have per the insiders? he could consider that classless. either way, we dont know what's going on staff wise. we were promised changes and got nothing. we were promised DVD being on field and odnt have it. all we know is this is the current staff that was awful and went 5-7.

at the end of the day, everyone has a job to do no matter the school. deion, t rob, saban their job is to recruit. they dont care where the kid is committed (NON BINDING). they know he didnt sign nd chose not to sign. theyre gonna work him. their job is to get him to flip. he could have been solid during the AA but those guys may have worked him enough to get him to change his mind or visit elsewhere. we weren't mad when Collins flipped at the last min to us from Michigan right?
Will just be Interesting to see his record now that he won't out match every team they play by a large margin

Agreed. The initial expectations will be low as 2 wins beats last year’s total. He can sell that he “needs his guys”, “needs to build culture”, “he’s building a program”
If we are being honest it’s fair to say elite football player but not exactly a strong single minded person.

If he was he’d be at UF right now.

It was cool when it worked for us.

This is the same exact game he ran on them.

it’s very telling that Bama backed off imo.

The “Mario promised me DVD would coach me bit” is a cop out.

You expect Mario to fire a coach and promote another before you actually put pin to paper…

Trust works both ways.
Sucks to lose this kid but our overall class is elite.

Still need to make some moves on the coaching staff not gunna beat a dead horse.
This type of advice is why his son went to Bama and hasnt played a snap when he could’ve been CB 1 here, btw
saban has a hsitory of sending kids to the first round. we have...

come on guys. its really not hard to see why we haven't landed kids in the past. every WR said nah im good to us this cycle even ones where we doubled the bag to get them. why? bc we dont develop anyone and haven't in a long time.
Fellas, let’s not get riled up over this. Let the kid troll if he wants, let the fam troll if they want, let Deion “Deion” if he wants… lets keep it moving. We got some studs coming in and developing them is going to be even more important. Just try to keep stacking chips and get the coaching staff figured out. #weallwegot
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