2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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All these posters tagging him are rookies, the vets just PM him and he’s super quick to respond with the updates.
Couldn’t decide whether to laugh or agree with this post. Because agreeing makes the troll on @Cribby even better when his dms get flooded.

Went with laugh, but he’s right. If yall just send him a message he’ll definitely respond to everyone promptly. He’s a great guy, very personable actually. If your worried it’s a waste of time and you haven’t started on his dm list already, you should go ahead and message him to sign up. You’ve been missing out.

All these posters tagging him are rookies, the vets just PM him and he’s super quick to respond with the updates.
the wolf of wall street idgaf GIF
Miami still expects him to be a Cane. They knew when he committed it was very unlikely he’d EE, nothing was new there. Tbh teams are still sniffing around, Colorado and Bama will not just go away.

There’s been multiple issues but I’d be lying if I said there hasn’t been some things that just felt off about all of this. Just being real.

People I talk to ( not UM side) say “they’d be shocked if he were trolling UM”. At this point that‘s all I have to go on.

I always keep every thing honest, I never want to lead anybody on.
I appreciate any and all info that you bring

still feelin good ?
any updates ?
save us lol
how we lookin ?
you hearing the same ?
goat say wut
still feelin good ?
any updates ?
save us lol
how we lookin ?
you hearing the same ?
goat say wut
still feelin good ?
any updates ?
save us lol
how we lookin ?
you hearing the same ?
goat say wut
still feelin good ?
any updates ?
save us lol
how we lookin ?
you hearing the same ?
goat say wut
still feelin good ?
any updates ?
save us lol
how we lookin ?
you hearing the same ?
goat say wut
still feelin good ?
any updates ?
save us lol
how we lookin ?
you hearing the same ?
goat say wut
still feelin good ?
any updates ?
save us lol
how we lookin ?
you hearing the same ?
goat say wut
Third pot of coffee was a bold choice today. I like it.
did that actually happen?
No idea, was just playing devils advocate since people are leaning so strongly as to who might be trustworthy or not. There’s very few people who actually know what’s going on.

Personally I’m 50/50, just my guess. But I’d rather just forget about it for now and see what happens in weeks time instead of this giant guessing game.
Does "signing" January 15th sound like an upcoming commitment to anyone else? If he can't legally sign with us that day, I'm not sure what the significance is other than an announcement of some sort. And what would be the point of him re-announcing for us?

I hope what really happened is that he signed in the ESD period and is just doing the ceremony the 15th. But if so... Why wait to announce it when he already had a ceremony lined up during the period?

This is as strange of a recruitment as I can remember. Nothing I can think of is really making sense.
Alex Collins says Hi

still feelin good ?
any updates ?
save us lol
how we lookin ?
you hearing the same ?
goat say wut
still feelin good ?
any updates ?
save us lol
how we lookin ?
you hearing the same ?
goat say wut
still feelin good ?
any updates ?
save us lol
how we lookin ?
you hearing the same ?
goat say wut
still feelin good ?
any updates ?
save us lol
how we lookin ?
you hearing the same ?
goat say wut
still feelin good ?
any updates ?
save us lol
how we lookin ?
you hearing the same ?
goat say wut
still feelin good ?
any updates ?
save us lol
how we lookin ?
you hearing the same ?
goat say wut
still feelin good ?
any updates ?
save us lol
how we lookin ?
you hearing the same ?
goat say wut
This the only version of you I need on this board for eternity
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