2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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Yes, again, if he signed by that Friday, HE HAS TO SUBMIT IT WITHIN SEVEN DAYS. I'm not yelling at you, you're asking in good faith, I just wanted to emphasize that part!


Yes, he would have had to submit the LOI. And if he did, then whatever school he signed with COULD THEN COMMENT ON HIM. And it would be advantageous to do so TO PROHIBIT TAMPERING with a signed recruit.

I mean, I understand the "building suspense" stuff, but signing (and submitting) an LOI in secret is just about the worst and most legally misleading way of doing so. And might even constitute recruiting violations, in that other schools are then pursuing communication that is otherwise prohibited.
Cyrus Moss just last year (Under Mario too) signed his NLI on ESD and didn’t announce his commitment until AA game…. Miami kept it under wraps and didn’t spoil it for weeks. Just saying it’s a situation that’s possible, just wanted to know your percent chances you’d give this scenario.

For those who have decided he’s not coming and explained why you feel that way already, why do you feel the need to repeat the same continuously?

Why not let all others continue to be “gullible”, “in denial”, and or “naive?”

You guys seem to have it all figured out. Why not just pop back in when you’re proven right?

The mopes that you just described are the same clowns declaring Gattis will be back without any tangible evidence….. other than he hasn’t been fired yet



Also wouldn’t mind seeing bans put out for people that refer to him as “Prime”

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Cyrus Moss just last year (Under Mario too) signed his NLI on ESD and didn’t announce his commitment until AA game…. Miami kept it under wraps and didn’t spoil it for weeks. Just saying it’s a situation that’s possible, just wanted to know your percent chances you’d give this scenario.

I like this take...I'm only about forward thinking here, this seems feasible. STILL, keep your eyes on Deion.
None of these outlets had any Intel before he committed to Miami. Are we supposed to believe they somehow have legitimate sources now. If anything everyone is playing the same guessing game. When Cormani makes an announcement everyone will learn at same time.
Same could be said about all the ppl on this board who seem so certain about everything these days
Cyrus Moss just last year (Under Mario too) signed his NLI on ESD and didn’t announce his commitment until AA game…. Miami kept it under wraps and didn’t spoil it for weeks. Just saying it’s a situation that’s possible, just wanted to know your percent chances you’d give this scenario.

"Keeping it under wraps" is one thing for announcement purposes (and plenty of UM insiders knew about it).

But that letter has to be submitted early, and then there are ramifications that follow.

Again, I would just point out...the last day to sign the LOI this past December was the 23rd. Seven days later (submission) was December 30th. The Under Armour game was played on January 3rd this year.

I don't know all the dates from last year off the top of my head, but I'm just pointing out that there's only a few days of "secret-keeping" if Cormani was going to make the announcement AT THE GAME. Waiting another couple of weeks? Now we are starting to strain the boundaries of "keeping it under wraps".

I mean...if people want to think that's what is happening...they are entitled to their opinions, no matter how unlikely and illogical those opinions are.
It doesn't even matter if it's photoshopped, dude apparently has a film crew following him around. Call a spade a spade. Apparently what we call an "introvert" today, we called an "attention *****/diva" yesterday.

Have you actually seen this "film crew"? Have you asked @SWFLHurricane if there was a "film crew" following Cormani everywhere?

Because I think @SWFLHurricane has more digital "film" of Cormani than this "film crew" does.
Kid ain’t coming. If he was he would’ve signed on signing day. What’s the point of delaying just to stay with Miami? Has a kid ever delayed and stayed with a school? I doubt it

Just change your name to YeastMode or drink some cranberry juice, because you've definitely got an infection in your ******.
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"When asked about Miami, McClain also said that’s where he’s headed. At that point, the conversation with McClain’s decision was left alone, at least with McClain himself. There’s still more.

When the opportunity to interview Robert Stafford happened, he was asked about when he’s enrolling at Miami.

“Me and Cormani are enrolling in May,” Stafford said."
what I found interesting was the embedded article referenced in this one "Cormani Backstory" which also gives you some insight to his decision process.

The only think that doesn't make sense is that if he such a shy and private individual why the documentary and ensuing media attention that this would inevitably bring? Unless something went a wry in the recruitment that he was not anticipating, it seems the whole set up is not jiving with his introverted personality.
Same could be said about all the ppl on this board who seem so certain about everything these days
It's a message board you shouldn't expecting 100% accuracy from anyone
. If you are I have some ocean front property I can sell you just outside Detroit.
Did he say there was an announcement or a ceremony or a hat game? I have seen that repeated by everyone but him. The only thing I see he said is that he is signing on the 15th. The rest seems to be completely made up.

Again….signing what? A non-binding Grant in Aid? Who cares? Since he’s not an EE, who is he sending a LOI to on 2/1?
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