2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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For the life of me I can never understand the hostility and fake tough guy attitude a lot of people on here try to display.

For someone who doesn't know me, its pretty comical that you would attack my comprehension skills.

Let me give you a bit of insight, I am a medical doctor. In this field, you have to have a bit, just a bit, of verbal comprehension as well as the ability to read body language and social cues as the presence, absence, or irregularities in them (verbal, body, and social language), will help you ultimately in your interactions with patients.

You also have to read the room which, seemingly, is a skill you have not developed. Probably because you are just now arising from the cocoon of adolescence en route to developing your young adult mind which doesn't happen until you're about 25-26 years old for most males. The next 7-9 years will be some of your best and most vital to your development as a young man, so hold on, learn from your mistakes, and wear a condom.

If you are above the age of 25-26, then I feel sorry for you, because the aforementioned period of growth did not bode well for you and you most likely didn't heed to the advice.

Nonetheless, if you read and transcribe the interview with Cormani, yes it reads as you say. Because it is a sequence of words without the personalization he gives it to possibly mean other things than what the words his mouth is mechanically producing literally mean.

There is a question asked towards the beginning of the interview which is "what are the factors that are going to be playing into that whether or not you stick with your verbal commitment? He answers " Umm. Come in. Play as a freshman and who can develop me the best" If the answer is so clear-cut Miami, why is this in question?

Next, you can't ignore the gossipy smile he has when asked "Who are the schools in the running?" Although he says Miami, his facial expression and slight giggle afterwards is not in concordance with that verbal answer. He then answered "yeah" with a pause, and then "that's all" which also leads to believe that it isn't all.

There's a reason why most people are reacting a certain way and it is because there is a seeming disconnect between what he's saying and his non-verbal cues.

If you've made it this far, I salute you, as you must be quite fatigued from reading far more than you are accustomed to. In the end, I hope you are the one that is correct and we end up with Cormani, who is a great talent, at a position of desperate need. Again, the disconnect is there, If he ends up a Cane, as you are so passionately confident there is nothing to suggest otherwise, then its a beautiful loss for me.


Dude you must be a Dr because only a Dr is so full of himself they are actually clueless how people really react.

Also your entire response is so off base its comical. You clearly said he said "yeah", because we was looking at other schools when he then, on the very next words says "thats all". I mean how TF is a so called comprehension savant like yourself not going to notice the very next 2 words? I mean stop dude... just stop. Its embarrassing and now your doubling down trying to spin some BS.

I guess you noticed how the clown interviewer was taking his words and then adding BS to them to act like he said things he didn't? And as I guess as a Dr and all you evaluated how an introvert would react to someone pulling that BS on them. LOL dude... what the double F kety F ever.

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Watch the interview again

Cormani says in the beginning that “nothing has changed” in regards to his recruitment

He also says “he will be signing on January 15th” note that he doesn’t say making a decision or something along those lines

He then says the only school in the picture is “Miami”

I wouldn’t read too much into the playing as a freshman and who could develop him the best. Any young kid is going to say he’s looking for that in a school

Idk guys, but I think he signs here. Maybe he already did, and the coaches are letting him have his moment. Mario has said from the beginning that they “feel confident about where they are at with all the players in the class” when asked about this on signing day

As for the awkwardness, I think it’s possible that he either likes to troll the media, or perhaps he was annoyed when the guy asked him what other schools are involved

Just my .02

Dude you must be a Dr because only a Dr is so full of himself they are actually clueless how people really react.

Also your entire response is so off base its comical. You clearly said he said "yeah", because we was looking at other schools when he then, on the very next words says "thats all. I mean how TF is a so called comprehension savant like yourself not going to notice the very next 2 words? I mean stop dude... just stop. Its embarrassing and now your doubling down trying to spin some BS.

I guess you noticed how the clown interviewer was taking his words and then adding BS to them to make act like he said things he didn't? And as I guess as a Dr and all you evaluated how an introvert would react to someone pulling that BS on them. LOL dude... what the double F kety F ever.
I thought you said you didn't read anything after fake tough guy?
Kid must really hate Miami to troll Mario, DVD and players like Bain. Kids takin one OV and that was to us. Bama came crying to get him to OV and he told them to kick rocks. Shows up in Canes gear takes pictures flashing The U. Kid says he's coming. I ain't gonna worry until I see him take an official somewhere.
These days, being the #2 player in the country and a corner to boot, is a tall order for a 17 year old. In the few interviews I’ve seen of Cormani, he seems like a shy young fella uncomfortable with a mic in his face.

That being said, stranger things have happened and if he’s trolling us, it’ll be the most epic one of all time and he’ll be despised by our fan base for eternity.

IMO, I don’t believe he’s trolling us. It seems there’s been some unsubstantiated issues he’s had to overcome and hopefully by 1/15, all those issues will be resolved and he “signs” with us.
For the life of me I can never understand the hostility and fake tough guy attitude a lot of people on here try to display.

For someone who doesn't know me, its pretty comical that you would attack my comprehension skills.

Let me give you a bit of insight, I am a medical doctor. In this field, you have to have a bit, just a bit, of verbal comprehension as well as the ability to read body language and social cues as the presence, absence, or irregularities in them (verbal, body, and social language), will help you ultimately in your interactions with patients.

You also have to read the room which, seemingly, is a skill you have not developed. Probably because you are just now arising from the cocoon of adolescence en route to developing your young adult mind which doesn't happen until you're about 25-26 years old for most males. The next 7-9 years will be some of your best and most vital to your development as a young man, so hold on, learn from your mistakes, and wear a condom.

If you are above the age of 25-26, then I feel sorry for you, because the aforementioned period of growth did not bode well for you and you most likely didn't heed to the advice.

Nonetheless, if you read and transcribe the interview with Cormani, yes it reads as you say. Because it is a sequence of words without the personalization he gives it to possibly mean other things than what the words his mouth is mechanically producing literally mean.

There is a question asked towards the beginning of the interview which is "what are the factors that are going to be playing into that whether or not you stick with your verbal commitment? He answers " Umm. Come in. Play as a freshman and who can develop me the best" If the answer is so clear-cut Miami, why is this in question?

Next, you can't ignore the gossipy smile he has when asked "Who are the schools in the running?" Although he says Miami, his facial expression and slight giggle afterwards is not in concordance with that verbal answer. He then answered "yeah" with a pause, and then "that's all" which also leads to believe that it isn't all.

There's a reason why most people are reacting a certain way and it is because there is a seeming disconnect between what he's saying and his non-verbal cues.

If you've made it this far, I salute you, as you must be quite fatigued from reading far more than you are accustomed to. In the end, I hope you are the one that is correct and we end up with Cormani, who is a great talent, at a position of desperate need. Again, the disconnect is there, If he ends up a Cane, as you are so passionately confident there is nothing to suggest otherwise, then its a beautiful loss for me.
I’ll admit I was fatigued from reading it though it is well-written but I’ve had a long day of work and the Vyvanse for my ADHD wore off earlier in the day so I’m really looking for simplistic dots to connect with lines not words at this point.
I’ll admit I was fatigued from reading it though it is well-written but I’ve had a long day of work and the Vyvanse for my ADHD wore off earlier in the day so I’m really looking for simplistic dots to connect with lines not words at this point.
:ROFLMAO: The fact that it wore off now tells me you're taking it at the right time. No sweat, it is a long post, blame it on the transcription of the interview.
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