2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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Because it is about relationships & money. The kid literally coined himself as “money”.

I would probably bet he goes to Colorado based on how this went down. However we have the money & relationships (DVD/Mario) to win out.

Deion has been on him for a while. For him to team up with Travis Hunter and be apart of a massive storyline is why I think his mom & him decide CU.

His name is Cormani.

Mani for short.

Let’s not read too much into this.

As long as your pants were still buttoned, you're probably fine. Just keep walking downriver and you'll find civilization.
Woke up with pants on, unfortunately. Walked out onto the lake to gauge whether the ice was safe to skate on, it's sketchy but I'm gonna give it a try. If I don't post anymore you'll know why.
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As long as your pants were still buttoned, you're probably fine. Just keep walking downriver and you'll find civilization.
I know this is the wrong thread for this, so I apologize in advance, but Bluestein said that CM isn’t doing interviews because he signed a deal w a group doing a documentary which gives them exclusive access.

I could’ve hallucinated this, but I seem to recall Deion and T Hunter having a similiar deal w a group doing a documentary.

Does it mean anything? Who knows? Prolly not. I just wanted to do my part to muddy the waters.
He could have told DVD the situation as not to troll him. I really doubt he signs here after listening to Larry
I got the total opposite from listening to him. The company made him drag it out for drama and more footage. He signs last week and the documentary is over. They get to take it to the all star game and all kinda stuff.
I love how one tiny little nugget of information leads to a theory that builds steam and gets adopted as fact.

Or we could just wait and see.

Don’t try to bring rationale into this thread. It’s not about the facts, it’s about the clicks…board is sad without Mani.0…
Yeah, to participate in BBQ talk and laugh at all the conspiracy theorists that take rumors and turn them into facts.

What is being turned into facts?

There is very little information so a few were discussing the documentary, whether Mario knew about it, how Deion and Hunter orchestrated the same thing last year and how it wouldn’t be far fetched if Deion was up to it again for the top CB in the country…

That’s a helluva a lot more interesting than “it’s complicated” just wait and see, but it’s trending negatively.
I got the total opposite from listening to him. The company made him drag it out for drama and more footage. He signs last week and the documentary is over. They get to take it to the all star game and all kinda stuff.

I get that but i trust Cribby at this point, and if he says its not trending in a good direction and comments like "Miami doesnt think theyre dead", how could it be as simple as "hey coach im getting paid for this documentary, im going to have to sign in January but I'm still committed 100%"
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Well, it's entirely possible that Spiegelman is correct, and that Cormani McClain never signs with Miami.

Cormani could simply enroll at Miami without ever signing any paperwork.

So both his "source" and his "crystal ball" could be correct at the same time...
could be... except his crystal ball (which he put in like an hour after his sources saying he would not sign with Miami ), literally predicts him to sign with Miami.

We will see how this plays out. All I knkw that 57% spiegalman doesnt know jack
Yeah, Ivins doesn't have a clue.

I guess if Cormani enrolls on January 17th, he'd have to be a secret, silent UM student for 2 weeks...

Good lord...
The only possible way is if he indeed signed during the EE period and asked UM to keep it quiet because he’s doing a documentary regarding his signing period and wants to announce on MLK day and enroll in classes that week but that sounds super exaggerated.
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I can't remember a recruitment like this Miami was involved in if he doesn’t sign here. Closes I can think of is Romello Height but he wasn't ranked close to as high. Tyson Campbell and Pat surtain with the Dan silo thing was tough but they were never committed. I think Bryce Brown would be the closes to that.
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