2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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That did it....Orlando here I come. @TheOriginalCane ....tickets are free...upload to your E-Mail, and scan at the gate. Game starts at 5p.m....Gates open at 1p.m
Think I'm gonna go as well. Got talked into it from a buddy from Daytona and gives my an excuse to get out of the house and abandon my kids to the wife for a few hours. Fingers Crossed they sell booze at this event.
Sorry for being long winded here but I’ve told this to many dog parents.

When we brought our Norfolk Terrier home in July of ‘99, we immediately took her to the vet for a check up and she was declared a healthy puppy. We fenced in the back yard so she would have her own realm to roam.

I have several flower beds that I would put bagged hardwood mulch in. When our dog was about 3, she started eating the mulch like it was dog treats. Made her sick a couple of times and we rushed her to the vet for treatment. Both the vet and I decided it would be a good idea to remove the mulch so I took it all out and replaced it with pea rock.

About a year later at 4 years old, Kadee developed a heart murmur. We monitored it closely but even after some meds, her heart continued to grow to the point her heart literally exploded one Sat morning. She was 7.

The vet and I never thought of a correlation between Kadee eating the mulch and her heart condition. A couple of years later, the local news station ran an expose’ about hardwood mulch being treated with a chemical one molecule different than antifreeze. And we all know antifreezes has a sweet taste to dogs but is very harmful if they ingest it. The chemical was used to rid the mulch of pests and keep it from molding.

Several dog owners had put 2 and 2 together and filed complaints that their dogs were eating the mulch and getting sick. I almost fell out of my recliner. I have no evidence to support the mulch was the cause of my dogs illness but it sure was compelling.

As far as I know, the mulch companies have discontinued the use of that chemical. If you use bagged hardwood mulch, please be aware of this. I would hate to hear of other dogs becoming sick from ingesting treated mulch.
I read that cocoa bean mulch is the most harmful to dogs. But there are alternatives includes Cypress mulch which does not. Sorry for your loss but hopefully we can learn from the much-too-early passing of your little girl.
Think I'm gonna go as well. Got talked into it from a buddy from Daytona and gives my an excuse to get out of the house and abandon my kids to the wife for a few hours. Fingers Crossed they sell booze at this event.
Might not, since it's a HS Under Armor game...but there's plenty of places to go pre-game, or after directly down Church St.
Half Utah and Miami U? Uh oh
Jesus....Cormormon M
I read that cocoa bean mulch is the most harmful to dogs. But there are alternatives includes Cypress mulch which does not. Sorry for your loss but hopefully we can learn from the much-too-early passing of your little girl.
Oleander leaves are poisonous af also.
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