2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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STG is the definition of a poster who gets his fulfillment pretending to be an insider. He’s throws crap at the wall, is wrong way more often than right, and the fact this man claims to not know Cribby is nothing short of pathetic. I sense a little jealousy that Cribbys post get brought to RCT too often for STGs bruised ego and his false insider bravado he brings to the other 8 posters left on that website. Keep your always negative mopey *** over there, the fact you would even have the stones to come in here and try to run Cribby off is insanity. If the mods truly knew your schtick, they’d ban you immediately.

Yeah I’m not a mope but I had a bad feeling right away.

Not going to pretend like it’s not a huge disappointment but same time our recruiting is on an elite level again and that’s all that really matters long term. **** like this happens.

Many people had a bad feeling right away.
Some decided to say - those people were called idiots…
Understood. Many here do it. No warrants that I know off but the name (as if a pun to someone here) and the choice of avatar of a crystal ball is interesting.

Just hoping it’s not to stir up trouble
No trouble meant at all. Yes, the name is a pun on another member, whom I respect & appreciate. As u can see from my title, just poking fun at myself for being as unconnected as he is connected.

Glad u like my avatar. I created it to kind of symbolize Cristobal having the Canes Universe in his possession & care. Hope u and yours have a happy and safe holiday, brother!
It sounds like the old school is holding up some credits and UM Admin is doing what they always do and flagging it.

I'm sure other schools are saying don't worry we can get you cleared but Mario being Mario is keeping this thing alive.

Just a guess.

This is my thought.

Some paperwork got “lost, file got deleted. Wrong date on a course in the transcript. No one at the school because of Christmas vacation. An issue that can be easily fixed but prevents him from early enrolling.

Now it gets complicated because of the way the law defines certain things. The thing I wonder is did he graduate already and how that may affect his situation. Would that lock him in to being a Florida student according to the law’s definition? Could he finish classes at an out of state school and the law not apply at all? There are a ton of unknowns and this speculation may not even be the issue.
First and foremost, what does any previous time have to do with this current topic? Oh wait, nothing. His comment was made towards me on this topic. Let's focus and stick to that.

Secondly, since you feel the need to come to the defense of another grown man, by all means please show me where I called anyone out on my own. Over the MANY years on the other board, many posters shared info from different boards, from different posters. And if I called it out as wrong, it wasn't because I brought that info to the board and said it was bs. It's because other posters like yourself, would bring that info over and ask if it was legit or not. Not because I did it myself.

With that being said, until I started lurking and posting here recently, I had no clue who this man was. I sure as **** don't remember his name from the other board.
I don’t know you from Adam on this board but Time has a way of revealing true intentions and you wasted no time, IMO, with a calculated post calling everyone else out with vague info and “I am the only giving you an answer vs beating around the bush comment.”

IMO, I think you knew what you were doing with your initial post that Cribby responded to. You’ve been a lurker but don’t know who the insiders are here including Cribby?

Others are calling you out for it. So tread carefully before being “absolute on things that are still to be resolved.”
My man, an anonymous keyboard warrior on a message board could never do such a thing.

The reason why you see a million different reasons being posted as to what has occured with Cormani is that those people probably don't know and are likely guessing. Just my opinion of course.

As far as giving half info, where was there half info? I think I am the only one who has posted a definitive answer and that is that Cormani is NOT coming. Everyone else is beating around the bush or pretty much saying he is still coming.

As far as a detailed explanation as to why Cormani is not coming, why do you feel you are entitled to that? Because I can assure you that you aren't. Not from me or anyone else who cares to share info.

All that should matter to your or ANY fan is whether Cormani will be a Cane or that he won't be. Not the reasons why.

Lastly, this is a message board. You choose to believe who you want to believe. I can assure you, it makes no difference to me it you believe what I shared. As stated prior, I gain nothing by sharing if it is correct info, nor lose anything if it is wrong.
You sound like a real gasbag and literally everything you said above can be reflected right back at yourself.

Why post anything at all if you can't share the reasoning behind it? This may be the most pathetic thing I've seen on this board which is saying something with some of the morons in here.
Smoker is fired up, meat is seasoned, Blanton's has been poured and that golden reindeer is just there bc my 3yr old wouldn't leave it TF alone.

225° overnight, fat cap down, then I'll wrap it in peach paper when I wake up tomorrow and let it go until the meat thermometer slides through it like I would Lauren Jbrara.

Merry Christmas mother ****ers!

Hope OK to share here: Just reading some background I found it interesting that less than a year ago a bunch of Lake Gibson players left that high school for other "green pastures" due to issues with HC and other drama, and several transferred to Lakeland High, including you know who. There is apparently no love lost (still, between those schools), and at least a couple third parties have suggested the transfer credits of some players may have been muddled somehow. Feel bad for any players that were affected, and it does make one wonder if that is a contributing factor somehow.
Type of lil inside scoop have me coming in here like a crack fein for
How bad would this site suck if the only messages posted in a thread were about the subject, Can you imagine how awful it would be to not being able to wade thru pages of petty message board battles only the get to the end and find out no one really knows ****.
You know the sad part about this post and in general, is how much you actually care. For someone I have seen claim they don't, you bump your own posts on the daily to try and prove something. Yet from what I have seen, you are extremely vague and hedge regularly even in those posts you bump.

Funny part is, I never stated anyone specifically and I actually said that most info posted on this board is vague, which clearly shows my comment insinuates overall and was not directed at any one individual. And in fact was not directed at you. Yet you felt it was. Hmm, I wonder why.

As far as post count goes, is that really the best you can do? Because you made your 2nd home a message board, or maybe it's your primary, that means you know people and I don't? Great argument.

And if I am wrong, I can fade into oblivion? Again, if you like the fake spotlight, which it's evident you do, by all means go ahead and have it. But I can assure you I will be right here when the official word comes out. I hope things change. Trust me, I much rather have Cormani be a Hurricane and let the masses feel good about themselves when they attack what I posted or even myself.

Also, I will never be wrong and I will never be right. Because all I am is a messenger. Simply passing along what I am told. The only people who would ever be wrong or right are those providing the info that are actually the ones closely involved in these things.

Lastly, I never made a guarantee. I said that I was told Cormani was not going to be a Cane as of that moment I was told. What I did say was that 98% of the time I am told something by this individual, it holds true. Very rarely what they share ends up being wrong. And that is due to the nature of who they are and how close they are to these situations.

With that being said, I hope everyone has a great Christmas and that Cormani does end up a Cane. That way our Canes get a stud CB and those waiting to pounce on me can enjoy themselves in that front as well.
Y'all have been told to calm down and let it play it out. You didn't do that. Then, people came in here and said what is not the case out of many theories and now, these people get insulted because they only tell whats not true.

And if you think I slap my **** around for knowing... lol, no. I tried to do things in good faith, but all I get is *****ing, negativity and insults back in my face, along with using actually claiming that they believe that they are entitled to knowing what's going on.

For the last time, calm down. You'll hear in February.
If you know, why not just say it? If you don't, then STFU. If its some super duper secret info then STFU.

As a matter of fact no matter what the situation is just STFU.
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