2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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What may be even sadder is that DBC was considered a secure enough source to receive private information to keep confidential. I am just waiting for someone to dupe him into spilling the beans by telling him that he is the sole heir to his unknown Ugandan great uncle’s estate and that they need his bank account information and the confidential reason that Money McClain cannot yet commit to receive his $59 million. Crazy!
His source is probably Geo's tweets haha

So let me get this right:

The check or wire goes through for every other player in the class & transfer targets but for the one & most important recruit in a long time for Miami, that’s the one. That’s the one player they are going to choose to mess up and ***** up and not clear the transaction as promised?

Am I understanding you correctly?

And I thought Ruiz didn't do checks.

We have gone from - Sanders being the reason for the hold-up, but then we heard he would sign the second day of ESD, then It's an ACT score issue, next he is having issues with transcripts, and finally, a check bounced, and Ruiz is fighting Gators in twitter on how is operates his NIL deals.

Out of all the rumors, I believe this has something to do with Ruiz and the NIL deal getting done in a matter that satisfies both parties in a compliant fashion. Why else would everyone keep quiet on it? The Miami media would ruin a silent visitor visit or tip off another team if it meant getting the story out first. Still, when a billionaire lawyer tells you to keep quiet, people tend to listen and tread lightly. I don't know squat, but it's what makes sense in my mind now that ESD is over.
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Y’all are not thinking through the insinuations for “checks bouncing.” We cannot pay this kid before he is a student under state law to my understanding. If the implication is that Mani didn’t sign because the “check bounced,” then he expected us to do something that was going to get us got. Ruiz can’t just front NIL money or we on in deep **** … that’s a lot to vaguely imply on a message board
Checks can’t bounce if they were never issued.
The reason Cormani hasn’t signed is not complicated, however getting Cormani signed is.
Bottom line, he didn’t make EE for whatever reason, so couldn’t start getting paid, and that is the reason he’s not signing yet.

Keeping speculation out of this and just looking at the reported facts, it not difficult to do some deductive reasoning and figure out what is going on here.

- Cormani was expected as an EE and planned to participate in spring practice.

- Now, Cormani is no longer an EE. Due to some “issue”. Could be grades, transcript mistake, ACT score, missed requirement, etc.
But the reason why is not really relevant because the bottom line he is not an EE.

- Since Cormani currently does not have the requirements to graduate HS yet, he is not eligible for NIL in the state of Florida.

- Now we are dealt with the dilemma.
Cormani’s camp can :
A. ) Sign now and wait six months before getting a check ( assuming he qualifies then )
B) Hold out and see if Miami can find some loop hole and still get us the money now.
C) Hold out, wait till Feb and see if anyone else can offer a better deal AND/OR get paid now.

There is no benefit for him to choose A, therefore he hasn’t signed and most likely won’t.
New name, Jack71?
You say that like Jack71 has outstanding warrants or something, lol. Just a little change of pace for the new year. Everyone else has cool and crazy names. Just thought I'd join the fun.
I’ll say this and only this, I got bashed for being early on the Rooster thing and people tried to call me a liar and it came true. I got bashed on the Fletcher thing and it came true. I said Edwin Joseph was heading to FSU before I decided on my own to leave rivals when everyone else had PSU. I stuck through with the crystal ball I put on Damari Brown from October meanwhile other sites or national analysts hedged bets. I kept bringing up Collins Acheampong and Joshua Horton for a reason for months. On3 national analysts kept playing the propaganda about Malik Bryant and UF and I told people he was sticking with Miami. I told people in September that Mikeska would not be in Miami’s class in December in a Q&A session and was called a liar. I’ve warned people when commits are going to happen and I get from the CIS crowd saying “he knows nothing or he’s hungry for attention” but yet how would I have these things prepared in the first place when they commit? How would I have these things prepared when players leave the program? Why would I break news in the off-season of players leaving the program even last year or other commits?

I don’t care for attention, I don’t care for credit. My platform continued to grow for a reason when I came back after the pandemic and the offers that came my way were earned through hard work.

This is not a thing about proving myself or an egotistical rant but the outright disrespect towards me is beyond ridiculous. I knew the chances that he wouldn’t sign over the period even when I hit send on the tweet.

You guys complain about people hedging bets but I give it straight like it should be.

Let things play out, Miami has real recruiters on this staff. Everything will make sense soon and you will connect the dots.

As for the classical “oh now he says he can’t say something.” You wouldn’t even begin to understand what it is to work a job in the recruiting industry or things you can and can’t say. I missed once this entire cycle from February to this December, balling David Hicks to OU. That still bugs me, but don’t act like there are not other reports that don’t even bat anywhere close to accurate.

I am homegrown, from CIS and the same people you listen to here will vouch for me and they already did.

I stepped away from popping in here because of the lack of respect.
Don’t let these idjets get to you, Geo. Keep doing your thing.

Remember that a lot of these porsters are either envious or just immature brats that act like jilted females whenever something doesn’t go the way that they expect it to.
He verbaled to us and hasn't signed an LOI.

That's not a good thing. Moreover, every aspect of his recruitment, at this juncture, is pure speculation.

Until he signs an LOI, I will just assume he won't be coming here. If he does, great. If he doesn't, I'll live.

These Cormani 8.3 threads are beyond stupid at this point.
I struggle with the thought that we have shot our shot and we don’t have dried ink (yet). What does Mario et. al. have at their disposal anymore besides a telephone line to the kid and his mother? Once the dead period ends, he cannot OV, we cannot go in home (at least Mario cannot). I would imagine an unofficial is allowed, but do we have any other ability to keep the press on besides the telephone at this point? I get that this is some kind of combination that he can’t get paid since he won’t be out of high school, but what resources do we still have besides growing that check for when he does sign? And in February when he does sign somewhere, he cannot get paid until May 19, when he graduates, so this is a leap of faith anyways (what did he gain on signing then instead of now?).

If he wants to be Miami in the end but is struggling, by waiting, the only thing that he has gained is the ability to go on OVs elsewhere. The payment is not changing (can’t imagine Ruiz penalizing the kid since he cannot get paid now, only not paying him until he legally can to not become a Nevin Shapiro). He also gained time to hire his own people to evaluate what is being said, but I would imagine that they would have already done this to make sure that they were being represented or would have sought counsel over the last 3 days that could affirm or refute what is going on with the deferred payment.

It’s spilled milk at this point, but I just don’t understand the reasoning behind this decision by their camp (and I do wear orange and green glasses, so I get being biased). Anyone know what kind of contact we still have in the bag since we put the press on to make sure he stayed with us when it was possibly a Bama flip? Thanks and Happy Holidays.
Ruiz said on Twitter that he’s taking all the NIL athletes to ring the bell at the stock exchange late January.

I wonder if an event like this is why Cormani didn’t sign. Since he can’t enroll early, he doesn’t get paid for this big event, which could have been a big bonus. Cormani wanted to renegotiate since he won’t get this bonus and withheld signing until he gets that extra money.
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