2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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You’re full of shlt on this post. Why don’t you have an eggnog and STFU.
feel kenny GIF

there has been plenty of players over the years sign early and then not qualify

as much as we want to remain positive, it just doesn't seem likely that the kid woke up 1 hour before he signs and realized he doesn't qualify

more than likely he got talked into waiting by another program or is looking for more money.. until someone provides a shred of evidence to say otherwise then that's what it is

if it was anything else, him or his family could come out and say that they aren't flipping and just working on stuff

Nah, you're genuinely wrong.
What is exactly happening then with the delay?

Since I’m wrong, you must be right and know everything about the situation right ?

Or would you telling me forfeit your super top secret insider status?

Cmon man, nobody on here knows anything. Only difference is my guess makes the most sense, it’s just not what you want to hear so you guys are being babies about it
what the **** are you talking about? 1/4 of the posts is me?

you guys are blindly assuming sh*t left and right that there is some magical rainbow situation where it's actually fine and for some resaon 1 hour before signing, the #2 prospect in the coutnry decides not to sign

nothing that YOU or anyone else on here has said in terms of academic obstacles makes any sense whatsoever

maybe YOU should stop pretending like you know what the **** you're talking about

i'm insinuating the kid is smart and trying to increase his bag, you're insinuating he's dumb and can't qualify.. tell me which one of those is worse? I have no anger towards the kid at all. I'm bothered that fake *** insiders come on here pretending to know some made up complication when in reality they just read tea leaves on twitter and assume the best

Today, you win the award for Most Words/Least Accuracy.

Literally everything you say in there is wrong.

Just because it makes no sense to you, a person who doesn't know the details, doesn't mean that there isn't a Rubik's Cube solution in there.

Again, to be clear, you don't know what you are talking about and you are lashing out at people who do know, or who have figured it out more quickly than you.
Believe me, the answer is so trivial, you'll laugh about it once its done.
Hope you’re right friend

But until there’s proof or anyone other than ppl on CIS talking about it… then anything is on the table
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