2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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Sometimes you just gotta bake it until you make it.

shemar moore swat GIF by CBS

@Coach Prime I don't know why you're searching for trouble. I'm going to write you up for multiple citations and antagonizing as well. Take a break in the slammer for some time and do better. I think you're better than this.

Bored The Virginian GIF by GritTV

Allegedly it’s that T-Rob told Cormani DVD is taking the USC DB job.

But what I don’t understand is if that’s spew and DVD ain’t leaving, that could be cleared up in a simple phone call. Why is it dragging well into Thursday?
**** we have an oc who is allegedly fired but he’s still employed and on all the official recruiting stuff from the school
Allegedly it’s that T-Rob told Cormani DVD is taking the USC DB job.

But what I don’t understand is if that’s spew and DVD ain’t leaving, that could be cleared up in a simple phone call. Why is it dragging well into Thursday?

That’s why I don’t think that’s it. Bama is getting ricks today. They have moved on from McClain
Recruits aren't hopping into goofy Ivans signing day article articles.

If they were going off **** they read on the internet our class would be 118th
It’s not the article only. These kids pick up a star and go on social media “agtg I am now a 4 star”.
Coaches also use anything they can to negatively recruit.
Actually, those three schools are the SOURCE of the leaks about them getting back on Cormani's radar.
Meh. I think the source of that is mainly Cormani, who declined to sign with us yesterday. And lots of speculation about him entertaining others has naturally followed. Because why else wouldn’t you sign with a school you’re committed to unless you’re thinking about going elsewhere.

Deion is a spotlight ***** though, so I’m sure he’s pushing stuff to the media (like the fact that he called Cormani on the morning of NSD). But none of the Alabama or UF media has said a peep. That’s just a fact.
Listen what I wrote wasn’t directed at anyone in particular or just this one thread.

And I’m not here to be Cribby’s Capt.Sav-a-Hoe cause he definitely doesn’t need my old *** to take up or protect him.

But it was about guys having anything negative to say about the one guy we should all be thanking on a daily basis for the info he brings.Remember when he disappeared for a while and guys on here we’re begging for him to come back cause no one knew sHT for the most part while he was gone.

When I joined this site there were any number of guys that brought great info to the board.How many are left besides Cribby? 1 or 2 that bring an occasional tidbit to the site.

All I’m saying is I’ve seen sites info dry up because the “insiders” got tired of having to explain themselves every time something didn’t pan out even though they were correct 9 out of 10 times with what they said.Don’t bite the hands that feed you guys.We enjoy the best site out there free or otherwise because of the “ insiders” we have on the site.

As I said there was only one perfect person that ever walked this earth and he’s planning his birthday party in a few days.Take the good news with the bad and understand NO ONE is going to hit on everything especially in recruiting.I’ll guarantee that Mario wasn’t 100% yesterday on what he thought would happen.If he doesn’t know how the fck can anyone else.

Done…..everyone have a very merry Cane Christmas.And to CFB “ be afraid.Be very afraid.The Hurricanes are coming.Gonna take a couple years but they’re coming to take back their rightful seat at the top”

Hehehe I kid
The video stuff was on rivals stream. Cribby I thought said no to deion. Tons have said Bama isn't involved. And agin, trob waited until when to tell him? Why couldn't McClain just call DVD and say yo what's up. End of story. There is more.
I mean there has been dozens of reporters that have come out and said the Deion is in contact with McClain. He is definitely doing everything he can t sign this kid. As much as I hate Trob, its a smart recruiting tactic. By dropping a bomb like this close to signing day, it will freak the kid out. Therefore, it buys your more time to try to flip this kid. It seemed to have worked. McClain probably heard this rumor, freaked out and hit the panic button
Oh right you gave 👀 for Hussey. My mistake but along the same lines imo. The purpose of my post had nothing to do with calling you out lol.

But that's what you are doing. You invent an alternate reality where people gave you assurances they never did, and then complain because you are disappointed over being misled.

THIS is why the calm people point out all the overreactions.
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