You’re being a little dishonest here. The last thumbs up I gave was for Adeleye. Just go put a

in my search history, the list is long.
With your breakdown you left off how I backed off my pick hours later saying “something changed“. The proof was in the pudding when he later pushed it back twenty four hours and was flip flopping, going back in forth multiple times. If you want to give me an L for that even though I backed off have at it. Its all good.
Secondly I never gave a thumbs up on Hussey. A poster said “Hussey received a Donno ball” and I responded with “ i agree with that“. He was the reason I had the flip avatar. Fact is he was telling players he was coming the previous week and was recruiting for UM. Shockingly you left off the part where D money and myself both posted “things had changed and he was trending FSU, if he didn’t push it back that would be the choice”. He pushed it back.
Thirdly I never guaranteed anything on NSD, nada. I was asked if I expected a surprise and my answer was “ there was multiple guys in play that could be possible , I wouldn’t put anything past Mario on NSD“. I was straight up about everything like I always am. I also mentioned we were still recruiting a mystery wr hard that was on the down low ,then a week later Witfong writes about Hykeem.
What I find funny is how people like you pick and choose what I post and bend it to make me look a certain way. Or misquote me. Which is all good , I’m the idiot that continually puts myself in the cross hairs daily even though I know my posts , threads and predictions are watched by a large amount of people. With a portion waiting for a crack to troll . No matter how much stuff I put out that has been proven to be legit. Things change and i‘m honest with what I hear, too honest if I’m keeping it a buck . I don’t use fake stories or bs like some folks for clicks , which I’ve exposed the last two years.
I left this thread for a reason and nothing positive can come from posting on the subject anymore .