2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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Fong has a close gator contact (possibly on staff?) that feeds him a lot of info.

He spins favorably towards UF and G5B often.
Thats probably the reason they made that Cormani commitment video....

Lmao Lol GIF

Tobey Maguire Lol GIF

@GoCanes!! i saw this and am excited about it. The question was asked why Miami fans were worrried about a UF flip and I provided the context. I did not say he was flipping. I do not understand how that is difficult to interpret.
@GoCanes!! i saw this and am excited about it. The question was asked why Miami fans were worrried about a UF flip and I provided the context. I did not say he was flipping. I do not understand how that is difficult to interpret.
Rashada. Plus the Gators are stirring fake stories to try and unsettle our class. Plain as day. Malik committed with Edge, he is family
Lol. Wif long them made. Gator committment video for Cormani too
Mario’s been feeding him Ls for months. You can tell from the recent content that the national guys like him and Ivins are salty about it. Ivins was crying about Cormani on a pod and then turned it into not liking Mario taking the commitment of Reid Mikeska who he said he’s never seen play.
Mario’s been feeding him Ls for months. You can tell from the recent content that the national guys like him and Ivins are salty about it. Ivins was crying about Cormani on a pod and then turned it into not liking Mario taking the commitment of Reid Mikeska who he said he’s never seen play.
Wtf? That boi is a beast. He mad at Mario for flipping a Clenson commit? Guess he mad at Dabo too then. He gonna be instrumental in our blocking scheme and he can run and catch. He is probably the most college ready TE coming in from what i watched
Mario’s been feeding him Ls for months. You can tell from the recent content that the national guys like him and Ivins are salty about it. Ivins was crying about Cormani on a pod and then turned it into not liking Mario taking the commitment of Reid Mikeska who he said he’s never seen play.
I think everyone is way too sensitive. I don’t think Ivins hates us at all, and Old man fong while not a fan isn’t going out of his way to hate either.
Wtf? That boi is a beast. He mad at Mario for flipping a Clenson commit? Guess he mad at Dabo too then. He gonna be instrumental in our blocking scheme and he can run and catch. He is probably the most college ready TE coming in from what i watched
Exactly. Not a peep when Dabo took him or when Florida was going after him.
I think everyone is way too sensitive. I don’t think Ivins hates us at all, and Old man fong while not a fan isn’t going out of his way to hate either.
Ivins is definitely less friendly to Miami since he moved over to the National desk. I'd say he's salty at times. I think the whole 247 organization isn't too happy about the cormani fiasco. And I don't think Mario throws them any bones...
Ivins is definitely less friendly to Miami since he moved over to the National desk. I'd say he's salty at times. I think the whole 247 organization isn't too happy about the cormani fiasco. And I don't think Mario throws them any bones...
Well they aren’t happy about the Cormani situation because they got played there but that doesn’t mean there is some sort of anti Miami slant. Ivins needs to be less Miami friendly, he went from covering Miami to being national, that part is obvious. My statement is that fans are too sensitive when it comes to their program, anything outside of outright felating their program is being negative. Their job is to to cover recruiting and to sell subs. Miami has a top tier class and has disappointed on the field, of course there will be buzz around whether or not our class sticks together.
Ivins is definitely less friendly to Miami since he moved over to the National desk. I'd say he's salty at times. I think the whole 247 organization isn't too happy about the cormani fiasco. And I don't think Mario throws them any bones...
In general, US media outfits and personalities overestimate their importance in the things they report on. They do wield some power but many casual football fans don't even know what 247 sports is, or even who the top recruits are on a yearly basis. Regardless they will continue to reside in their own little twitter bubbles, inflating their perception of self-importance from likes/retweets received from a bunch of incels and nameless twitter trolls. Good times we live in!
I think everyone is way too sensitive. I don’t think Ivins hates us at all, and Old man fong while not a fan isn’t going out of his way to hate either.
He doesn’t hate us, but he definitely has taken a different tone towards UM. I think it’s because the new staff doesn’t feed him information, so he is in the dark on a lot of things.
Now Berg and Corey Bender have moved on to Cormani. Went from Malik right to “could cormani flip?” And their reasoning is “UF hasn’t stopped recruiting him”…. Well no ****. He’s the best recruit to ever come from a direct gator pipeline why would they? 😂
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