He definitely won't be their head coach but he probably has the best shot (also Etheridge) of being retained. The pitch won't be play for him necessarily but instead come play for Auburn. Let me be clear. I'm not saying the kid flips. I'm simply saying to those that were blowing off that update as being pathetic because on the surface it does sound pathetic, to not blow off that update completely. No doubt the dad is a huge Canes fan. With that said, Mario needs to lock in on this one.Auburn is a dumpster fire. Whole program is a mess. Cadillac is a super cool guy but won’t be their head coach. Now if they go hire lane and do it before ESD then things will get interesting with them recruiting wise.
They were smart to fire their coach early and get their search started. How quickly they fill that spot will dictate how they recruit. Not a lot of time to flip new kids for whoever the new coach is. I would assume they announce the new coach within a week of the season finishing. Problem is lane is playing for a big bowl so if it’s him or another college coach then they won’t be available till early December.
If this kid flips then sucks but we got Tripp as a center as well. I want lew kid has the makings of being a very good center, dad loves Miami, family seems to love Miami and if Mario can’t close then we got massive problems.
The team needs to beat a ****** ga tech team today. Is lew going to be at that game?
It’s silly season. As I posted in another thread buckle up with NiL ***** going to be extra crazy this year, then add in the portal….college football off season will start to become more entertaining than the season. Will be so much news and movement with kids