Congratulations Da'Vante Phillips, You played yourself.

He was taken in by Betty Cook after his Mother was tragically killed, so for that I used to have some sympathy for him.

But, since he's still out there acting a *** I have none.

It should be a lesson to Miami kids, even if you don't come to the U, if you think you're doing something to us by going to UF or FSU, you're just gonna end up playing yourself.

That's was my aunts best friend Sheree and it is a tradegy that he's still doing things like this but this is the world these kids live in and where I use to live in and come from you don't shed life long tendencies in a matter or months or years..
Believe me I know first hand.

It's the reason why I'm going in on him, when something like that happens to you as a young man, that's the perfect opportunity to change for the better & become determined to be the best you can be.

It ain't easy, it ain't easy at all, but that's what makes it important to honor the legacy of your Mother.
You don't let tragedy turn you into a criminal, you use it as a moment to elevate yourself from your surrounding circumstances.

Every time he's presented with doing something wrong the first thought that should come to his mind is his Mother & how she would feel if she knew what he was doing. It should be the main reason why he's not out there scamming & getting in trouble.

As an adult I totally understand and don't condone his or any other kids behavior such as this.. However, I'm stating that there is plenty of truth as to why these kids leave Miami because of bad company even if the kid is (like in this case) a troublemaker himself. I graduated from Miami NorthWestern and was a senior when Teddy and Amari Cooper was around I know their personalities they are truly special kids that would have and can live through bad company and make good sound decisions.. phillips just isnt one of those kids. Antwann Easterling was another great player that had bad company because of the environment he lived in. Trouble is all some of these kids know and most of the times it is better to get out of town from bad company this just happened to be a time when the kid is/was the trouble maker

He was taken in by Betty Cook after his Mother was tragically killed, so for that I used to have some sympathy for him.

But, since he's still out there acting a *** I have none.

It should be a lesson to Miami kids, even if you don't come to the U, if you think you're doing something to us by going to UF or FSU, you're just gonna end up playing yourself.

That's was my aunts best friend Sheree and it is a tradegy that he's still doing things like this but this is the world these kids live in and where I use to live in and come from you don't shed life long tendencies in a matter or months or years..
Believe me I know first hand.

It's the reason why I'm going in on him, when something like that happens to you as a young man, that's the perfect opportunity to change for the better & become determined to be the best you can be.

It ain't easy, it ain't easy at all, but that's what makes it important to honor the legacy of your Mother.
You don't let tragedy turn you into a criminal, you use it as a moment to elevate yourself from your surrounding circumstances.

Every time he's presented with doing something wrong the first thought that should come to his mind is his Mother & how she would feel if she knew what he was doing. It should be the main reason why he's not out there scamming & getting in trouble.

As an adult I totally understand and don't condone his or any other kids behavior such as this.. However, I'm stating that there is plenty of truth as to why these kids leave Miami because of bad company even if the kid is (like in this case) a troublemaker himself. I graduated from Miami NorthWestern and was a senior when Teddy and Amari Cooper was around I know their personalities they are truly special kids that would have and can live through bad company and make good sound decisions.. phillips just isnt one of those kids. Antwann Easterling was another great player that had bad company because of the environment he lived in. Trouble is all some of these kids know and most of the times it is better to get out of town from bad company this just happened to be a time when the kid is/was the trouble maker
I went to MNW too, I was actually there with Antwain, Jacory & all them.

What I'm saying is, being a troublemaker is something they decided to do, and with Da'Vante, he had the opportunity to change his life around.

Those kids you're talking about I know most of them personally, people think that every kid from our Hood is just supposed to be criminals because of how difficult the circumstances are.

Which I completely understand, I'm just saying there's a lot more kids from the area that aren't like that, it's just a matter of understanding there's more to life than just being in the streets, and getting a D1 scholly is supposed to be the thing that helps them realize that.
He was taken in by Betty Cook after his Mother was tragically killed, so for that I used to have some sympathy for him.

But, since he's still out there acting a *** I have none.

It should be a lesson to Miami kids, even if you don't come to the U, if you think you're doing something to us by going to UF or FSU, you're just gonna end up playing yourself.

That's was my aunts best friend Sheree and it is a tradegy that he's still doing things like this but this is the world these kids live in and where I use to live in and come from you don't shed life long tendencies in a matter or months or years..
Believe me I know first hand.

It's the reason why I'm going in on him, when something like that happens to you as a young man, that's the perfect opportunity to change for the better & become determined to be the best you can be.

It ain't easy, it ain't easy at all, but that's what makes it important to honor the legacy of your Mother.
You don't let tragedy turn you into a criminal
, you use it as a moment to elevate yourself from your surrounding circumstances.

Every time he's presented with doing something wrong the first thought that should come to his mind is his Mother & how she would feel if she knew what he was doing. It should be the main reason why he's not out there scamming & getting in trouble.

thank you.

i'm sick and tired of the excuses made for these kids. it's as though poor black kids from Miami are the only ones who have ever suffered hardship and disadvantages in life. my roommate in college grew up doing his homework under the bed in the projects of DC to avoid the gunshots. You know what they call him now?

Yale alumnus ... former all-ivy league athlete, and .... doctor because he's a distinguished surgeon in California.

if da'vonte was standing in front of him right now, my old roommate would beat that knucklehead within an inch of his life and tell him to shape the f*ck up.

You're friend that grew is an extraordinary individual unfortunately everyone is not that special of a person and no poor black kids from Miami are not the only ones that live through tragedy but how many people are familiar with not knowing when there next meal is coming from or shoes or any necessity of life while others around them enjoy many luxuries and everything you see signifies that you need money? It takes a very intelectual and gifted individual to even make it out of that type of life we are talking about kids that are not that gifted and everything they've seen their whole life is hustle legally or illegally to make ends meet it takes much more to change those habbits and understand that you have an opportunity to change your life
He was taken in by Betty Cook after his Mother was tragically killed, so for that I used to have some sympathy for him.

But, since he's still out there acting a *** I have none.

It should be a lesson to Miami kids, even if you don't come to the U, if you think you're doing something to us by going to UF or FSU, you're just gonna end up playing yourself.

That's was my aunts best friend Sheree and it is a tradegy that he's still doing things like this but this is the world these kids live in and where I use to live in and come from you don't shed life long tendencies in a matter or months or years..
Believe me I know first hand.

It's the reason why I'm going in on him, when something like that happens to you as a young man, that's the perfect opportunity to change for the better & become determined to be the best you can be.

It ain't easy, it ain't easy at all, but that's what makes it important to honor the legacy of your Mother.
You don't let tragedy turn you into a criminal
, you use it as a moment to elevate yourself from your surrounding circumstances.

Every time he's presented with doing something wrong the first thought that should come to his mind is his Mother & how she would feel if she knew what he was doing. It should be the main reason why he's not out there scamming & getting in trouble.

thank you.

i'm sick and tired of the excuses made for these kids. it's as though poor black kids from Miami are the only ones who have ever suffered hardship and disadvantages in life. my roommate in college grew up doing his homework under the bed in the projects of DC to avoid the gunshots. You know what they call him now?

Yale alumnus ... former all-ivy league athlete, and .... doctor because he's a distinguished surgeon in California.

if da'vonte was standing in front of him right now, my old roommate would beat that knucklehead within an inch of his life and tell him to shape the f*ck up.

You're friend that grew is an extraordinary individual unfortunately everyone is not that special of a person and no poor black kids from Miami are not the only ones that live through tragedy but how many people are familiar with not knowing when there next meal is coming from or shoes or any necessity of life while others around them enjoy many luxuries and everything you see signifies that you need money? It takes a very intelectual and gifted individual to even make it out of that type of life we are talking about kids that are not that gifted and everything they've seen their whole life is hustle legally or illegally to make ends meet it takes much more to change those habbits and understand that you have an opportunity to change your life


It just takes parents that give a fvck.
He was taken in by Betty Cook after his Mother was tragically killed, so for that I used to have some sympathy for him.

But, since he's still out there acting a *** I have none.

It should be a lesson to Miami kids, even if you don't come to the U, if you think you're doing something to us by going to UF or FSU, you're just gonna end up playing yourself.

That's was my aunts best friend Sheree and it is a tradegy that he's still doing things like this but this is the world these kids live in and where I use to live in and come from you don't shed life long tendencies in a matter or months or years..
Believe me I know first hand.

It's the reason why I'm going in on him, when something like that happens to you as a young man, that's the perfect opportunity to change for the better & become determined to be the best you can be.

It ain't easy, it ain't easy at all, but that's what makes it important to honor the legacy of your Mother.
You don't let tragedy turn you into a criminal, you use it as a moment to elevate yourself from your surrounding circumstances.

Every time he's presented with doing something wrong the first thought that should come to his mind is his Mother & how she would feel if she knew what he was doing. It should be the main reason why he's not out there scamming & getting in trouble.

As an adult I totally understand and don't condone his or any other kids behavior such as this.. However, I'm stating that there is plenty of truth as to why these kids leave Miami because of bad company even if the kid is (like in this case) a troublemaker himself. I graduated from Miami NorthWestern and was a senior when Teddy and Amari Cooper was around I know their personalities they are truly special kids that would have and can live through bad company and make good sound decisions.. phillips just isnt one of those kids. Antwann Easterling was another great player that had bad company because of the environment he lived in. Trouble is all some of these kids know and most of the times it is better to get out of town from bad company this just happened to be a time when the kid is/was the trouble maker
I went to MNW too, I was actually there with Antwain, Jacory & all them.

What I'm saying is, being a troublemaker is something they decided to do, and with Da'Vante, he had the opportunity to change his life around.

Those kids you're talking about I know most of them personally, people think that every kid from our Hood is just supposed to be criminals because of how difficult the circumstances are.

Which I completely understand, I'm just saying there's a lot more kids from the area that aren't like that, it's just a matter of understanding there's more to life than just being in the streets, and getting a D1 scholly is supposed to be the thing that helps them realize that.

I agree with most of your points there are some good kids from there thats why i pointed out teddy and coop.. Being there you should know that is so far from the truth.. Rational individuals with good rational role models will make these type of decisions but kids like phillips does not have that and there are many kids that all they know is football and the streets you can't just change that in the mmater of months.. for example it has taken many years to erradicate unfair treatment to blacks even though slavery was ended years ago but til this day we still suffer to unfair treatment to some extent you don't eradicate years of behavior in a couple of months or even years.. sad to say it but it is true.. btw i was at MNW from 2005 to 2009 when did you attend we should know one another of you were there at any point of that time frame
That's was my aunts best friend Sheree and it is a tradegy that he's still doing things like this but this is the world these kids live in and where I use to live in and come from you don't shed life long tendencies in a matter or months or years..
Believe me I know first hand.

It's the reason why I'm going in on him, when something like that happens to you as a young man, that's the perfect opportunity to change for the better & become determined to be the best you can be.

It ain't easy, it ain't easy at all, but that's what makes it important to honor the legacy of your Mother.
You don't let tragedy turn you into a criminal
, you use it as a moment to elevate yourself from your surrounding circumstances.

Every time he's presented with doing something wrong the first thought that should come to his mind is his Mother & how she would feel if she knew what he was doing. It should be the main reason why he's not out there scamming & getting in trouble.

thank you.

i'm sick and tired of the excuses made for these kids. it's as though poor black kids from Miami are the only ones who have ever suffered hardship and disadvantages in life. my roommate in college grew up doing his homework under the bed in the projects of DC to avoid the gunshots. You know what they call him now?

Yale alumnus ... former all-ivy league athlete, and .... doctor because he's a distinguished surgeon in California.

if da'vonte was standing in front of him right now, my old roommate would beat that knucklehead within an inch of his life and tell him to shape the f*ck up.

You're friend that grew is an extraordinary individual unfortunately everyone is not that special of a person and no poor black kids from Miami are not the only ones that live through tragedy but how many people are familiar with not knowing when there next meal is coming from or shoes or any necessity of life while others around them enjoy many luxuries and everything you see signifies that you need money? It takes a very intelectual and gifted individual to even make it out of that type of life we are talking about kids that are not that gifted and everything they've seen their whole life is hustle legally or illegally to make ends meet it takes much more to change those habbits and understand that you have an opportunity to change your life


It just takes parents that give a fvck.

Exactly my point he didn't have parents that watched his every move because they were too busy tryong to make ends meet also and some don't give af.. so again it takes a special individual
That's was my aunts best friend Sheree and it is a tradegy that he's still doing things like this but this is the world these kids live in and where I use to live in and come from you don't shed life long tendencies in a matter or months or years..
Believe me I know first hand.

It's the reason why I'm going in on him, when something like that happens to you as a young man, that's the perfect opportunity to change for the better & become determined to be the best you can be.

It ain't easy, it ain't easy at all, but that's what makes it important to honor the legacy of your Mother.
You don't let tragedy turn you into a criminal, you use it as a moment to elevate yourself from your surrounding circumstances.

Every time he's presented with doing something wrong the first thought that should come to his mind is his Mother & how she would feel if she knew what he was doing. It should be the main reason why he's not out there scamming & getting in trouble.

As an adult I totally understand and don't condone his or any other kids behavior such as this.. However, I'm stating that there is plenty of truth as to why these kids leave Miami because of bad company even if the kid is (like in this case) a troublemaker himself. I graduated from Miami NorthWestern and was a senior when Teddy and Amari Cooper was around I know their personalities they are truly special kids that would have and can live through bad company and make good sound decisions.. phillips just isnt one of those kids. Antwann Easterling was another great player that had bad company because of the environment he lived in. Trouble is all some of these kids know and most of the times it is better to get out of town from bad company this just happened to be a time when the kid is/was the trouble maker
I went to MNW too, I was actually there with Antwain, Jacory & all them.

What I'm saying is, being a troublemaker is something they decided to do, and with Da'Vante, he had the opportunity to change his life around.

Those kids you're talking about I know most of them personally, people think that every kid from our Hood is just supposed to be criminals because of how difficult the circumstances are.

Which I completely understand, I'm just saying there's a lot more kids from the area that aren't like that, it's just a matter of understanding there's more to life than just being in the streets, and getting a D1 scholly is supposed to be the thing that helps them realize that.

I agree with most of your points there are some good kids from there thats why i pointed out teddy and coop.. Being there you should know that is so far from the truth.. Rational individuals with good rational role models will make these type of decisions but kids like phillips does not have that and there are many kids that all they know is football and the streets you can't just change that in the mmater of months.. for example it has taken many years to erradicate unfair treatment to blacks even though slavery was ended years ago but til this day we still suffer to unfair treatment to some extent you don't eradicate years of behavior in a couple of months or even years.. sad to say it but it is true.. btw i was at MNW from 2005 to 2009 when did you attend we should know one another of you were there at any point of that time frame
I don't disagree with you, I think we're actually saying the same thing just in a different way.

And I graduated just when you were coming in.
He was taken in by Betty Cook after his Mother was tragically killed, so for that I used to have some sympathy for him.

But, since he's still out there acting a *** I have none.

It should be a lesson to Miami kids, even if you don't come to the U, if you think you're doing something to us by going to UF or FSU, you're just gonna end up playing yourself.

That's was my aunts best friend Sheree and it is a tradegy that he's still doing things like this but this is the world these kids live in and where I use to live in and come from you don't shed life long tendencies in a matter or months or years..
Believe me I know first hand.

It's the reason why I'm going in on him, when something like that happens to you as a young man, that's the perfect opportunity to change for the better & become determined to be the best you can be.

It ain't easy, it ain't easy at all, but that's what makes it important to honor the legacy of your Mother.
You don't let tragedy turn you into a criminal, you use it as a moment to elevate yourself from your surrounding circumstances.

Every time he's presented with doing something wrong the first thought that should come to his mind is his Mother & how she would feel if she knew what he was doing. It should be the main reason why he's not out there scamming & getting in trouble.

Your right EL it should be.But kids like him and the enablers around him will turn that around and blame that circumstance as the reason he's doing this stuff.

Kids like him feel entitled because they think they're the only ones that have had a difficult upbringing.

It's always an excuse.
That's was my aunts best friend Sheree and it is a tradegy that he's still doing things like this but this is the world these kids live in and where I use to live in and come from you don't shed life long tendencies in a matter or months or years..
Believe me I know first hand.

It's the reason why I'm going in on him, when something like that happens to you as a young man, that's the perfect opportunity to change for the better & become determined to be the best you can be.

It ain't easy, it ain't easy at all, but that's what makes it important to honor the legacy of your Mother.
You don't let tragedy turn you into a criminal
, you use it as a moment to elevate yourself from your surrounding circumstances.

Every time he's presented with doing something wrong the first thought that should come to his mind is his Mother & how she would feel if she knew what he was doing. It should be the main reason why he's not out there scamming & getting in trouble.

thank you.

i'm sick and tired of the excuses made for these kids. it's as though poor black kids from Miami are the only ones who have ever suffered hardship and disadvantages in life. my roommate in college grew up doing his homework under the bed in the projects of DC to avoid the gunshots. You know what they call him now?

Yale alumnus ... former all-ivy league athlete, and .... doctor because he's a distinguished surgeon in California.

if da'vonte was standing in front of him right now, my old roommate would beat that knucklehead within an inch of his life and tell him to shape the f*ck up.

You're friend that grew is an extraordinary individual unfortunately everyone is not that special of a person and no poor black kids from Miami are not the only ones that live through tragedy but how many people are familiar with not knowing when there next meal is coming from or shoes or any necessity of life while others around them enjoy many luxuries and everything you see signifies that you need money? It takes a very intelectual and gifted individual to even make it out of that type of life we are talking about kids that are not that gifted and everything they've seen their whole life is hustle legally or illegally to make ends meet it takes much more to change those habbits and understand that you have an opportunity to change your life


It just takes parents that give a fvck.

This right here.Stop making excuses for these kids bad decisions.Thats the problem now.They continue to do this dumb sh*t cause people coddle them and dont hold them responsible.

A hard childhood doesn't give you the right to be a criminal.
it's as though poor black kids from Miami are the only ones who have ever suffered hardship and disadvantages in life. my roommate in college grew up doing his homework under the bed in the projects of DC to avoid the gunshots. You know what they call him now?

Yale alumnus ... former all-ivy league athlete, and .... doctor because he's a distinguished surgeon in California.

if da'vonte was standing in front of him right now, my old roommate would beat that knucklehead within an inch of his life and tell him to shape the f*ck up.

LOL...your roommate was an anomaly. And WTF does being from Miami have to do with anything, as if kids from other poor areas don't use poverty & hunger as an excuse. Just admit you hate Miami kids...LOL.
Wasn't this the guy who chose FSWho because gang members were hunting his family in Miami?

Several traitors assured us "we couldn't understand", and "some kids really have to get away." Just another traitor, amazing how many of them end up in something similar.

he really needed to get away...not a joke thing like the other guys who just use it as a cop out.
his younger bro just signed with usf in feburary as a wr.

I have no clue why he was trying to buss checks, other than it worked previously..i know he had a kid when he was in high school...but he was raised by the Cook's who will be cashing real checks this year. Always had a soft spot for the kid as i know his story and he is one of the kids that i know needed to leave the area foreal...but i guess bussin checks to flex is real as well.
Wasn't this the guy who chose FSWho because gang members were hunting his family in Miami?

Several traitors assured us "we couldn't understand", and "some kids really have to get away." Just another traitor, amazing how many of them end up in something similar.

he really needed to get away...not a joke thing like the other guys who just use it as a cop out.

No, he needed to join the Army or Marines or something like that.

Getting out of Miami wasn't going to solve anything if he just went to a school where athletes are almost treated as above the law. The kid seems like he needed discipline and better influences. Just because he had bad influences in Miami didn't mean things would improve in Tallahassee
According to Leon Circuit Court records, Phillips bought four money orders for $485.89 at the Publix on Ocala Road last January, then altered each to $700, a difference of more than $2,300. He then deposited the altered money orders into his bank account, according to court records.

The investigation report said that while depositing the money orders at a SunTrust Bank ATM machine near campus, Phillips stood out of the camera range in an effort to avoid being seen. However, he was captured by the ATM camera when he walked in front of it as he left.


Now He's gonna get a felony conviction, and in turn He's gonna give em' some of His Constitutional rights.

These Young Black Men need to understand that until the day these felony convictions start effecting their voting bloc, AAs will continue to be the largest disenfranchised population in this racist *** win game.
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Perhaps, Miami wasn't the problem.

The actual term of his suspension/punishment will be determined by how much he can help the team win games. The relationship between severity of punishment and his ability to make plays is inverse for all of you mathematicians.

to a certain extent Jimmy Johnson believed in this system (although not for the commission of a crime). he tells the story of how he cut some JAG from the cowboys who fell asleep during film study but said that if Troy Aikman had been the one asleep, he would have brought him a pillow.

That JAG was Swervin Curvin Richards.

John Roper was the guy who had fallen asleep in a meeting.

Curvin was because he fumbled twice during a blowout.