Congrats to CIS

We have come a long ways since crashing every NSD those first few years. Without having the resources that network sites have we are only able to do what we do thanks to the many posters that share content and provide updates. Big shoutout to @Gru for the work that he did this year on the NSD thread.

Nah, no interest in that at all. I wouldn't want it, if they did I would delete me account. No way in **** I would want or take it. D knows on that one, not something that interests me in the least bit.

Just what we say when we lose a ‘croot. You learned well.
@DMoney and the founders of this place. You did it and still continue to do it. You did it your way and it has proven to be the best in the business. You have attracted name brand posters that want to help you build this place out. You pulled off one of the most successful NSD and brought info paid services were scrambling for.

Is it perfect, nah but its the imperfections that really do make it perfect. I am amazed at the shots folks continue to throw shade your way and its taken in stride, don't even faze you.

I was one of the first to follow you and I am proud of you what you have built. I wanted to say thank you and God bless you. Congrats on another successful NSD on CIS.
Like true CIS fashion, I saw the above and had to look at my join date. Then said to myself "Aight you can hold on to that claim".

Honestly, I stopped going to other sites not long after I joined. We may have to comb through threads/posts to get actual info but I think we wouldn't have it any other way.
ad placements got too crazy. It’s easily the worst I’ve ever seen on any sight.

Other than than everything else you said.
I’ve said for years that this is the best nonporn site out there.

One day, the Canes are gonna be good again...and we’re all gonna be right here to talk about it!!!! Bet that!!!!
Nah, no interest in that at all. I wouldn't want it, if they did I would delete me account. No way in **** I would want or take it. D knows on that one, not something that interests me in the least bit.
You just created a scenario where they made you a moderator against your will.

You'd delete your account?


In all seriousness OP, I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment. I was born and raised in the original 305 and been a Cane for over 50 years. Moved away almost 40 years ago and it was difficult at best to get news about our Canes.

Even though our football team hasn’t given us much joy for quite some time, this site provides a great place for all Canes to share our misery (and hopefully very soon) lots to cheer about.

Thanks to @DMoney, @Andrew, and @LuCane for providing this gathering place and for all you do to keep it going.
man i remember when i first switched here from Canestime. I was a junior in high school in 2013 and i spent all of NSD in the library on the school computers browsing this site.

Back when we were getting trolled by the Keef Bryants, Matthew Thomas's, and Travonte Valentines of the world.

My god, how far this place has come.

Congrats @DMoney and @Andrew and all others that mde this place possible.
Haven’t posted in eons and don’t visit as often as I’d like — got busy with work and family stuff years ago — but I check in from time to time and this stil is the best Canes site around. Credit to the guys that started it and good to see some of the Grassy/CanesTime crew still around. Congrats fellas — and happy holidays all. Go Canes. 🙌