MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

"This has no bearings on the Florida case."

Ummm. That's not how it works 99.9% of the time. Full Faith and Credit clause?

You are wrong. And ignorant.

Maybe you can get a Maude to delete posts that criticize your fraudulent hot-takes, but the truth is that you are wrong.
I'm not so sure you can consolidate cases pending in different states. My take on it is if both the florida and north carolina courts are deciding the same issues between the same parties and neither one cedes jurisdiction, then the only way to resolve the issue would be a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court which has original jurisdiction of disputes between two states.
there are other options at the federal level before/if it gets there. There are also other early complications because for example both south Carolina and north Carolina are subject to the 4th federal district while Florida is in the 11th- so layers here. and this is in different states, its not between states.
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Nope. What's your point?

Uhhh...just that what you not exactly how it was taught to me in law school. Or taught to anyone in law school.

It's nothing personal. It's just a substantial misstatement of the law, and how the justice system handles such lawsuits.

And for the record, this is not a dispute between the states. That would happen if, say, Florida and Alabama were arguing over who owns Pensacola.

This is two separate lawsuits in two separate state courts.
1. A NC judge thinks the case should stay in NC? Shocking.
2. This has no bearing on the Florida case.
3. "Motion to dismiss" and "winning the lawsuit" are not the same.
4. Wake me up when a judge makes the more significant ruling to consolidate the cases.
5. Everybody calm the **** down.
Agreed. It’s laughable when you read people saying massive win for the ACC. Anyone who’s ever litigated for more than 1 second could have predicted their motion to dismiss was going to be denied.
Uhhh...just that what you not exactly how it was taught to me in law school. Or taught to anyone in law school.

It's nothing personal. It's just a substantial misstatement of the law, and how the justice system handles such lawsuits.

And for the record, this is not a dispute between the states. That would happen if, say, Florida and Alabama were arguing over who owns Pensacola.

This is two separate lawsuits in two separate state courts.
Thanks for law lesson. I stand by the point i made. Please enlighten me on how the FSU v. ACC cases pending in different states are going to be consolidated. You may be a lawyer but you're obviously not a litigator nor understand concepts of jurisdiction and comity. But that's okay. You certainly post a lot.
Thanks for law lesson. I stand by the point i made. Please enlighten me on how the FSU v. ACC cases pending in different states are going to be consolidated. You may be a lawyer but you're obviously not a litigator nor understand concepts of jurisdiction and comity. But that's okay. You certainly post a lot.

******* hilarious.

You falsely claimed that this was "a dispute between states", and now you are trying to give me ****?

**** off with that nonsense. But, hey, "you stand by the point you made". Sure, the ignorant, ignorant point you made.

Jurisdiction and comity? You don't know what in the **** you are talking about, but you sure know how to toss around words you don't understand.

Good luck with that. And don't blame me for your ignorance and ridiculously incorrect posts.
You probably shouldn’t say that out loud bro.
Oh My God Wow GIF
All y'all FSU fans on here can take this L lol

We see why Miami is out in the open like FSU. Just because they are the loudest doesn't mean they are any less stuck in this **** hole than we are.
You're obviously not paying any attention to the base charges and the information that has surfaced SINCE FSU filed their suit. Yeah, we're stuck in this crap conference, but ONLY through 6/30/27 when the ESPN media deal expires NOT until 2036 as the ACC tried to mislead us into believing.
Learn to count Stoopid.
You’re looking at a stupid stat that will obviously not be to our benefit. Why don’t we look at most rings in the top 25 era (which is pre WW2)? Miami is tied for 6th there. Or rings since 1970? Tied with Nebraska & USC for 2nd. You’re using stats from a time when only fraggle was alive.
Agreed. It’s laughable when you read people saying massive win for the ACC. Anyone who’s ever litigated for more than 1 second could have predicted their motion to dismiss was going to be denied.
I'm not an attorney and even I know that you always file a motion to dismiss.