MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

They were 13-1 last year, we were 7-6..

But surely you knew that, and are not trying to shoehorn Miami Mopery into the realignment thread, right?
Mopery in this thread will be at a fever pitch if Miami remains in the broke ACC while our hated rival flees for much greener pastures...., but to records, I was checking that our overall expectations remain high, both re: record and appropriate conference alignment.... One must not let this place slip into allowing the underachieving results of previous seasons set the bar for the future...
The FSU situation is now heating up on Warchant with this new speculation (and debate):

"FSU COULD POTENTIALLY PLAY THE 2024 SEASON AS AN INDEPENDENT OUTSIDE OF THE ACC. Same schedule, just FSU taking control of their home game broadcasts that would be auctioned to the highest bidder".

A couple of "insiders" have stated that this is in the works and has a high probability of happening. The speculation is that 1). There is no reason to remain in the ACC as the exit fee is known at fixed at roughly $120M 2). They view the GOR as poorly written, unclear, and unenforceable so they leave with their media rights. It makes no sense to remain while the law suit goes on. Announcement imminent.

The more conservative Nole alum / attorneys take the position ... how? Unless a judge rules you have the rights you have nothing to auction? Bylaws state you need to give notice of departure by 8/15 for the next season.

Operative word is ... debate ... but that is where the 1900 page Warchant Realignment thread has morphed to as of this morning. "Not only are we leaving, but effective the 2024 season, as independents, playing the current 24 schedule". April should be interesting.
Mopery in this thread will be at a fever pitch if Miami remains in the broke ACC while our hated rival flees for much greener pastures...., but to records, I was checking that our overall expectations remain high, both re: record and appropriate conference alignment.... One must not let this place slip into allowing the underachieving results of previous seasons set the bar for the future...

Double-twisting backflip. Impressive.
The FSU situation is now heating up on Warchant with this new speculation (and debate):

"FSU COULD POTENTIALLY PLAY THE 2024 SEASON AS AN INDEPENDENT OUTSIDE OF THE ACC. Same schedule, just FSU taking control of their home game broadcasts that would be auctioned to the highest bidder".

A couple of "insiders" have stated that this is in the works and has a high probability of happening. The speculation is that 1). There is no reason to remain in the ACC as the exit fee is known at fixed at roughly $120M 2). They view the GOR as poorly written, unclear, and unenforceable so they leave with their media rights. It makes no sense to remain while the law suit goes on. Announcement imminent.

The more conservative Nole alum / attorneys take the position ... how? Unless a judge rules you have the rights you have nothing to auction? Bylaws state you need to give notice of departure by 8/15 for the next season.

Operative word is ... debate ... but that is where the 1900 page Warchant Realignment thread has morphed to as of this morning. "Not only are we leaving, but effective the 2024 season, as independents, playing the current 24 schedule". April should be interesting.

Good Lord. The ACC then states, our 8 conference games with FSU are no longer going to be played as FSU is no longer members of the conference as of 8/15/24. The money hung up in lawsuits for breach of contract on both sides would be amazing. Go for it FSU. 🤣
The FSU situation is now heating up on Warchant with this new speculation (and debate):

"FSU COULD POTENTIALLY PLAY THE 2024 SEASON AS AN INDEPENDENT OUTSIDE OF THE ACC. Same schedule, just FSU taking control of their home game broadcasts that would be auctioned to the highest bidder".

A couple of "insiders" have stated that this is in the works and has a high probability of happening. The speculation is that 1). There is no reason to remain in the ACC as the exit fee is known at fixed at roughly $120M 2). They view the GOR as poorly written, unclear, and unenforceable so they leave with their media rights. It makes no sense to remain while the law suit goes on. Announcement imminent.

The more conservative Nole alum / attorneys take the position ... how? Unless a judge rules you have the rights you have nothing to auction? Bylaws state you need to give notice of departure by 8/15 for the next season.

Operative word is ... debate ... but that is where the 1900 page Warchant Realignment thread has morphed to as of this morning. "Not only are we leaving, but effective the 2024 season, as independents, playing the current 24 schedule". April should be interesting.

The FSU situation is now heating up on Warchant with this new speculation (and debate):

"FSU COULD POTENTIALLY PLAY THE 2024 SEASON AS AN INDEPENDENT OUTSIDE OF THE ACC. Same schedule, just FSU taking control of their home game broadcasts that would be auctioned to the highest bidder".

A couple of "insiders" have stated that this is in the works and has a high probability of happening. The speculation is that 1). There is no reason to remain in the ACC as the exit fee is known at fixed at roughly $120M 2). They view the GOR as poorly written, unclear, and unenforceable so they leave with their media rights. It makes no sense to remain while the law suit goes on. Announcement imminent.

The more conservative Nole alum / attorneys take the position ... how? Unless a judge rules you have the rights you have nothing to auction? Bylaws state you need to give notice of departure by 8/15 for the next season.

Operative word is ... debate ... but that is where the 1900 page Warchant Realignment thread has morphed to as of this morning. "Not only are we leaving, but effective the 2024 season, as independents, playing the current 24 schedule". April should be interesting.

Let's make this simple.

WHO will they play as an "independent"? I **** sure guarantee you that the ACC will not allow its teams to play F$U.

There's a lot of merit in F$U's legal arguments thus far. But no court in the land will let F$U quit the ACC early without proper notice, and by retaining all of "their" revenue, without imposing MASSIVE financial penalties.

Unless there is a little-known codicil in the Faber College constitution...
Let's make this simple.

WHO will they play as an "independent"? I **** sure guarantee you that the ACC will not allow its teams to play F$U.

There's a lot of merit in F$U's legal arguments thus far. But no court in the land will let F$U quit the ACC early without proper notice, and by retaining all of "their" revenue, without imposing MASSIVE financial penalties.

Unless there is a little-known codicil in the Faber College constitution...
Most likely….

Unless jim Phillips and bottom feeders were told the future reality from their daddy in Bristol, CT and they know discovery is ugly…
Let's make this simple.

WHO will they play as an "independent"? I **** sure guarantee you that the ACC will not allow its teams to play F$U.

There's a lot of merit in F$U's legal arguments thus far. But no court in the land will let F$U quit the ACC early without proper notice, and by retaining all of "their" revenue, without imposing MASSIVE financial penalties.

Unless there is a little-known codicil in the Faber College constitution...
Like I said .. there is a lot of DEBATE going on just on Warchant with conservative FSU alums stating " it is not feasible, possible, legal", and then the insistence on the part of a couple of "insiders" who are stating "it is being worked on behind the scenes" implying that there is some sort of media partner agreement and horse trading going on. Conservative people are "skeptical" to be understating, while those that believe .. are planning a celebration for the weekend.
So 8-4, 9-3 would be bad season for them, but good for us… 👀
Different standards considering where we were last season, but 8-4 is a colossal failure for Miami considering the expectations that were already set forth, and now there’s been nothing but a jerk fest in the spring before even playing a second scrimmage. Expectations should have been high, but now they’re creeping towards 10 wins and an ACCCG appearance (and those expectations should be the case).

You go 8-4 with Cam Ward at QB, Mario has a very, very uphill battle to climb here. Because we won’t be better next year than we will be (on paper) this season. I mean he did better with Anthony Brown at QB, there’s zero excuses to not win at least 9 games this season. He won 10 with Brown.

You will lose Ward, Restrepo, George, half your OL, Kiko, Mesidor, JHH, Clark, Cook, Alston, Powell + a few transfers. That’s hard to replace. Recruiting won’t have a top 5 class if we go 8-4 and the losses include UF and FSU. There’s only so much bs kids will buy, you have to win on the field at some point.

9-3 you can at least sell a bit.
Let's make this simple.

WHO will they play as an "independent"? I **** sure guarantee you that the ACC will not allow its teams to play F$U.

There's a lot of merit in F$U's legal arguments thus far. But no court in the land will let F$U quit the ACC early without proper notice, and by retaining all of "their" revenue, without imposing MASSIVE financial penalties.

Unless there is a little-known codicil in the Faber College constitution...
Yeah, even if I could believe they’d be allowed to exit that early, the idea that the ACC would also do them the favor of keeping their schedule is beyond delusional. Unless the A-SUN or something grants them a one year affiliate membership for every other sport, good luck fielding teams for more than a fraction of the schedule in anything next year.
The FSU situation is now heating up on Warchant with this new speculation (and debate):

"FSU COULD POTENTIALLY PLAY THE 2024 SEASON AS AN INDEPENDENT OUTSIDE OF THE ACC. Same schedule, just FSU taking control of their home game broadcasts that would be auctioned to the highest bidder".

A couple of "insiders" have stated that this is in the works and has a high probability of happening. The speculation is that 1). There is no reason to remain in the ACC as the exit fee is known at fixed at roughly $120M 2). They view the GOR as poorly written, unclear, and unenforceable so they leave with their media rights. It makes no sense to remain while the law suit goes on. Announcement imminent.

The more conservative Nole alum / attorneys take the position ... how? Unless a judge rules you have the rights you have nothing to auction? Bylaws state you need to give notice of departure by 8/15 for the next season.

Operative word is ... debate ... but that is where the 1900 page Warchant Realignment thread has morphed to as of this morning. "Not only are we leaving, but effective the 2024 season, as independents, playing the current 24 schedule". April should be interesting.
The fan fiction here is neither believable or titillating.
Different standards considering where we were last season, but 8-4 is a colossal failure for Miami considering the expectations that were already set forth, and now there’s been nothing but a jerk fest in the spring before even playing a second scrimmage. Expectations should have been high, but now they’re creeping towards 10 wins and an ACCCG appearance (and those expectations should be the case).

You go 8-4 with Cam Ward at QB, Mario has a very, very uphill battle to climb here. Because we won’t be better next year than we will be (on paper) this season. I mean he did better with Anthony Brown at QB, there’s zero excuses to not win at least 9 games this season.

You will lose Ward, Restrepo, George, half your OL, Kiko, Mesidor, JHH, Clark, Cook, Alston, Powell + a few transfers. That’s hard to replace. Recruiting won’t have a top 5 class if we go 8-4 and the losses include UF and FSU. There’s only so much bs kids will buy, you have to win on the field at some point.

9-3 you can at least sell a bit.

Agreed. I agree with the 10 win expectations. We won 7 games last year. Team won 8, Mario stole it. That’s 8 wins. We were up on Rutgers and went clenched ****/time management… that’s 9 wins…

Add Cam Ward and the opinion of the board that all who left were cheeks … 10 wins or bust…
Agreed. I agree with the 10 win expectations. We won 7 games last year. Team won 8, Mario stole it. That’s 8 wins. We were up on Rutgers and went clenched ****/time management… that’s 9 wins…

Add Cam Ward and the opinion of the board that all who left were cheeks … 10 wins or bust…
And that’s all there is to it. I’m even being lenient on 9-3, but in reality it should be 10 or bust in Year 3.

Year 1 was the roster wasn’t set and Gattis sucked.

Year 2 it was TVD and lack of depth or we’d win 9+.

If he can’t get there in Year 3, what’s the excuse now? You’d have to be living under his ******* to come up with another excuse, UNLESS severe injuries are involved. Then fine, hopefully that’s not a bridge we have to visit.

He’s infused this roster with elite talent based on the rankings, exceeding even the most outspoken critics’ complaints. He’s had five portal windows and counting to examine the roster and add quality where he sees fit, he’s had the same number of windows to determine who on the current roster is worth keeping.

No excuses, win games and look good doing it…and we’ll be flying into 2025 as a reoccurring household name to talk about again in college football.
Did he reply to his own Tweet with a thumbs up?

This guy is so down the FSU rabbit hole that he can’t see the light anymore. Every third tweet he posts is about them. I think a reason why he’s so high on them is because they’re the only fanbase that by and large gives him the “respect” he thinks he deserves. They also tell each other what they want to hear
"Same schedule, just FSU taking control of their home game broadcasts that would be auctioned to the highest bidder".

I think my heads going to explode trying to understand how they think this would be possible.

This may be the dumbest take I have ever seen in my life on a message board. I genuinely mean that. MSG will be all over this.
Did he reply to his own Tweet with a thumbs up?

It's likely he has multiple accounts in an attempt to drive engagement and forgot to sign out of his Genetics one.

Twitter creates these grifters who have "information" and they cast a wide net with the grift until they find a really good host to milk. He clearly found engagement with the FSU community and attached on to them like a parasite.