But think about it this way...
If the SEC "takes two" (Miami/Clemson), then the Big 10 is just gonna take 2 more. And if Notre Dame isn't ready to jump into the Big 10 boat, then two VERY good, strategic, and AAU-friendly options are UVa and UNC.
And for a moment, set aside the academics. Set aside the fact that UF (sadly), UT, and aTm are also very highly ranked academic schools, ones that would match up well to UVa and UNC. No, just ignore that for a moment.
The REAL REASON why the Big 10 would be smokin' hot on the tails of UVa and UNC is that it would get the Big 10 into NEW STATES. And if that happens, it's a big cable TV windfall for the Big 10.
And if the SEC takes UVa and we REALLY believe the Big 10 will just smile and say "OK, give me VaTech and NC State then"? Highly unlikely.
So the SEC is not only doing something that helps the SEC, but they are stealing the best fish from where the Big 10 is fishing as well.
Whether that is the way it plays out? Who knows. But this is why I said that the "F$U talk" was coming FROM F$U.
If the NC legislature wants UNC and NC State together...and if the SEC only wants to add 4....then it might be fine with UNC and NC State. And the same rationale applies (assuming the VA legislature wants to bind UVa to VaTech).
That's why F$U is short a dance partner, unless ugly girl GaTech says yes.
I don't have proof, but if I ranked what I THINK the SEC priority is, I would say:
1. Miami/Clemson
2. A NC school and a VA school, preferably UNC and UVa
3. UNC-NC State if the politicians get involved
4. UVa-VaTech if the politicians get involved
5. F$U and someone else
If the SEC takes 2 teams, #1.
If the SEC takes 4 teams, #2 or #3 or #4.
If the SEC takes 6 teams, it's #1 plus the NC and VA duos.
If the SEC takes 8 teams, #5 comes into play.
I don't think any other ACC team fills those 7 spots, and the battle is on for #8. Maybe GaTech, Louisville, or Duke.