MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I defer to you lawya dawgs for the play by play...

One interesting argument by ACC, "If we don't have standing to do this, why does FSU keep.taking our distribution checks then?"...I paraphrased obviously..but...


@TheOriginalCane @Wake_Cane @Brains @LuCane @rsa coral gables
I’d need to read the hearing transcript or a playback to form an opinion on it, but two points of caution with that Rohan guy.

First, he’s a massive FSU fan and has some bias here (look at some of his past tweets and you’ll see).

Second, he’s a PI, criminal defense, and workers comp attorney. He’s a litigator, but this isn’t his area of practice or expertise whatsoever. Trust but verify if you see stuff from him.

This case is not going to be as short or straightforward as people think.
Nice. Great area. I’m trying to get on Bay Hill, buddy lives in there but isn’t a member I told him he has a month to figure out who he’s gotta talk to so we can get on there, I’m not taking no for an answer 😂
Just rode my bike through the Arnold Palmer invitational. They truly go all out there. Now I’m relieved I didn’t buy in there because people park on lawns like the Orange Bowl.
I’d need to read the hearing transcript or a playback to form an opinion on it, but two points of caution with that Rohan guy.

First, he’s a massive FSU fan and has some bias here (look at some of his past tweets and you’ll see).

Second, he’s a PI, criminal defense, and workers comp attorney. He’s a litigator, but this isn’t his area of practice or expertise whatsoever. Trust but verify if you see stuff from him.

This case is not going to be as short or straightforward as people think.
Third, he wears a ******* bow tie. I don’t think I ever worked with or encountered a lawyer with a bow tie that wasn’t a douche.
"There is a fear, however, among those close to the Miami program, that the Big Ten is only going to seek out FSU and Notre Dame during its next round of expansion, which would leave Miami without its top choice."

So apparently there are people at UM who also have legitimate concerns about not having a spot in the P2.
Notre Dame is unlikely to go this round. Just saying. the cfp payouts for me made it LESS likely that will happen than it was two weeks ago.
forget about what you think about who is tweeting what, the ACC is extremely likely to lose this specific case because they didn't take the proper vote- it will likely get thrown out. Doesn't settle everything.

Judge is also kind of killing ESPN lawyer argument about keeping it sealed (media deal)

we won't know today but I would put money on ACC case being thrown out in NC specific to FSU (and maybe clemson- don't know if a vote happened there of members).

ESPN keeping it closed I call a coin flip now.
another day of the ****** monologues in this thread.

well done CIS, well done.

vagina panta GIF by Janelle Monáe
Just rode my bike through the Arnold Palmer invitational. They truly go all out there. Now I’m relieved I didn’t buy in there because people park on lawns like the Orange Bowl.
Well I for one miss "$10 no blockie.."
I defer to you lawya dawgs for the play by play...

One interesting argument by ACC, "If we don't have standing to do this, why does FSU keep.taking our distribution checks then?"...I paraphrased obviously..but...


@TheOriginalCane @Wake_Cane @Brains @LuCane @rsa coral gables
ESPN is going to have to be brought into the case.

I'd think the best possible outcome for the ACC would be to coax ESPN's hand to renegotiate a richer deal for the league.

Their lawyers should be working toward that end.

Nobody wants to try a case like this, and appeals could go on for ages.

This case is all about who wants to negotiate when the fees pile up.
ESPN is going to have to be brought into the case.

I'd think the best possible outcome for the ACC would be to coax ESPN's hand to renegotiate a richer deal for the league.

Their lawyers should be working toward that end.

Nobody wants to try a case like this, and appeals could go on for ages.

This case is all about who wants to negotiate when the fees pile up.
ESPN is already IN the case. The ESPN attorney addressed the court insisting that their media rights agreement be sealed and the judge wasn't apparently in full agreement, hinting that they would remain confidential in accordance with a given state's laws (ie, if it goes to Florida, then any contract that is an issue in a proceeding MIGHT therefore be public due to the Sunshine Laws).
I’d need to read the hearing transcript or a playback to form an opinion on it, but two points of caution with that Rohan guy.

First, he’s a massive FSU fan and has some bias here (look at some of his past tweets and you’ll see).

Second, he’s a PI, criminal defense, and workers comp attorney. He’s a litigator, but this isn’t his area of practice or expertise whatsoever. Trust but verify if you see stuff from him.

This case is not going to be as short or straightforward as people think.
GTFOH with that measured level-headed bull****.

We need snarky emotional hot takes minute by minute.

THAT is how this case should, and will be, decided.

It's the CIS way and really for the best.
UNC is HIGHLY regarded by the B10 presidents for their academics and reputation. Currently the #22 ranked university nationally. (Northwestern is #9; ND #20; Michigan #21). Adding ND and UNC would be quite a coup ... academically and their BB team obviously is one of the best. Then, simply that fact that UNC is "Tobacco Road Blue Blood" adds to the appeal ... and getting a geographic footprint for the B10 in the heart of SEC country. Would be huge for the B10 to have even regional home games broadcast in that market on a regular basis.
Absolutely and that’s my point. It’s not just about football.
We ****ed. Oh well, I just moved to Winter Garden so at least I can catch the battle for the Big 12 against UCF every other year now.

I’d like to thank everyone associated with this university who completely ignored athletics for about 20 years. Sick strategy. Glad it paid off for us. *****.

That's one way to look at it. But IMO these cases will be settled. Clemson / FSU will agree on exit fees and leave the conference.

If you're the ACC, and you're smart and take emotion out of it, you've got to realize that the conference has no future with these teams. Whether it's tomorrow or in 2036, it's inevitable that teams are going to leave the ACC. So you have to think about the future and maximizing your future value. There's incentive to get paid by the exiting members as much as possible.

That's the rational take. And what would those settled amounts be? I can't tell you that, but I can tell you that the fair market price would be the future value that those teams would add to the conference had they stayed... so a function of the overall value of the brand to the conference, and the number of years they are leaving early.

From that perspective, FSU's pumping out their chests is a little puzzling, and Miami's stance makes more sense. By crowing about how valuable you are to the conference and how much revenue you bring in, you're really driving up the price for your own exit. You bring in 40% of the conference's revenue? OK, pay us 40% of what the ACC is projected to make through 2036 if you were to stay. That's the market equilibrium.

Your exit fee should theoretically be less if you're a smaller brand. Wake should pay less to leave than FSU. So from that perspective, puffing out your chest accomplishes nothing if you're really looking to leave, except maybe make a few of your boosters feel better in the short term.
@RVACane ...

You obviously are an expert on these things.

How would you say Miami stacks up to Georgia Tech as far as academics and institutional prestige?
Im not an expert. lol. I just know a little as I have kids with grades who’ve applied to colleges over the past several years.
there are so many stupid arguments going on in here based on full facts that are immaterial, selective portions of facts, feelings and misinterpretations.

So many seeing a fire when it's just a fire department training exercise.

Could Miami ***** this up in the long run? Sure- I'm not new here. My biggest social post ever was messaging back my season ticket renewal packet saying don't talk to me again til you fire Blake James after 20 years of hurricane club donations.

Do I believe we will ***** it up even if I get ****ed at Dan going to far on a comment that at the end of the day doesn't ******* matter - no.