MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

There is no world where if they both go to 24 Miami isn’t in. That’s not where all the ****** posts are coming from
The timing on this might realistically be spread out. I could see the B10 take FSU & ND for 2025 and maybe the SEC taking UNC/UVA, ESPN not extending the current media deal, Miami not agreeing to a new deal ( adios GOR)). And Miami starting effective 2027 in the B10 along with 3 other ACC teams.

If this is the final destination, such a circuitous way to get there. SMH

Might as well have 4 conferences of 12 teams each (2 divisions of 6 each, like before). When the PAC 12 imploded, they could have had the 4 remaining major conferences convene and hash it all out over an offseason or 2. Much less realignment and much cleaner. Plus, get the relegation process out of the way now instead of in the next 10 years.

No matter what, lots of lawyers making lots of money over the next 10 years as I'm sure anti-trust, title IX, Congressional investigations, state investigations, and pretty much any other legal recourse will be sought by the schools left out.
If this is the final destination, such a circuitous way to get there. SMH

Might as well have 4 conferences of 12 teams each (2 divisions of 6 each, like before). When the PAC 12 imploded, they could have had the 4 remaining major conferences convene and hash it all out over an offseason or 2. Much less realignment and much cleaner. Plus, get the relegation process out of the way now instead of in the next 10 years.

No matter what, lots of lawyers making lots of money over the next 10 years as I'm sure anti-trust, title IX, Congressional investigations, state investigations, and pretty much any other legal recourse will be sought by the schools left out.
He was drunk posting
This just my .02

Miami is absolutely in a breakaway P2 secession from the NCAA.

But while that option is certainly being discussed, I think deep down the P2 aren’t ready for that yet. They rather set up a kids table for ACC/Big12. That allows P2 to cap at 20 teams, work the media rights for existing members and get guaranteed AQ. And it’s this scenario that if Miami doesnt get in soon, there might not be a path there afterwards.

What Miami is rooting for
1. FSU gets out and surprises everyone by going to SEC
2. P2 breaks away to create their own super league of 48 teams.
3. ND smoke about going to B1G is not real (at least yet).

Things Miami needs to be wary of:
1. FSU and ND go to B1G at same time
2. P2 doesnt break away and stays with ACC/Big12 and G5 all taking less in the future
This just my .02

Miami is absolutely in a breakaway P2 secession from the NCAA.

But while that option is certainly being discussed, I think deep down the P2 aren’t ready for that yet. They rather set up a kids table for ACC/Big12. That allows P2 to cap at 20 teams, work the media rights for existing members and get guaranteed AQ. And it’s this scenario that if Miami doesnt get in soon, there might not be a path there afterwards.

What Miami is rooting for
1. FSU gets out and surprises everyone by going to SEC
2. P2 breaks away to create their own super league of 48 teams.
3. ND smoke about going to B1G is not real (at least yet).

Things Miami needs to be wary of:
1. FSU and ND go to B1G at same time
2. P2 doesnt break away and stays with ACC/Big12 and G5 all taking less in the future
I am assuming it is YOUR OPINION that ND smoke re the B10 is not real, unless you personally have a contact in South Bend.
The timing on this might realistically be spread out. I could see the B10 take FSU & ND for 2025 and maybe the SEC taking UNC/UVA, ESPN not extending the current media deal, Miami not agreeing to a new deal ( adios GOR)). And Miami starting effective 2027 in the B10 along with 3 other ACC teams.
2026 is my guess.
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I am assuming it is YOUR OPINION that ND smoke re the B10 is not real, unless you personally have a contact in South Bend.
He's saying that's what Miami needs to be hoping for. If ND isn't seriously considering the B1G currently, they would in theory look to add us and FSU in the next round of expansion. I don't believe he is saying that's what he thinks is happening.

Any validity to this page? If this is true I expect the B1G to really come after Miami. Good move for Miami to be the loan school in the region for that conference too..


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Any validity to this page? If this is true I expect the B1G to really come after Miami. Good move for Miami to be the loan school in the region for that conference too..
Probably not but it would be the best case scenario for us leaving us as the only FL school for the B1G.

Any validity to this page? If this is true I expect the B1G to really come after Miami. Good move for Miami to be the loan school in the region for that conference too..
If you whisper “per Greg Swaim” 7 times in a row, a bearded microphone will appear and begin broadcasting corpulent projections on the collapse of your life, in a voice only you can hear.
Looks like a lot of current Big 12 schools
Every "scenario" I see shows the big ACC brands being added ... and maybe Utah.
Couldn't the same be said for the opposite -- the only information out there is 2036 GORs, so there is absolutely nothing objectively out there point us to getting out of the ACC until 2036...

It is a message board.... we are also 18 months into this thread and we are still moving in silence like a ninja.... with insiders saying relax, we got this, trust me and then getting mad when the calendar flips from 2022 to 2023 to 2024 and teams move around, and FSU goes from idiots to smart, etc. etc...

Everything takes time, but elements of this thread are certainly more like "watch the finish" than always be closing...
Disagree with this 100%. If you have read the GOR it is TIED TO THE ESPN media contract ... that was the purpose of the GOR. ESPN's current media commitment expires on 6/27, so it is actually in effect for only seasons 24,25,26 UNLESS THEY EXTEND the current contract at the current media payout of roughly $40M per school. If ESPN does not exercise the extension option by 2/25 then the media agreement ends ... and new one would have to be negotiated with either ESPN or other media carrier ... and a new GOR signed by parties in favor.

A prime purpose of the FSU LEGAL ACTION is attacking the validity of the 2025 option to extend as they found out in initial discovery at ACC headquarters, the original option expired in 2021 ... and Phillips UNILATERALLY GRANTED ESPN an extension on their option period to 2/25 without consulting with or getting approval from ACC members. Since ESPN wasn't going to extend their agreement in 2021 ... could we have then negotiated a new better deal? Worst case ... they DID NOT EXERCISE THEIR OPTION TO EXTEND ... the extension on the time period granted by Phillips is not valid / legal as it was done without the required 2/3 approval ... and therefore the media deal and GOR both expire on 6/27. Anybody not wanting to sign a NEW contract with different terms would have NO GOR buyback, pay only the $120M ACC exit fee, and commence playing in another conference for the 2027 season. Leave before, and then you need to buy back media rights for season 2025 and 2026.

Bob Thompson, former CEO of FOX Sports and co founder of the B10 network, commented on the day the FSU filings were posted "wow, it took the FSU legal team to find a hole big enough in the GOR to drive a truck through". (he has since apparently deleted that Tweet). That is the current thinking summarized by the majority of the Nole fans who are practicing attorneys ... pay the ACC exit fee ... buy back rights for the period necessary up until the current ESPN media contract expires 6/27. Done, adios.

Any validity to this page? If this is true I expect the B1G to really come after Miami. Good move for Miami to be the loan school in the region for that conference too..
So we've gone from FSU/Clemson to the B1G and UNC/UVA to now FSU/Clemson to SEC and UNC/UVA to B1G.

Very few people know anything. It's all speculation at this point. Very likely the people who actually know anything are staying quiet.
So we've gone from FSU/Clemson to the B1G and UNC/UVA to now FSU/Clemson to SEC and UNC/UVA to B1G.

Very few people know anything. It's all speculation at this point. Very likely the people who actually know anything are staying quiet.
I don't believe anybody outside of the FSU president and AD really know THEIR situation and same with UNC / UVA Clemson. Everybody is looking for clues period and the actual insiders are few and have it buttoned up.
I agree with a bit here on Miami but there is no way that is the list. For starters Stanford burned their bridge to the big ten to the ground and extremely unlikely that changes.

Also who wants to let you know about Miami and Notre Dame as rivals as a very obvious retort to no rivals. And once upon a time Miami - Nebraska and a few others happened regularly

Think you need to hold some beers tbh
And by that time Miami /OSU may have become very bitter with the way we are battling for recruits on the regular now not to mention us getting screwed in the National CG..
Between now and ‘26 Miami needs to win big to make it pretty much impossible for the P2 leagues to leave them out…If we get to the CFB playoffs the next 3 years with possibly vying for the NC in 26 there’s no way we get left out no matter how many or how few teams are moving.

A competitive Miami team that has the “U” competitive like the old days with the TV eyeballs of S.Fla which they will bring with them is going to get left out of any expansion..
I don't believe anybody outside of the FSU president and AD really know THEIR situation and same with UNC / UVA Clemson. Everybody is looking for clues period and the actual insiders are few and have it buttoned up.

Well, I’m very happy to see that you’ve come to your senses.
Every "scenario" I see shows the big ACC brands being added ... and maybe Utah.

Disagree with this 100%. If you have read the GOR it is TIED TO THE ESPN media contract ... that was the purpose of the GOR. ESPN's current media commitment expires on 6/27, so it is actually in effect for only seasons 24,25,26 UNLESS THEY EXTEND the current contract at the current media payout of roughly $40M per school. If ESPN does not exercise the extension option by 2/25 then the media agreement ends ... and new one would have to be negotiated with either ESPN or other media carrier ... and a new GOR signed by parties in favor.

A prime purpose of the FSU LEGAL ACTION is attacking the validity of the 2025 option to extend as they found out in initial discovery at ACC headquarters, the original option expired in 2021 ... and Phillips UNILATERALLY GRANTED ESPN an extension on their option period to 2/25 without consulting with or getting approval from ACC members. Since ESPN wasn't going to extend their agreement in 2021 ... could we have then negotiated a new better deal? Worst case ... they DID NOT EXERCISE THEIR OPTION TO EXTEND ... the extension on the time period granted by Phillips is not valid / legal as it was done without the required 2/3 approval ... and therefore the media deal and GOR both expire on 6/27. Anybody not wanting to sign a NEW contract with different terms would have NO GOR buyback, pay only the $120M ACC exit fee, and commence playing in another conference for the 2027 season. Leave before, and then you need to buy back media rights for season 2025 and 2026.

Bob Thompson, former CEO of FOX Sports and co founder of the B10 network, commented on the day the FSU filings were posted "wow, it took the FSU legal team to find a hole big enough in the GOR to drive a truck through". (he has since apparently deleted that Tweet). That is the current thinking summarized by the majority of the Nole fans who are practicing attorneys ... pay the ACC exit fee ... buy back rights for the period necessary up until the current ESPN media contract expires 6/27. Done, adios.
"A prime purpose of the FSU LEGAL ACTION is attacking the validity of the 2025 option to extend as they found out in initial discovery at ACC headquarters, the original option expired in 2021 ... and Phillips UNILATERALLY GRANTED ESPN an extension on their option period to 2/25 without consulting with or getting approval from ACC members."

This is why the ACC seeks to keep the GOR documents hidden from public view.