MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

This whole saga may take a few years to sort out as there are a ton of moving pieces, but we will be leaving the ACC.
Just so we're clear, no glitter is required for this, correct?

Disclaimer: Except for any minor amount that might happen to transfer to your person via contact with a stripper.
h/t @DTP
Episode 5 Reaction GIF by The Office
This whole saga may take a few years to sort out as there are a ton of moving pieces, but we will be leaving the ACC.
If by a few years you mean 6 months for the chess pieces to align even if the final actual moves for a schedule don’t happen for a couple more years, I ageee. If not, nah
It’s so hard to be rooting for FSU on this, it’s against my DNA but the enemy of my enemy is my friend on this
Am I reading this situation right. If fsu can exit we can exit? If that’s the case I hope Miami has a place in the big 10 or sec lined up. The future is obviously not in the ACC
Good lord, you're dopey.

The original comment by @Rickd was about Michigan alums AND FANS. You have conveniently chosen to ignore "fans".

You clearly have not spent any time on the west coast of Florida or Central Florida. Tons of Michigan fans. Former Michigan residents. Michigan snowbirds. The snowbirds from Michigan rent car carriers to bring their cars down for the winter.

I could post a picture of some close personal friends of mine, the wife used to be the lead meterologist on the Orlando NBC affiliate. Take a guess what the entire family was wearing, even though the kids are not in college yet.

But thanks for your useless stats on "alums".
And as someone that drove a truck up and down the Fla.Keys for Coca-Cola I can say without a doubt Michigan that drivers are the worst drivers in the USA by a wiiiiiiide margin.
In the winter you’d swear there couldn’t be anyone else left in the state of Michigan cause they were all in S.Fla .trying to cause one car accident after another…
Mega dominos falling daily Almost. Massive changes with downstream impact on realignment and conferences


"Hey Nora, It's John. Chad has a new gig I got him in the "Over the Air" TV biz, just keep turning those antennas until you see Wake Forest playing Miami. Boy, I got them Yankee Boys now, giggity, giggity!"
Has anyone even heard of this clown “representing” Miami is? Bald guy guest Scott Salomon - I’ve never ever heard of him

I actually like the guys who do this show it’s decent football water cooler talk but I legit never have accidentally heard of this guest who is so clueless it hurts my brain. Have I missed him in plain sight?

He’s wrong. Like so many times

Seems like it would be really important to already be in our new home when this goes live. If espn owns the rights, and as a joint venture fox owns the rights, what motivates either entity to work with acc teams on getting out of the current under priced arrangement? Why wouldn't they just push the ADs to schedule more games against the Mid 2 (acc and big 12) and fewer against G5 or lower? They don't have to bid against each other/compete for draws now they just need to be able to influence non conference matchups.
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Some actual lawyer is going to have to weigh in on whether this latest from fsu matters but here’s my legal adjacent pov and question:

- fsu has been paid and cashed checks from the acc deal with ESPN- could be an implied contract but..
- fsu actually has deal on GOR with ACC, not ESPN directly (don’t think an implied contract through an intermediary is a thing but maybe I’m wrong
- so if the ACC deal with FSU is not valid because it wasn’t signed by FSU board of trustees, do they have a stronger case today OR
- does FSU have an implied contract with ACC on GOR, because of the actions fsu has done since regardless, including benefitting from the deal the acc then struck?

It’s either a huge addition to their case or a self own
