MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

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We couldn’t ask for a better group to guide us through this mess; Mario, Rad, and Alonzo. One way or the other, our exit is inevitable. When all is said and done I think we end up in the Big 10. The Big is a better academic and cultural fit for us, and the Gators will never let us into the SEC.

Agree, and with Southern Cal and UCLA joining the Big Ten, that will become a completely new-look conference.

Wouldn't be thrilled about November games at the likes Ohio State, Penn State, Wisconsin—but as a Miami native who moved to San Diego half a lifetime ago in 1998, would be fun to see the Canes playing at the Colosseum or Rose Bowl in years to come.

Either way the ACC seems done for as a major football conference—even with Big XII reject leftovers—in the looming era of the mega-conference.
I was listening to a podcast where three guys were discussing the changing landscape in conference alignments ... the topic of the ACC and the GOR was tabled and one gentleman who was located in Charlotte said "The GOR agreement with the ACC is MALLEABLE. It includes a variety of PERFORMANCE CLAUSES and some of the agreements (apparently different schools have different agreements?) include a COMPETITIVE REVENUE CLAUSE. According to that ... if a program is receiving LESS in TV money from the ACC than SIMILAR PROGRAMS or lesser programs in other conferences, then they have the ability to leave the conference without penalty. You can be sure Radakovich is aware of every sentence in the UM and Clemson agreements and is working with the UM legal staff to be in a position to exercise whatever rights UM has. Interesting.
From my understanding GOR contracts are only a few pages and are pretty blunt. So no specific school exceptions unless youre ND. The original has been posted and the amended has not. So unless I’m missing something… But for sake of precedent UT, OH, UCLA and USC are waiting it out for their GOR to expire before jumping ship. It will be drawn out forever by countless lawyers with a very unlikely favorable settlement to those jumping ship. Mostly because it would blow the other schools. Armageddon basically. A merger with all teams to a new conference is the best way to get larger brands a lot more coin.

They are already losing those battles with us. Why not block FSU? Florida is a certified ***** program. They aren't blocking ****. Perhaps, they are trying to avoid Miami as a yearly opponent but how stupid is that going to look when Miami, Florida and FSU are in the same bleeping state. Such cowards.
Only thing that makes sense in the swimming guy's "report" is that the SEC would want UNC and UVA. North Carolina and Virginia are the two highest population states left on the board that aren't in the Big 10 or SEC.
This is an argument with partial but semi-flawed merit (mainly in respect to UVag). It would be like claiming Syracuse is in a "highly populated" state when selling its merits.
In respect to the media/random weirdos on Twitter and their "sauces", I'd just caution that they ALL (sans one dude in San Jose or somewhere on the day-of) completely missed the SC/UCLA story.

The legitimate guys DO have conference sauces and are all obviously digging around now but even that is a compromised flow of information.

Do you guys really think a multitude of schools (like us) are placing all their cards on the table with conference leadership or other schools? So a lot of these "sauces" are relaying incomplete or flat out wrong information as massive wheeling and dealing is being done via backchannels.

I personally place more faith in some of the nuggets dropped around here or when Feldman says something definitively since he's obviously directly plugged into Mario.