MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

No matter what happens, it could always be Blake James worse.
Thought about this again. So your a Boston College fan, supportive and excited for the teams, and your school is legitimately looking at G5 (or worse) relegation unless Big 10 picks you as an act of charity.

And Blake James is in a key role.


Yeah, there's plenty to criticize, but folks get all up in this theory that she single-handedly ruined football. First off, there's plenty of blame for that, and it's probably worth looking closer to the field on that one. Second, how does nobody remember our latest tussle with the NCAA? We were big-f*cked, and she weaseled us out of a lot of that. Dont delude yourself into thinking the NCAA backed off because they had no proof...when has that ever mattered to them? She went at them hard and convinced them they'd lose more than they'd gain if they didn't wrap sh*t up and give us half the punishment they'd been talking about.

But hey, go ahead and neg me and scream about how she ruined everything. Because, as usual, the truth is more complicated and tougher to swallow. Miami failed on many levels like so many schools have the last 20 years. What we're seeing is a few teams figured out how to run a program like a cut-throat business and have dominated. The rest of us sat here acting like it was still 1992, and we've seen the results on the field. So yeah, she should have done better, but she's not the f*cking boogyman.
Some people just can't get over her politics.

We won most all of our NCs under a President (Tad Foote) who was deeply embarrassed/ashamed of the football program at his school and fought Jimmy Johnson over the program getting a nickel out of what sports brought into University coffers. That's generally how important school Presidents are.
Thought about this again. So your a Boston College fan, supportive and excited for the teams, and your school is legitimately looking at G5 (or worse) relegation unless Big 10 picks you as an act of charity.

And Blake James is in a key role.

I have been hinting to my buddy’s that this is what could be in store for BC. The golden ticket could go poof.
I have been hinting to my buddy’s that this is what could be in store for BC. The golden ticket could go poof.
[Say in Rod Serling voice]

Imagine, if you will, a world where Blake James stays at Hecht. He negotiates a great deal for Miami to join the Independent Mexican Baseball League and La Flama Blanca becomes our QB1.
You don't even know a **** thing of what happened back then. I worked at Jackson. My former roommate at U worked under Shalala.. ... i have first hand knowledge of the idiocy of that woman and her agenda.

And stop with the entrepreneur stuff... this was none of that. Just a bureaucratic crap that she pushed us into.... that literally blew up in her face.
Technically that's secondhand knowledge :ROFLMAO:
Not liking this smoke about ACC-PAC-12 loose alliance and creating new network to show PAC-12 games

Oh but we’ve never even reached out to any other conference and why would we? The ACC is going to merge with the PAC-12 and we will be saved! No need to leave

Maybe the ACC-PAC 12 "alliance" could be a way to rework our TV contract, a scenario in which the prominent schools would be free to leave without major money implications.

I know: It doesn't make any sense, but who knows.
Assuming that ESPN is really behind all this realignment thing and the final aim is to create a superconference under the ESPN umbrella, could they say to the ACC, whose target is to survive at this point, something like this?

"Guys, we will give you a better tv deal and we will throw in some other schools from West but you gotta rip off the Grant of Rights and let go Clemson, Miami, FSU and UNC to the SEC".

I know: it's an oversimplification and things don't work like that, but, again, who knows.

It's interesting to me. I read a lot of talk about "fit" on here (some of it by me!) but if this is accurate (please oh please sweet little swaddled baby micro Jesus on a stick) the new SEC could have Miami, FSU, Clemson, UNC, Texas, and Vanderbilt. That's a nice six-school faction that all fit pretty well together IMO. And I think UGA and UF aspire to be more like "us" and less like "them."
Buh buh but Gary Ferman said that was bs rumors.

But but but, Gary Ferman keeps saying that the top approach is to get Notre Dame to join the ACC and then everyone can join arms and walk into the sunset together...

Good lord, the things you read on CaneSport (now a property of the on3 Network)...
It's interesting to me. I read a lot of talk about "fit" on here (some of it by me!) but if this is accurate (please oh please sweet little swaddled baby micro Jesus on a stick) the new SEC could have Miami, FSU, Clemson, UNC, Texas, and Vanderbilt. That's a nice six-school faction that all fit pretty well together IMO. And I think UGA and UF aspire to be more like "us" and less like "them."

What is us and them mean exactly?
You are assuming Blake James was smart enough to include that competitive revenue clause in UMs contract. That's a leap of faith I can't take. Hopefully I am wrong and he exceeded my low expectations.
Blake James is herpes
Assuming that ESPN is really behind all this realignment thing and the final aim is to create a superconference under the ESPN umbrella, could they say to the ACC, whose target is to survive at this point, something like this?

"Guys, we will give you a better tv deal and we will throw in some other schools from West but you gotta rip off the Grant of Rights and let go Clemson, Miami, FSU and UNC to the SEC".

I know: it's an oversimplification and things don't work like that, but, again, who knows.

Except a package without Clemson, Miami, FSU and UNC (regardless oh what leftovers you add in) would garner even less money than the ACC is getting now.
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i don't trust the ACC to have any kind of juice to make big boy moves.. Never would of thought I'd EVER say this, but we need to jump into one of the two mega conferences... through reading all your thoughts, I think SEC is better move, even though I've hated the SEC.... but we're in a world of making Big Boy moves now, and it's got to be done.... thank baby jezusss for making the AD, Coaching moves we did, when we did....
What is us and them mean exactly?

"Us" meaning the six school faction I mentioned above (Miami, UNC, Texas, Vandy, etc), and "them" meaning the poor academic southern state land grant schools that currently make up the majority of the SEC. Do we have much in common with Auburn, Mizzou, TENN, LSU, Arkansas, TAMU, Miss, Miss St etc? No. But my point is that there could be a nice six-school faction that's a little different, and I think UGA and UF aspire to be more like Texas and UNC and less like Alabama and Kentucky, so down the road it could be more of an eight-school faction.
Except a package without Clemson, Miami, FSU and UNC (regardless oh what leftovers you add in) would be garner even less money than the ACC is getting now.
Yeah, you're right. I don't think that the ACC will be left with much of a choice in all of this though, they could accept anything if it would let them survive.