MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I wish Ferman didn’t suck balls and could of asked some
Follow up questions
Yea but his name is in fact Gary Suckaballs Ferman so

sheila broflovski clapping GIF by South Park
He wasn't going to get any real answers from Rad that gave a single indication that Miami is looking around.
Well that in fact, might be true, the rat always talks about how he’s a real reporter and real reporters ask follow up questions of substance, even if they know they’re not gonna get an answer
Lol I’m kinda happy he didn’t ask any follow ups and let Rad burry himself in a deeper hole.

At least this way he can say “that’s not what I meant” or something. He needs to find new talking points though because that was weak af.

It was also so stupid. The money thing— “Football is always going to have money so it’s just the other sports that are doing better.”

Bro what? That’s so wrong. The sec was always a good football conference but over the past 15 years it’s become the defacto #1 conference and money and favorable media partnerships absolutely has to do with that. The gap between the sec and everyone else has become hugely disproportionate and rad failed to mention that while talking about how great their basketball and other sports programs are becoming.

Literally arguing against his position with that BS
How incompetent would Rad have to be to think staying in the ACC is the right thing to do. Lol there is truly no way he is that dumb. This program would be officially DEAD if that happens.
I mean, if FSU and Clemson leave and have to pay a buyout, that's more money in Miami's pocket. If they leave and end up not paying a buyout, that's an easier exit for us next. If FSU and Clemson leave then the only prizes left are us, UNC, and Notre Dame. There's leverage for us in whatever deal can be made, and dominating the ACC leftovers with a tough OOC here and there gets us in the 12 team playoff thus increasing the Miami profile for the next wave of realignment. I don't see how Rad saying "we are out of here!" helps.
I mean, if FSU and Clemson leave and have to pay a buyout, that's more money in Miami's pocket. If they leave and end up not paying a buyout, that's an easier exit for us next. If FSU and Clemson leave then the only prizes left are us, UNC, and Notre Dame. There's leverage for us in whatever deal can be made, and dominating the ACC leftovers with a tough OOC here and there gets us in the 12 team playoff thus increasing the Miami profile for the next wave of realignment. I don't see how Rad saying "we are out of here!" helps.
I just don’t understand what he was talking about with the being better for the athletes not having to play the likes of Texas A&M every week. Not sure how that helps with anything either. Its almost hard to believe he said it. I still may have to go listen and hope at least it was taken out of context. But only negative can come from anything resembling such a statement. It is insulting to the rest of the ACC, you put your program in a bad light by valuing easier competition most weeks and it just smells like Mom and Pop ****, when we all know the sport is headed in that direction in general.
I just don’t understand what he was talking about with the being better for the athletes not having to play the likes of Texas A&M every week. Not sure how that helps with anything either. Its almost hard to believe he said it. I still may have to go listen and hope at least it was taken out of context. But only negative can come from anything resembling such a statement. It is insulting to the rest of the ACC, you put your program in a bad light by valuing easier competition most weeks and it just smells like Mom and Pop ****, when we all know the sport is headed in that direction in general.
Unless you're just making up bull**** to get off the question.
I mean, if FSU and Clemson leave and have to pay a buyout, that's more money in Miami's pocket. If they leave and end up not paying a buyout, that's an easier exit for us next. If FSU and Clemson leave then the only prizes left are us, UNC, and Notre Dame. There's leverage for us in whatever deal can be made, and dominating the ACC leftovers with a tough OOC here and there gets us in the 12 team playoff thus increasing the Miami profile for the next wave of realignment. I don't see how Rad saying "we are out of here!" helps.
I agree on all of this.

Zach Galifianakis Yes GIF
sounds like a guy that has no interest in expansion n rather be a big fish in a little pond

n that comment of if we move we've had to play big games every week we're better off playing georgia tech is the softest most weak minded comment.
if this was audio not video, I'd ask if it was beta james
Comedy Sketch GIF by NETFLIX
Lol I’m kinda happy he didn’t ask any follow ups and let Rad burry himself in a deeper hole.

At least this way he can say “that’s not what I meant” or something. He needs to find new talking points though because that was weak af.

It was also so stupid. The money thing— “Football is always going to have money so it’s just the other sports that are doing better.”

Bro what? That’s so wrong. The sec was always a good football conference but over the past 15 years it’s become the defacto #1 conference and money and favorable media partnerships absolutely has to do with that. The gap between the sec and everyone else has become hugely disproportionate and rad failed to mention that while talking about how great their basketball and other sports programs are becoming.

Literally arguing against his position with that BS
But also... why wouldn't you want as many programs at your school to be as good as possible? Like he said SEC has gotten really good at baseball and then you look at the opposite direction that our program has gone. Or if you already have a tennis program, why wouldn't you want to be in the conference that gives it the best chance to grow and succeed? It was such a shockingly stupid interview I do not know what to say. If those same words came out of Blake James or Shawn Eichorst's mouths, this board would be in a tailspin.
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I am really surprised no one has said, B1G will not add schools until 2029 with their latest schedule release

Gary Ferman basically said that today on Canesport ... pointed to the schedule and stated "it's very difficult to add more teams when scheduling is done and they might not want to add any more". Guy is totally clueless.
I mean, if FSU and Clemson leave and have to pay a buyout, that's more money in Miami's pocket. If they leave and end up not paying a buyout, that's an easier exit for us next. If FSU and Clemson leave then the only prizes left are us, UNC, and Notre Dame. There's leverage for us in whatever deal can be made, and dominating the ACC leftovers with a tough OOC here and there gets us in the 12 team playoff thus increasing the Miami profile for the next wave of realignment. I don't see how Rad saying "we are out of here!" helps.
With a 12 team playoff we don’t even need a strong out of conference schedule if we dominate the ACC (but we should still want to schedule tough opponents which can raise our profile and prepare us for the playoffs).

Agree with the implications you mentioned if those teams leave the ACC. We’ll be fine with whatever happens as long as we keep winning
How incompetent would Rad have to be to think staying in the ACC is the right thing to do. Lol there is truly no way he is that dumb. This program would be officially DEAD if that happens.
if there's 1 thing that I've learned from the ppl I've met in my career throughout the years is that it's shocking just how dumb & clueless so many ppl in executive positions are.

Never assume that someone is understanding of what their job entails just bc they have the job.

Skipper & ESPN bent over a conference commissioner & all the ADs (including our very own) bc they had no vision as to the direction of the college football landscape - so i'll never assume that our current AD has the vision to navigate Miami athletics into the next 20 years until he proves us otherwise.
The pivoting by some in this thread is impressive. I’ve seen a lot of references to “insiders” who have stated our move to B10 is a forgone conclusion and Miami has smartly been moving in the shadows. For sake of the record, who are these insiders?

The insiders are people who contribute a lot more money to UM than you do.

Doesn't make anyone "better" or "worse", but it changes the level of access.