MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

That was a very weird interview.

Some of those comments are things you can't really walk back and something that is not good to get out in public. Saying you're glad you're not playing an SEC team this week because it would be a harder game...what message does that send to recruits and what kid of ammunition does that give to opposing coaches? And saying you don't need money to win? Again, recruits don't want to hear that and opposing coaches recruiting those players certainly do.

You can try and spin this as "he's saying all the right things to not tip our hat" but he said a lot that didn't need to be said if that was the case.

If Miami's position actually is we're going to stay in the ACC, even if FSU/Clemson leave, then somebody needs to get that out in public because that is a disaster of a strategy for the school. I almost think this guy is towing the line for the conference instead of looking out for Miami.
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They won't and can't. Not remotely to the size of the gap. If you get 10 million more a year vs 50 million somewhere else wgaf
I agree there is currently no clear path to closing that gap. $10mil a year more isn't enough. But $30-$40 may be.

Like I said, they'd have to close the gap. I don't see a path to that currently but I won't pretend to be the smartest guy in the room either.

To increase their value the ACC has to acquire and sell greater assets. In this industry, assets are colleges..there are no colleges left out of the Big2 that move the needle enough to close the gap in a meaningful way.
That was a very weird interview.

Some of those comments are things you can't really walk back and something that is not good to get out in public. Saying you're glad you're not playing an SEC team this week because it would be a harder game...what message does that send to recruits and what kid of ammunition does that give to opposing coaches? And saying you don't need money to win? Again, recruits don't want to hear that an opposing coaches do.

You can try and spin this as "he's saying all the right things to not tip our hat" but he said a lot that didn't need to be said if that was the case.
Agreed. It was a bad interview. Less impressed by him now than I was a year ago. He said things that didn't even make sense.

Like there were more mouths to feed but all those other sports also kept improving/getting better? So obviously more revenue is better for athletics in general.

Weird interview
Washington didn’t get plucked by the Big 10 by looking desperate. Clemson and FSU sound like desperate housewives looking for another man. Miami will survive and get picked up once we show our true value.
That was a very weird interview.

Some of those comments are things you can't really walk back and something that is not good to get out in public. Saying you're glad you're not playing an SEC team this week because it would be a harder game...what message does that send to recruits and what kid of ammunition does that give to opposing coaches? And saying you don't need money to win? Again, recruits don't want to hear that and opposing coaches recruiting those players certainly do.

You can try and spin this as "he's saying all the right things to not tip our hat" but he said a lot that didn't need to be said if that was the case.

If Miami's position actually is we're going to stay in the ACC, even if FSU/Clemson leave, then somebody needs to get that out in public because that is a disaster of a strategy for the school. I almost think this guy is towing the line for the conference instead of looking out for Miami.

Old people, bro. Past his prime with no professional incentives left to drive him. He’s got a comfy gig and sounds like it.
Agreed. It was a bad interview. Less impressed by him now than I was a year ago. He said things that didn't even make sense.

Like there were more mouths to feed but all those other sports also kept improving/getting better? So obviously more revenue is better for athletics in general.

Weird interview

He also said we need federal legislation on NIL because donors give money to NIL rather than the school. Then he said we need major improvements to football infrastructure, like the new building that hasn't broken ground yet, and that we're behind the 8 ball on facilities.

That was all right before saying we don't need money to compete.

He contradicted himself a lot in this interview.
Just going to leave this here for you. Interview from yesterday with Dan Rad, conference realignment discussion starts at minute 46.

How the **** is this dip**** the highest paid AD in the country? There's no way he's playing chess behind the scenes, if he is he's a puppet master the likes of whoch I've never seen.

Fire him now and get someone with a brain and a pair of balls. God **** im sick of morons running Miami.
sounds like a guy that has no interest in expansion n rather be a big fish in a little pond

n that comment of if we move we've had to play big games every week we're better off playing georgia tech is the softest most weak minded comment.
if this was audio not video, I'd ask if it was beta james
And we have laughed at the FSU AD as being a rookie. I hope that those comments by Radakovich are purely for "public consumption" and that he really believes getting out of the ACC is critical for growing the program. IF those comments represent his actual feelings / beliefs ... I hope he retires soon!!
Here's a summary of Rad's interview, the main points he made:

- You don't need money to win
- The ACC is a great league for the University of Miami
- The schedule would be too hard for Miami in the SEC, we like playing Georgia Tech
- Big 10 universities have more sports that drain resources so the gap in dollars between conferences isn't that bad
- Big10 and SEC TV contracts help other sports more than they help football, we can still compete with less money
- Adding Cal, Stanford, and SMU was really good because it created a larger pool of money
- Clemson or FSU leaving would affect us because we want to play both, BUT the league would be fine regardless because we added Cal, Stanford, and SMU staying above 15
- Clemson and FSU have nowhere to go becasue other conferences probably won't take them

Bro, u serious w/ this?
How the **** is this dip**** the highest paid AD in the country? There's no way he's playing chess behind the scenes, if he is he's a puppet master the likes of whoch I've never seen.

Fire him now and get someone with a brain and a pair of balls. God **** im sick of morons running Miami.
Ferman doing the interview was really the icing on the cake for that disaster.
he didnt say that. he said football doesnt need more money. those conferences with the extra money are doing a lot better at basketball baseball n other sports with the trickle down money.

essentially he's an AD saying I dont care about any sport but football & we're getting enough football $ so he's not worried about improving or adding other sports.

since "we dont need more money, we sure *** **** better not lose any assistant coaches to schools in those other conferences bc they're offering more money
I’m wondering if the Big10 put some requirements of us adding a few non revenue sports and that is some issue. That interview stunk and the luster of Rad’s hire wore off long ago.