MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

The funny thing about all of this is that nothing's changed for us, or the league. We're all still stuck because of the GOR, and the no votes are just a message that they are (1) not happy with the direction of the conference and (2) are indicating that they want to leave.

Also, call me skeptical but it's not very surprising that opposing team writers and pundits are predicting we won't make it to either the Big 10 or SEC. Anyone saying we're not investing in football or serious about winning doesn't know what they're talking about. That Big 10 guy genetics or whatever his name is concern trolling.

We're a competitive basketball and baseball program. We have great academics, and we're a historically great program. We just need to show a sign of life.
I really like and respect Genetics, but this is where he goes wrong.

He is SUCH a Big 10 homer that he is blind to the fact that Clemson and F$U would prefer to be in the SEC. He just doesn't comprehend that. He is so invested in the Big 10 being a massive coast-to-coast behemoth that he can't realize why two schools whose IN-STATE RIVALS are in the SEC...would actually see the SEC as a co-equal choice, let alone superior, to the Big 10.

Ultimately, this is about who moves first. If the SEC takes Clemson, F$U, and UNC tomorrow, their SMARTEST Team #4 is Miami. NOT because Miami is sooooo wonderful and perfect and ideal, but because it would be a defensive move against the Big 10 which would largely shut them out of Florida.

And anyone putting UVa and Duke and others ahead of Miami FOR CONFERENCE REALIGNMENT CONSIDERATIONS is just selling you a bunch of hot air.
UVA doesn't have the juice. Take if from an alum. Their marketshare in VA is vastly overrated and Tech is the far more followed team here. As for Duke, they're a basketball school that makes noise in football (noise being 8 wins) every 3 or 4 years. UNC's in the same boat, though they have much larger marketshare.

Also, the idea that the Big 10 would add three schools and the SEC wouldn't do a thing is ludicrous.
I never said you were misleading, just pointing out that Miami is the 18th largest TV market. That’s good but hardly elite and something a conference must have. Lastly, Tampa and Miami are far apart and different areas. That’s like me saying Chicago and Detroit are basically one market. Anyway, we are on the same side here and want Miami out of the ACC.
All good, just pointing out that there are many ways to analyze these numbers.
The funny thing about all of this is that nothing's changed for us, or the league. We're all still stuck because of the GOR, and the no votes are just a message that they are (1) not happy with the direction of the conference and (2) are indicating that they want to leave.

Also, call me skeptical but it's not very surprising that opposing team writers and pundits are predicting we won't make it to either the Big 10 or SEC. Anyone saying we're not investing in football or serious about winning doesn't know what they're talking about. That Big 10 guy genetics or whatever his name is concern trolling.

We're a competitive basketball and baseball program. We have great academics, and we're a historically great program. We just need to show a sign of life.
All of that is fine and well but when Frenk voted yes and effectively removed one path to exiting the conference, is he really wrong? Look at his quote - he isn’t talking about the new buildings or programs, he’s talking about Frenk and that side.
I'm not going back over 641 pages of this thread to understand everything involved. All I can say is that whoever approved obligating Miami through 2036 deserves to be blackballed from ever working again anywhere and shunned like Cersei in Game of Thrones. "Shame, shame, shame". We should be playing in the BiG not propping up a Tier 2 conference.
Sam Jankovich would have never agreed to this.
College basketball is not irrelevant. It's a huge market. Duke basketball moves the needle more than Miami football.
It does not remotely in tv contracts. You are so beyond wrong I don’t even know where to start. Sorry juat a fact.

Don’t confuse the percentage of these deals that comes from the basketball portion of the deal with the massive ncaa tournament rights deal. Two different things.
This is totally incorrect. Miami football brings in about $75M per year and Duke BBall brings in roughly $30M.
Michael Buble Flirting GIF by bubly

AND THEY ARE NOT LOCKS FOR THE BIG 10. They would both rather go to the SEC.

Which is why I said that the ball is in the SEC's court now.

There are MORE schools that would "make sense" in the Big 10 (given that they want to be a coast-to-coast-to-coast super behemoth) than there are schools that would "make sense" in the SEC's Confederate States of America footprint.

Thus, if the SEC doesn't get busy expandin', they will get busy dyin' (yeah, they're never gonna die, I just wanted to quote Shawshank).
Idk why everyone acts like the SEC who went and got Texas and OU will not expand further when ALL expansion targets remaining are all SouthEast schools. If the SEC just adds 2 schools it guarantees us in P2. Timing is the only thing imo that is most fluid here.
Longest off-season ever & this breaks day of opening game. I wouldn’t expect anything less. #HurtMeBaby
All of that is fine and well but when Frenk voted yes and effectively removed one path to exiting the conference, is he really wrong? Look at his quote - he isn’t talking about the new buildings or programs, he’s talking about Frenk and that side.

We have 10 more months for the nuclear option.

I'm beginning to think that Clemson/F$U may jump in 2025 and we jump in 2026 or 2027.

Which, of course, brings back my argument that we should FIRST challenge the EXTENSION of the GOR, not the original GOR.

Why did we give another 9 years? What NEW AND ADDITIONAL consideration was given for the extra 9 years?

Because if we can successfully challenge the consideration-free EXTENSION of time, then the ORIGINAL Grant of Rights will expire in 2027.
Yes, yes, yes! The consideration! What exactly did they get? To me, this has always been the key.
Actually Jankovich chose the Big East over the SEC in 1990.

ICYMI: Excerpt from The Athletic's look back at 1990 SEC expansion (7/25/23):

Miami wanted to help its basketball program and add some football schedule flexibility, which the Big East offered. And it was clear the SEC, which had for many years told Miami it wasn’t interested in adding them, had prioritized the Seminoles throughout the entire 1990 expansion process (FSU had just announced for the ACC). SEC commissioner Roy Kramer tried to downplay that in the media.

“Nobody is a second choice,” Kramer said at the time — after Arkansas had agreed to join the SEC but before the league pivoted to South Carolina as the second invitee. “We’ve only made one addition to the conference. As for other teams, Miami is an outstanding institution and has a lot to offer. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t serious about Miami. But we haven’t set a timetable on anything. We will continue to move forward and talk with several schools.”

Former Miami coach and administrator Dave Scott said Miami discussed joining the SEC but felt a pull to play among other private schools in the Big East.

“I know these were words used — ‘We should have something in common with our conference opponents,’” Scott said. “Now, that doesn’t matter anymore. But back then, looking at Miami as a private institution, Vanderbilt might’ve been the only other one like us in the SEC. The other schools — for the most part — were rural, agricultural-based institutions. So we had those discussions: How does a student at the University of Miami relate to someone in Starkville, Mississippi? The thought was with the Big East there were more private institutions like us, and our alumni base, beyond South Florida, was New York, New Jersey and Chicago. Not Mississippi or Alabama.

“We felt like we didn’t fit.”
The funny thing about all of this is that nothing's changed for us, or the league. We're all still stuck because of the GOR, and the no votes are just a message that they are (1) not happy with the direction of the conference and (2) are indicating that they want to leave.

Also, call me skeptical but it's not very surprising that opposing team writers and pundits are predicting we won't make it to either the Big 10 or SEC. Anyone saying we're not investing in football or serious about winning doesn't know what they're talking about. That Big 10 guy genetics or whatever his name is concern trolling.

We're a competitive basketball and baseball program. We have great academics, and we're a historically great program. We just need to show a sign of life.
i think the issue is purely the optics of if the admin and athletic dept of Miami are on the Same page
Yes, yes, yes! The consideration! What exactly did they get? To me, this has always been the key.

One of the publicly stated reasons that most of the ACC ADs wanted the GOR was to ensure the ACC would stay intact. Consideration doesn't have to mean monetary. Peace of mind can count as consideration, and given that multiple ADs and the ACC Commish said that the GOR would ensure that teams don't leave, I don't think "lack of consideration" would be a winning argument. Courts tend to avoid looking at "lack of consideration" in freely negotiated contracts, especially when you are dealing with "sophisticated parties" like a TV network and a P5 football conference. This isn't a case of some little old lady in a one stop-light town getting duped by a big city lawyer. Courts tend to allow sophisticated parties to agree to whatever terms they want as long as it's legal, even if the agreement is obviously dumb and short-sighted. And the fact that no ACC team ever said a word about lack of consideration from 2016-2021ish and tried to get out of the GOR until now (only after the SEC and B1G had big jumps in revenue) means the "lack of consideration" argument isn't going to fly. Everyone was happy until the other conferences signed massive new contracts.
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It does not remotely in tv contracts. You are so beyond wrong I don’t even know where to start. Sorry juat a fact. Don’t confuse the percentage of these deals that comes from the basketball portion of the deal with the massive ncaa tournament rights deal. Two different things.
Relax my guy. I already conceded. Overreach on part of my statement. TV contracts are king. Brand is more complex to monetize. How about this… Duke has the better football program. Better?