MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Referring to time slots on major networks versus Ballysports and ACCN
I kept trying to post this article but the link wasn't showing up so i just uploaded this screenshot. This article is from Doric Sam at BR. Something tells me this all but guarantees more moves sooner than laterView attachment 251194

Maybe "SEC and Big 10" don't have much desire, but Fox/CBS/NBC do...
Maybe "SEC and Big 10" don't have much desire, but Fox/CBS/NBC do...
I think folks simply don’t recognize the difference in what all of these folks have to say publicly vs what they say behind close doors. People need to stop believing articles like this, which are a facade to what is really going to happen. The teams that want to remain big time programs who want out and tv programming forces the action.

Just waiting for when 8 programs come together to make the vote to dismantle the conference. You would think some folks haven’t just seen the PAC explode.
There are two "good" reasons for F$U to sit on their hands for 48 hours or more...

1. They really want to go to the SEC, and the SEC won't taken them until 2025. so it gives F$U more time to leverage the Big 10 interest to get an SEC offer.
2. Greater likelihood of getting 8 schools to vote to dissolve the conference.

But if nothing happens for the next 48 hours, remember what I said about #1. That will be a pretty good indication of what F$U "really wants".
View attachment 251167

You do know Oppenheimer is the "Father of Fission"*?

Teller is the "Father of Fusion"*?

*Bombs anyways
Physics for some reason has been at a **** standstill since the HBomb.
How many **** particle racetracks have been built and we can’t figure anything out.
Seems weird AF to me.
We can’t figure out dark matter, gravity, or whatever.

Unified theory isn’t anywhere close to being figured out.

To put it into perspective, there were people that were little kids at the time of the civil war that were still alive to see the first bomb.

Those people grew up on hoarse and carriage and got to see the progression to jet engines and rockets.

And that’s been pretty much it since then. Besides telecommunications and memory storage/processors speed, we’re still lighting up explosives to create thrust similar to the first **** Chinese bottle rocket.
I don't think B1G or SEC wants any part of the ACC. Too much legal baggage. Plus it doesn't add enough value. I think the ACC will emerge as a strong conference grateful that it didn't fall for this desperate scramble.
You're right...

There are 4 or 5 valuable assets left in the entire country and the 2 conferences and their media partners, who are kind of competing for "biggest and best", won't want anything to do with trying to acquire those remaining value adding assets. Especially knowing they'll be negotiating new media contracts again in the next 5 years or so.

That's how multi billion $$$ organizations typically work.