MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

We won't, on our own. But others could be impacting our timeframe.

Every man (or woman) for himself (or herself).

Didn't work out so great on the Titanic.
I figured the Oregon wash thing would hurt us. FSU and Clemson appear to be more valuable (not a shock given their alumni base (total living alumni) and higher tv ratings)
I figured the Oregon wash thing would hurt us. FSU and Clemson appear to be more valuable (not a shock given their alumni base (total living alumni) and higher tv ratings)

Yeah, at first it didn't seem to be as big of a problem ("hey, the Big 10 got 2 programs on the cheap"), but then I think it changed the calculus of whether the Big 10 might offer any ACC teams half-shares and/or refuse to help fund buyouts, etc.

I think that the Big 10 will come to the southeast, it just might be delayed now. They know they ****ed up by not taking Texas in past years.
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Yeah, at first it didn't seem to be as big of a problem ("hey, the Big 10 got 2 programs on the cheap"), but then I think it changed the calculus of whether the Big 10 might offer any ACC teams half-shares and/or refuse to help fund buyouts, etc.

I think that the Big 10 will come to the southeast, it just might be delayed now. They know they ****ed up by not taking Texas in past years.
idk if miami will sit there and buy out of the ACC if b10 isnt funding any of it.
Everyone talking about TV views, but no one is talking about this. Dated July 3. Happened in Richmond, too. The TGIF I watch games at on DirecTV doesn't have ABC anymore.

idk if miami will sit there and buy out of the ACC if b10 isnt funding any of it.
There had been rumors a couple weeks back .. before the untimely demise of the Pac 12 ... that Fox was even considering an assist ($$$) in some manner. The Pac 12 implosion and the discount grab of OR/WA by the B10 has changed the situation considerably. The B10 was ready to take 4 ACC teams before and that might now be down to 2 for the time being. Quien sabe?
Not a fan of B1G move but it is the only move. Anyone left out will forever play behind the 8ball. Not a fan of rushing to make major moves but got to know when it’s “go time” that moment is passing every week. Hope our officials make the only move soon. Really no other options except haggling on price (hundred millions)
I haven’t had NBC here in OH. Better get fixed before College and NFL starts.
It won't. Perry Sook and the rest of the Nexstar suits are idiots and think the way around cord cutting is to keep increasing their retransmission fees. Good on DirecTV for refusing to pay.
I haven’t had NBC here in OH. Better get fixed before College and NFL starts.
Worst case scenario, they still make digital antennas. All those Nexstar channels are technically free and a cheap antenna will get you all of them and a ton more.